Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 993: When the fish is born 1

Chapter 993: Time For A Little Fish 1

So ... shouldn't he have known her cat demon's identity so early?

Gu Nian frowned after listening to Lin Yichan's words.

Is it really a coincidence?

But his heart was still hard to be convinced by the word 'coincidence', because he found that he was not getting to know Song Changlin more and more.

It can be said that he never really knew everything about him.

He never bothered to know, but now he wants to know, especially after chatting with Song Changwen last night.

He felt that Song Changlin must have hidden a lot of secrets.

Gu Nian held a deep thought for a while, and then asked Lin Yichan: "He has never told you where he has been in the past five years?"

Lin Yi thought for a while and thought, "Listen to him once, it seems to be some relative in State Y."

What relative does Y have ...

Gu Nianshen thought that when Song Changwen heard that Song Changlin was in Country Y in the past few years, he had a great response.

Therefore, if he is correct, is Song Changlin's background related to country Y? He has always wanted to escape from Song's family.

The news that he could not find in country Y, and the trace that he could not find, must have such a capable background to help him.

The last time at the Sukar Music Festival, Song Changlin appeared, sitting in the position of Area C, sitting beside Lin Yiqian, he went to let the moon check.

The partners that Song Changlin met on business trips did not go to the Sukka Music Festival at all.

At that time, he just guessed that Song Changlin was really interested in the cat demon, and found another relationship and sat in that position.

It may not seem speculation now, it is the fact.

He ... may have known the identity of Lin Yiqian's cat demon.

They went abroad together, although they were not together, but he went out with Lin Yiqian, and it was impossible to leave Lin Yiqian in an unfamiliar place.

Ke Lin Yi Qian said that during the five years, Song Changlin only went to see her a few times.

This is impossible.

Song Changlin aside from the Song family, what kind of background is there?

Who is helping him behind? Who is helping Lin Yi shallow behind ...

Gu Nian Shen inexplicably linked these two doubts before he knew them later.

In recent years, she has been climbing up and down the international music scene without any obstacles. Who is helping him behind?

How did the legendary universal assistant white meet her?

Suddenly a lot of doubts popped into my heart.

He looked at Lin Yiqian and asked, "How did you and Bai meet?"

Lin Yiqian answered truthfully, "I met on my debut draft show, we are in a group."

Gu Nianshen then asked, "How did he become your assistant?"

Why does such a capable person go back to the draft show?

Lin Yiqian thought back at the time, and thought deeply, "He was eliminated from the group stage. It may be that he went to the show with a situation similar to mine, so we became friends. He originally studied as an agent and accepted After professional training, being a singer is just his dream all along. After being eliminated, he admits that he really is not suitable for becoming a singer. It happened that I won the championship and suddenly became popular. I was unfamiliar with country M and knew nothing about the entertainment industry. I also want to conceal the pregnancy. At that time, Bai came to propose cooperation. He was my only option. "

Wen Yan said Gu Nianshen's focus was on pregnancy.

Only then did he realize how much he missed, missed her plump wings, reached the peak, missed her pregnancy in October, and gave birth to a small fish.


(End of this chapter)

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