1389: Word Stacks Level 1375 Answers


The old lady watched Song Feifei go far, got out of her sight, and then retracted her eyes, looked at Song Changwen, and commanded her: "Changwen, go arrange it and let Chang Lin come back immediately. There are so many things for the company , Really do n’t worry about the caregivers taking care, then you will take care of it yourself. ”

The old man's intentions and thoughts were well understood by the people present.

Song Changwen nodded, "I see."

As they walked, they said they were at the table.

The long table, the old lady sits at the top position, and Song Changwen sits down and gives her soup. This is her old man's habit. Drink a bowl of soup first.

When the soup arrived, the old man took a spoon and drank to Song Changwen: "The Qian family said it again a few days ago. I still think that Qian Hui's girl is good, and she is pretty good with Chang Lin."

Although Song Changwen also wanted Song Changlin to settle down, she really didn't like Qianhui. She didn't want to catch the ducks on the shelf just because she stopped one thing.

What's more, Song Changlin won't be at the mercy of them. Now she has promised the old lady. It will be Song Changlin who offends the old lady, so she simply helped Song Changlin to push the matter. It depends on Chang Lin's own meaning. Now it is not the old society. Parents arrange marriage. "

The old lady frowned: "Then he is about the same age and the company handed it over to him. He must find a woman to be his left and right arm and support him behind him."

Song Changwen can understand her old man's eagerness to let Song Changlin find the object to stabilize, but she can't be the master of Song Changlin, she can only push herself out, "I can still do it now."

She wanted to avoid the slightest.

But the old lady did not agree with her, and sneered, "You don't want to be confused and understand."

Her eyebrows were crossed, and her momentum remained the same.

Song Changwen nodded. "Mom, I see. Let's eat first."

The old lady went on: If Allison's girl is fine, let her return to the maritime market before her birthday. The medical treatment here is not worse than that of the capital. "

Song Changwen: "I see."


Lin Yiqian and Gu Nianshen finished their meal at the Song family with the old lady, and the old lady took a piece and ate some fruit. They left the Song family at more than nine o'clock.

Out of the gate of the Song family's yard, there is a road with few vehicles. The road is not wide. Two cars are normally driven. A poplar tree is next to the road. The wind is a little stronger at night and the leaves are blasted.

Lin Yiqian has been busy dubbing the new drama these days. She is very busy and tired. She leaned on the window to prepare for a while, Gu Nianshen's voice suddenly sounded, "You know Song Changlin is in the capital?"

Resolute tone.

Lin Yiqian did not deny, "I know."

A touch of tone is actually very empty.

She thought about telling him about it at about the same time, but he never knew it.

It should be said that Song Feifei did not expect to know.

But how did Song Feifei know that Chang Lin was at Jiajia?

Gu Nianshen turned his head and frowned, glanced at Lin Linyi, and looked at the front again, "What you reminded me before, did you forget it first?"

After asking, he turned his head and raised his eyebrows at Lin Yi.

Lin Yichan said, "I just didn't forget, so I didn't tell you."

Gu Nianshen only heard that Lin Yiqian might have a plan with Song Changlin, but did not understand what she intended to do, "what do you mean?"

(I have a headache and I'm asleep. I will get up early this morning and write it out ~)

(End of this chapter)

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