Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1474: Does her husband want to lose face? 1

Chapter 1474 Does Her Husband Want Face? 1

So anxious, Li Nanmu asked nervously, "What happened?"

He was a driver. He did n’t have as much thought as Assistant Qi Wuyue, and he said directly in front of everyone. "The monitoring systems of all parks across the country have been hacked. The monitoring archives of the previous week were lost. On Monday It's for parents. "

"Technology is working now, but I'm afraid it won't work, so sir asks if you can take Master Qi to have a look."

Li Nanmu stared. "How can this be?"

He looked at Qi Wuyue.

Qi Wuyue had just received his back-office system and was hacked, and immediately followed Li Nanmu's house.

He was wondering if someone they knew had deliberately harmed both of them.

Qin Feng's phone rang again. Qin Feng took out his phone and glanced at the caller ID. It was from home.

He went to answer.

I don't know what the person over the phone said to him, just listened to him in response, "Isn't he doing a lot of anti-theft measures? How could he be stolen?"

"Stabilize him first, I'll find a way to help him see it."

It seems that something went wrong at home.

After Qin Feng made the phone call and turned around, Qi Wuyue, Li Nanmu, Gu Nianshen, and others all looked at him with the expression, "What are you going to say?"

He said, "All my dad's game accounts have been stolen and all the equipment has been sold. Now I want to jump off the building."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone knows that the Qin woman is the head of the family, and Qin Feng's father is very casual. His wife and husband sing along with him all his life. The only hobby is playing games.

Those game accounts, just like his son, were stolen and destroyed, which is equivalent to sending white hair to black people. It is normal to want to jump off the building.

Li Nanmu only now understands a bit, "How many of these hackers know us?"

Qin Feng nodded. "It seems."

He suddenly remembered Gu Nianshen and looked at him doubtfully, "Why is your family not hacked?"

This question was thrown as if Gu Nian had instructed people to do it.

Gu Nian wasn't guilty at all, frowned and sneered, "Can your technology compare with my Mage technical team?"

As soon as the words fell, Qi Shaodong ran to him panting, holding a cell phone in his hand, and at a glance, he just received a call and received some new news.

"President, the company just called and said yes ..."

Gu Nianshen immediately thought whether something was wrong with their company.

He just made a big announcement just now, saying that they had great technical skills. It was less than a minute before and it was too humiliating.

He quickly stopped Qi Shaodong's words, "I know, I will sign that document tomorrow morning."

Lin Yichan saw at a glance what he was thinking, and looked at his annoyed look, almost did not laugh.

Heart: My husband is really cute.

Qi Shaodong shook his head, ‘“ No, it ’s… ”

Gu Nian deep frowned and rebuked, "Gu Nianjia's birthday, no one should tell me about work."

Everyone was like Lao Tzu who had seen your heart stare at him.

He also installed a serious book.

Lin Yi shallow covered her mouth, what to do, she was going to laugh to death.

Hahaha ...

Qi Shaodong really doesn't know what to look at. Does her husband want to lose face?

But Qi Shaodong did not understand why Gu Nianshen was so.

Forget it, he is the boss, and he came across something to report. He wouldn't let it go. Do n’t blame him then.

"Okay, I know."

(End of this chapter)

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