Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 964: Turtle soup drank too much and bleed more than 1

Chapter 964 Drinking too much turtle soup, bleeding more than 1

They helped Gu Nianshen get in the car. The housekeeper Wu wanted to get in the car and got off by Jiang Mo La. He jumped into the driver's seat by himself and Gu Nianshen sat in the back seat.

Along the way, Jiang Mo ’s child was responsible for driving. He said nothing in front. He heard that Lin Yiqian was concerned about Gu Nianshen from time to time, and he was very upset and angry.

The key consideration is still nestling in Lin Yiqian's arms.

"Sister-in-law, I may have been maimed by your brother."

"Will I die?"

"So dizzy."

Gu Nianshen shouted to Lin Yi, all kinds of discomfort.

Lin Yi shallow: "..."

This actress, if it wasn't for him to be a sick man, she really wanted to kick him off the car.

If the show lacks the role of white lotus, pull him over and star in the true character.

Because Gu Nianshen and Lu Chenshu, the Haishi Hospital was the closest one. They went to the Haishi Hospital.

Fortunately, the hospital was close and arrived in a short while, otherwise Jiang Mo could not control and something would happen.

Lu Chen was not good at getting a nosebleed, but Lu Chen arranged a doctor for Gu Nianshen early.

Chief physician, let Gu Nianshen take a film, get the film, the doctor looked at it, then shook his head.

He shook his head, shaking everyone's hearts.

Is there no way to save it?

Lin Yi opened her mouth shallowly, and nervous Sang Zai was a little dumb, "Doctor ..."

The doctor put down the film and said deeply: "Bone and the soft tissues inside are not injured. It is recommended to see the internal medicine to see if it is angry."

Everyone: "..."

Can you just say that the movie is over?


Internal medicine Lu Chen still knows a little, he directly asked Gu Nianshen: "Which food does President Gu have preferred in his diet?"

"Nianshen's recent meals were arranged by me personally. They are some nianshen ... the dishes I usually eat, and then a turtle stew every day."


After listening to Aunt Zhou's words, Lu Chen smiled and sprayed without any image.

He covered his mouth and laughed out of breath, hearty and exaggerated laughter, heartless.

Lin Yi Qiang stunned for a long time, still could not hold back, ‘噗嗤’ laughed.

Gu Nian gritted her teeth and blushed to her neck. "You can't get out of here yet."

Fucked turtle soup.

Everyone in the house is an adult. The effectiveness of turtles, everyone knows, the atmosphere is suddenly embarrassing.

Aunt Zhou and Wu steward felt embarrassed and went out first.

Lu Chen laughed with tears in his eyes, and finally relieved his breath. He stretched his hands and rested on Gu Nianshen's shoulder, and said, "It seems that the blood and fire of President Gu can only be solved by Mrs Gu."

After speaking, he also looked at Lin Yi meaningfully.

Lin Yi shallow: "..."

Fortunately, Gu Nianshen sleeps for three days and three nights with a cat monster, and the effects of turtle soup are exerted on the cat monster.

She can be an outsider, otherwise she must be embarrassed now.


Gu Nianshen got up and took Lin Yichan's hand, and went angrily to the door.

Behind him, Lu Chen sent him in a hurry, and greeted him with a smile as he walked, "Gu Zong must pay attention to the fire. If the fire is anxious, it is not a nosebleed."

Gu Nian gritted his teeth, much like giving him a kick back.

Aunt Zhou and Housekeeper Wu waited for Gu Nianshen and Lin Yichan outside the door and saw them coming out. Aunt Zhou hurried to greet him.

(End of this chapter)

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