Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1454: Sudden embrace 1

Chapter 1454 Sudden embrace (1)

Dad ... Lin Tianwan and her mother treat her like a child. They are busy with work, they give her to her, let her look at her, do not play games for her, and urge her to read writing assignments.

But as soon as their front feet left, they played games together.

At that time, they had no generation gap, and never thought about the difference in seniority.

Until now she didn't know when it was artificial.

Shao Mei's face changed for a second, and then her lips sneered. "They all say that Miss Cat Demon is very famous. It really looks like a rumor."

Lin Yiqian didn't answer any more. He looked down at the business card in his hand, then stepped forward and walked away from Shao Mei's side. A few steps forward was the trash can.

As she passed the trash can, she threw the business card in her hand into the trash can.

In this scene, Shao Mei and Xu Feiyang both saw it.

Of course, Lin Tianwan and Jiang Yuexiang also looked at them, and they naturally looked good, and Shao Mei satirized them in front of so many people just now.

Embarrass them.

Xu Feiyang was also impressed by Lin Yiqian's behavior. He whispered to Shao Mei: "I heard that this cat demon is Madame Gu Nianshen's girlfriend."

This means that the cat demon is helping Lin Yi shallow to cheer Gu Nianjia.

After all, they had offended Gu Nianjia just now, and the news must have spread.

He saw it on his phone just now.

Shao Mei was naturally unwilling to be humiliated by Lin Yiqian. She snorted and dismissed: "I am not a person in the entertainment industry. I am a self-assured person. I have seen your mother more."

After talking, she drew a corner of her mouth, and a cold, cunning light flashed in her eyes.

"Walk and see."


"This Shao Mei is a big hit in the domestic entertainment industry. Many big-name stars have a good relationship with her. I think she must have never eaten such a shabby, and never been so humiliated."

A little further away, white whispered Gu Nianjia diss Shao Mei.

Lin Yi's disdainful hooked lips, "So what?"

She lazily said, "Who asked her son to find Song Feifei's woman, and who asked her to help Song Feifei bully our buns."

When she said the word "my bun", she didn't mention how spoiled she was.

White side glanced at her and shook her head. "I love you and Wu Wu to your post, really enough."

The two chatted, and suddenly a familiar woman voice called Lin Yichan, "Miss the cat demon."

Lin Yiqian and White stopped and looked back to see Lin Tianwan and Jiang Yuexiang trotting towards her.


The smile in Lin Yiqian's eyes disappeared instantly, and the whole body's breath became cold.

When Lin Tianwan and Jiang Yuexiang approached, she asked coldly, "Is there anything wrong with the two?"

They trot all the way, Jiang Yuexiang was a little panted. She asked, "Did you and us know each other in Country M?"

Lin Yichan didn't know why they suddenly came over to ask this.

Looked at them puzzled.

Jiang Yuexiang then realized that she was taking the liberty, and quickly introduced Lin Yiqian's identity, "This is Xiaoyi's father, I'm Xiaoyi ... Xiaoyi."

She gasped when she introduced herself.

There was also a hint of embarrassment on his face.

Lin Yi asked, "So what?"

The sound was a bit cold again.

However, such a big cat monster is normal to Jiang Yuexiang and Lin Tianwan.

Jiang Yuexiang was afraid she would misunderstand that they were chasing stars, and explained with a smile: "I have no other meaning, nor is it chasing stars. I just want to ask you, we carelessly about the living environment abroad in recent years. I heard that you have helped her a lot. "

(Four chapters are finished today. There will be fifty chapters in the early morning. I am dizzy when I save the draft. I love you ~)

(End of this chapter)

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