Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 942: Relive old dreams, three days and three nights 3

Chapter 942 Revisiting the old dream, three days and three nights 3

Gu Nianshen asked: "Is my husband great?"

Lin Yiqian suddenly had a mischievous heart, "You can't do the number one player."

After talking about her lip curling, her beauty also followed her lip curling, and the lips of rose red lipstick were charming.

Gu Nian's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and Lin Yichan continued to tease him, "The two don't know what's going on now, they must be better than you now."

The same picture flashed in their minds at this time, as they did when they first met.

The chubby girl didn't feel shy when she saw a few boys urinate together. At that time he was thinking that this deadly fat girl was shameless.

Especially annoyed, he was even seen by a girl, not to mention that she would often encounter her in school in the future.

And she saw him, not at all uncomfortable because she saw him at first, every time it was him who was totally shy and blushed.

He really wanted that tape measure to measure how thick her cheek was.

Later, when she had her, he would avoid it deliberately, and would deliberately pass through the door of their classroom every day. Occasionally, she would find that her seat was empty and she didn't come to class all day.

He would run to her house secretly to see why she didn't come to class.

Every time it is either a cold or a cough, I find various reasons not to go to class.

At that time, she was still stupid and had poor grades. At that time, he was too disappointed, but every time he came out, he would have an indescribable emotion when he saw her at the bottom.

How could there be such a stupid person in this world?

Then one day, she even followed Song Changlin to her grandmother's house. In Song Changlin's room, Song Changlin carefully taught her homework.

Since then, he found that she loves studying, and often goes to the Song family to do homework with Song Changlin, so that Song Changlin can help her with her homework.

Her grades gradually improved, and doing daily homework with Song Changlin would also give Song Changlin some snacks.

It really was childish to die.

But he didn't know when he even wanted to eat those humble snacks and junk food.

When he went to the supermarket, he would always take some of the same money, but came back for a few bites, and always felt that it was not the feeling in his heart.

At that time, Lin Yichan had already entered his heart.

Quietly, she unknowingly fell in love with a girl named Lin Yiqian, the first girl who looked down on him and said he couldn't.

Since then, she has been where his gaze is.


It's been two days and two nights since I haven't seen my parents, Lin Xiaoyu is very unhappy.

After a long day of reading, why did n’t Daddy Mommy return.

Song Changwen is still the same. He will come to dinner with him every night. He came here tonight just after work.

Seeing the little guy sitting alone on the sofa and watching TV, she smiled and stepped forward and asked, "Little fish, how are you alone? Daddy and Mummy?"

She mentioned the sadness of Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu pouted and asked Song Changwen: "Did they not want me anymore, why not come back?"

After asking him, he looked up and looked at Song Changwen sadly.

Song Changwen frowned, and asked himself in surprise: Not yet back?

Her mouth comforted the little fish in time, "How come, they are outside, isn't grandma here with you every day?"

At this time, Aunt Zhou came out of the kitchen with a small fruit plate in her hand.

Go to the fish and pass the fruit plate to the fish.


(End of this chapter)

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