Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1429: Do you like men? 1

Chapter 1429 Do You Like Men? 1

Doesn't this guy like men?

Lin Yiqian guessed wildly, and Bai rolled her eyes, "Thank you, boss."

Immediately afterwards, "What time shall I pick you up tomorrow?"

In fact, Lin Yiqian is not the first time to talk to him about this issue, not the first time to tease him with this topic, but it seems to be the case every time.

He seems not interested in the subject.

Is it really gay?

Lin Yiqian hooked up her curiosity. She saw that Xiaoyu was eating hard, but she couldn't notice her chatting with white. She stretched her neck and moved closer to white, and whispered: "Do you like men? "

The white hand holding the spoon, with a gesture of motion, raised his eyelids, and looked at Lin Yiqian speechlessly.

Lin Yiqian crossed over for a moment. Why did he say that, "What do you mean?"

Where is she near Mexico?

White said, "You're more and more like your little aunt."

Gu Nianjia had asked him the same question before, and he had a firm tone.

Lin Yiqian heard that she was on a par with Gu Nianjia, and was unhappy, "How is that possible?"

Can I suggest that Baozi's IQ be comparable to her?

"Why do you think I like men?"

Bai looked up again and looked at Lin Yi with interest.

Lin Yi didn't even think about it, and asked, "Why else don't you like me?"


Bai just ate the little dessert of the little fish into his mouth, and when he heard Lin Yiqian's doubt, he snorted and sprayed it all out.

Fortunately, he covered it with his hands in time, or sprayed Lin Yiyan's face.

The little fish was shocked. The little guy took the paper towel very carefully and raised his hand to wipe the white mouth.

White smiled and thanked the little guy, and then asked Lin Yiqian with a smile: "You don't always have this problem, right?"

Lin Yi Qian looked at him and said nothing.

Be regarded as the default.

She didn't believe that if he was a normal man, on her condition, he had been with her for so many years and had no idea about her.

Do not believe!

White smiled with shivering shoulders. It took a while to pretend to be serious, and said to Lin Yi a deep tone: "I have always wanted to fight against you, but you must give me a chance."

Very helpless tone.

After a pause, he continued: "You obviously don't like me. If I force you to strike you, I will not only have no one but I will go to your big money tree."

After speaking, he looked at Lin Yiqian, and the smile in his eyes was almost hidden.

Lin Yiqian certainly knew she was lying to her, "Just make it up."

Glancing at him, she continued to drink tea.

"Marrying a chicken with a chicken and a dog with a dog are really like this." Bai looked at Lin Yi shallow with interest.

Lin Yi frowned: "Why is this so unpleasant to me?"

So did she become a dog or a chicken?

Bai said: "You are more and more like your husband's family, gossip like your little aunt, go wild, self-pity and self-confidence like your husband."

Lin Yi shallow: "..."

Is that right?

She blinked and suddenly felt like it was.

She seems to be a little self-reliant since she got along with Gu Nianjia's counselling bun.

"What time shall I pick you up tomorrow?"

The white voice sounded again, and he talked about work again.

It's getting late, and Lin Yiqian no longer laughs at her. She said, "It's not used to pick me up. I'll go ahead. You can bring me a makeup artist at the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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