Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 807: Want to make a villain with him 1

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She can go abroad and stay away from deep thoughts for a while, but she can't let Lin Yichan be so relaxed with deep thoughts.

Even if she is dead, Lin Yiqian cannot be cheap.

Without her, there would not be any obstacles before she and Nianshen, and Nianshen would be alone with her.

"Xia Xia ..."

Song Changwen glared and looked at Xi Xia in surprise.

There was also a hint of doubt in surprise.

Xi Xia said with a smile on her lips. "Now it's nothing to me. I'm sorry I didn't become the mother of Xiaoyu."

She spoke sharply. "But auntie, it's not that I provoked Li Lin to say that Lin Yi shallow is not good. She is so clear and so proud that she won't tolerate small fish."

This is what Song Changwen has been worried about.

Although the Lin family was down, Lin Yichan was proud of her since she was a child, and she was proud of her bones. Now, facing her mother-in-law, she has never really bowed her head.

I had a bite to her before, but it was just becoming more inflamed.

How could her character be willing to be a stepmother.

Xi Xia watched Song Changwen, and then said, "As far as I describe it through Xiaoyu's mouth, his mother and mother are in good condition. I'm afraid it's not easy for you to want a small fish."

Regarding Xiaoyu's biological mother, although Song Changwen wasn't sure which star he was, he already had several suspects. Those people were in good condition as Xi Xia said.

In addition, Xiaoyu is also a nationality of country M. It is really not that easy for them to fight for custody.

But that couldn't stop her's determination to return to Xiaoyu. "Little fish is a deep child, and I will never allow him to be exposed outside. No one can stop me."

Xi Xia heard the words, a faint smile flashed under his eyes.

She just wanted Song Changwen's attitude like that, she wanted her to conflict with Lin Yi because of a child,

She frowned and asked, pretending to be worried: "In case the little fish's mother wants to open the conditions for the little fish to enter the Gu's house, she must also enter the Gu's house?"

Song Changwen shook his head without hesitation, "That's impossible."

She knows how much Gu Nianshen likes Lin Yiqian. If she is in a hurry, Gu Nianshen will definitely choose Lin Yichao instead of children.

And if she wants little fish, Gu Nianshen's attitude is very important.

Xi Xia winked, and she asked, "Auntie, do you agree with Lin Yi shallow?"

Her tone carried a hint of imperceptible hatred.

But Song Changwen still felt her emotions. She raised one hand and patted it on Xi Xia's shoulder. Don't mean it: "Xia Xia, letting go is not as difficult as you think."

What she said seemed to come from her heart.

Xi Xia froze a moment, then pursed his lips, and smiled a little cold, "I see."

Nodding her head, she turned and went out.

Gently helped Song Changwen close the door, then she went downstairs.

Now even Aunt Wen accepts Lin Yiqian, she absolutely does not allow this kind of love to happen, she will not argue, and she will find someone to fight with her.

The fourth child sat on the sofa, and she walked over, "Uncle Si."

Seeing Xi Xia coming, the fourth child put away the newspaper in her hand and looked at Xi Xia with a smile, "Xia Xia and you aunt Wen?


Xi Xia nodded and sat down beside the fourth.

She looked back at the second floor first, and then whispered to the fourth, "How is the arrangement?"

The old nodded his head and lowered his voice, "On the 15th of next month, the cat demon has an event in city A, and I've got the ticket."

(End of this chapter)

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