Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 959: Little sister-in-law violent brother-in-law 2

Chapter 959 Little sister-in-law came to violent brother-in-law 2

Lin Yiqian: "Just didn't save you in the game, so angry?"

Gu Nianjia: "Okay, okay, I already know that I'm wrong, and I laughed with Zhang Jingyu and envy."

She returned to Lin Yiqian to play with the news, and immediately sent Zhang Jingyu a 'poor' expression.

This expression she often made to Zhang Jingyu.

Lin Yiqian sent another message: "Don't you say you want to talk about your boyfriend last time? The two seniors said they took me to watch. How is it now?"

Gu Nianjia: "Hey, it seems that both of them have girlfriends, which is really bad luck."

I knew I would buy another building on another floor.

Lin Yi frowned, "Is there no one else?"

"How can it be so easy to find." Gu Nianjia mumbled to the table, and said frustrated, "To find a handsome person, study better, not so easy to find."

Xue Bachang's good-looking people are in love with Xue Ba girls.

The remaining Xue Ba is either a nerd soaking in his studies every day, or he is not good enough.

Although the two are together, the appearance is not the most important, but there is no way, she just likes to look good.

Xue Ba is also handsome ... Isn't that what Baozi suggested is Professor Zhang's prototype?

Lin Yichan thought, and Gu Nianjia was pointed out by the tentative tone, "I think Professor Zhang is good, why don't you consider it?"

Hearing the words, Gu Nianjia looked up, and a terrified expression returned to Lin Yi shallow, "Are you kidding me?"

Considering that beast, she would rather be lonely all her life.

Not long ago, she sympathized with the future beast of the beast. Her head was filled with water, and she would think about him if she had a brain pump.

Lin Yiqian nodded. "So good teacher, I guess many people like it, but it's not your turn."

Gu Nianjia: "?????"

What do you mean? Does she deserve such a good teacher?

Gu Nianjia took two seconds to react to Lin Yichan's words. She was dissatisfied and unconvinced. She raised her chin proudly. It is estimated that I have been doing test papers all my life, and I have to bring a bunch of test papers to my funeral. "

Thinking about it that way, she really admires those who always try to get close to Zhang Beast.

Three days and two heads for food, hand-knitted scarves, and various things that suggest confession.

They're afraid they don't know the true colors of the beasts. They haven't met severe teachers in their studies, haven't they been oppressed by studies?

It's too easy to live.

Lin Yiqian listened to Gu Nianjia's words and was speechless.

Professor Zhang gave her so much test papers, which made her so afraid.

If he really likes steaming buns, I guess there is still a long way to go. Steaming steamed buns, at this point in time, doesn't show any signs of him.

Seems to only treat him as a teacher.

If you want to make progress, you still have to see how Professor Zhang does it. Although emotions need to help fuel the situation, their situation is not suitable.

It is already an exception for her to test a few words on steamed buns today.

Counselling buns is too naive and too ignorant of feelings.

What Lin Yichan cares about now is not when Gu Nianjia finds the target, nor is she interested in Professor Zhang.

It was her over-reliance and maintenance on Song Changlin.

In fact, this suspicion may be too complicated, but she just has this worry.

She asked tentatively again: "Then your ideal type, in addition to looking handsome and learning well, are there any conditions?"

Gu Nianjia said without hesitation: "There is also gentleness and thoughtfulness. Be sure to spoil me, like my sister-in-law treats me."

(End of this chapter)

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