Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1491: Just a peace of mind 2

1491: Word Stacks Level 1491 Answers

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, exuding a bitter chill, Lin Yichan looked at him in fear.

This is the domineering Song Changlin she has never seen.

Even more than Gu Nianshen.

To be precise, there are two styles. Gu Nianshen is still proud of herself.

But Song Changlin wasn't. The feeling he just gave her was really like a king standing high and looking down at everything.

Lin Yi Qian was stunned, Song Changlin's voice sounded again, "Don't worry about me."

These five words gave Lin Yi shallow a sense of security.

She has never liked reluctance, nor does she like reluctant Song Changlin. Since he used this sentence to comfort her, it proves that he still wants to hide the secret.

So she stopped asking.

She lowered her head, brought the tea cup to her mouth, took a small sip, and then shifted the topic. "Jiajia heard that you are going to be with Chen Luli, and you run out."

Song Changlin was very calm. He said, "She will think about it."

Lin Yiqian also believed that Gu Nianjia just couldn't accept it now. No matter who Song Changlin was with, she had to go through the mood now.

Because he is too dependent on Song Changlin.

Song Changlin is her hope from a young age. Every time when she is disappointed and desperate, he looks like a little dawn in the dark, and illuminates her again.

In fact, she had already expected it when she came, and she would n’t ask anything when she came, but she did n’t come here, and she did n’t see him.

Now no matter why he wants to be with Chen Luli, he always has his own thoughts. She has no position, is not qualified to interfere, and does not want to interfere.

After drinking a cup of tea, Lin Yichan put down the tea cup and was ready to leave. "Then you go back early, don't make it too late."

Said she stood up.

Song Changlin also followed, "Are you alone?"

Lin Yi shallowly nodded, "Yeah."

Song Changlin said, "I'll send you."

Very decisive three words, a decision that cannot be discussed.

Lin Yichan raised his head stupidly, the man had turned around, only to see his side flashed, domineering and leaking.

She was still trembling, Song Changlin shut down the computer and took her coat to her.

"Let's go."

With a faint sound, he walked forward.

Lin Yiqian looked at Song Changlin's back. He was tall and thin, but he no longer gave the desire to protect, but he was distressed.

Distressed what he experienced, how much.

Two people left the president's office one after the other and went to the elevator entrance, just one elevator came up.

I thought it was an employee who came here to report what was happening. The door opened and two familiar faces came into view.

Chen Luli.

She faxed a big red trench coat with a black undershirt and tight leggings inside.

Hold a gray Hermes bag in one hand and a white plastic bag in the other, a packed lunch box.

You do n’t need to know, she knew that Song Changlin was posing here, and she came to see her.

Lin Yiqian was a little surprised at the moment when she saw Chen Luli. She was so coincidental that she came across and did not say hello to Chen Luli.

She knew that Chen Luli did not bully Gu Nianjia as a child, and she was never accustomed to those who wanted to be proud of her. She pursed her lips and didn't say a smile.

On such a big night, Chen Luli saw Lin Yichan and Song Changlin together. As a girlfriend, she must be uncomfortable. She called Lin Yi shallow in an unfriendly tone, "Lin Yi shallow."

(End of this chapter)

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