Gossip King

Chapter 1001: Timidly

The fat man swallowed his worries with difficulty, and looked at Lao Hang again with a trace of fear, and saw that Lao Hang's eyebrows were not as worried as he was, but very calm.

"Old hanging, do you have to kill all the founding fathers? That's right, how many of the founding fathers ended up in history?" The fat man lowered his voice, and reached out his hand to poke the calm old hanging.

"This is not ancient times." Lao Diao stretched his hand into his pocket and touched a pack of cigarettes. He remembered that when Gao Leng lit his cigarette for the first time, he was just a low-level driver. Gao Leng was a reporter. A reporter lighted him a cigarette once.

In the days since then, Gao Leng has lighted the cigarettes for Lao Diao many times. The old old ones always felt that the high-cold ones were not cigarettes, but respect. Now the old ones feel more and more that they are not cigarettes, but value.

From respect to respect, how many opportunities Gao Leng has given, and how much loyalty the old man has given.

"If you don't have the ability, of course you won't be able to occupy the post." The old man glanced at the worried fat man and said yes.

"Please." The fat man looked sad: "Who can compare to this rising star? The waves of the Yangtze River pushed the waves forward, and the capable sea is gone."

"Since others are capable, then give way."

The fat man glanced at Lao Diao. He didn't understand why Lao Diao was so open-minded. He couldn't be open-minded. He gritted his teeth: "Then, according to you, if everyone starts a business together, there is no human touch? Who does it? How about getting old? Sick? This is too chilling!"

Fatty's voice became louder involuntarily. Jian Xiaodan heard the rustling behind and turned his head and took a look. Fatty shut up quickly. When Jian Xiaodan turned around again, the fat man lowered his voice and approached Lao Diao’s ear again: "Just for example, Jian Xiaodan will get married in the future? You want to have children? Once you get married and have children, it is several months of maternity leave. How many people are worried about this position? If you say, if you have a rising star, then you will move, then does Jian Xiaosi have to move?"

Lao Hao's face also changed slightly.

"Anyway, I think it would be too chilling for the boss to be like this in the future." The fat man murmured, his words aggrieved.

How can you not be wronged? If a more powerful one in a few years is to be operated completely according to the market, then he will have to move to the fat man, his ability is not very strong, although now leading a wave of people does not need to be simple Xiao Shan is worried, but it is not that there are people who are stronger than him and more capable of this position.

Nowadays, Gao Leng uses him, mostly because he knows his roots and is loyal enough to use his own people. After all, this country is still in the process of fighting. But what about the future? After Jiangshan is safe, should he be removed?

Listening to Gao Leng's tone, I want to remove it.

Otherwise, Fengxing Magazine's today is Xingsheng Magazine's tomorrow: veterans are entrenched, and newcomers cannot make their heads.

"Have a meeting." When Gao Leng saw everyone going out, he stretched his head and turned to look at Jian Xiaodan, Fatty and Lao Diao: "Brothers, why stand behind me? Sit down."

When people sat down, Gao Leng thought for a while and ordered: "Old man, fat guy, you two should follow the original plan. The people on the MBA side will follow up and call for an interview if you have the right one."

He pointed to Jian Xiaodan: "Xiaodan, the person who dug from the MBA side, you personally check it, we will at least recruit seventeen or eight."

"So much." Jian Xiaoshan took the notes and took notes. Seventeen or eight professionals who are studying MBA in CEIBS, this is a big move.

"As long as he has the ability and good character, money is not a problem." Gao Leng added: "As long as he is talented, the more expensive he is, the more I like it."

"Boss, there is no place to put so many middle-level recruits. It's impossible for Fengxing Magazine to close down so soon. The thousand-year-old tree will have to wither for many years before it collapses." The fat man asked, just don't know why. He was a little afraid to look at Gao Leng.

I dare not look at the killing of Fengxing Magazine in his eyes.

Originally from the family boss, the more he killed his opponent, the better he felt, but now...

"I have my own plan, and you will know soon." Gao Leng smiled confidently and mysteriously: "Besides, there are some old guys in Xingsheng Magazine who are not doing anything and are not loyal. They have to be killed. People who are not in the bottom can't get up. You see, Fengxing Magazine has been raising veterans. In the first few years, it's okay. The company has to have veterans in the initial stage. But in the past few years, it is obviously not enough. The plate is so big, 14 The veteran actually occupies all the 14 most important positions, and Fengxing Magazine will only continue to do so."

"So..." The fat man lowered his head, his eyes moved, and he became more afraid to look at Gao Leng. He secretly held his hands together under the table and asked nervously and fearfully: "Shall we take a warning? "

"Of course." Gao Leng nodded affirmatively: "Fengxing Magazine's employment mode, we must take a warning."

The fat man's feet touched the old hanging on the side, and turned his face to look at each other, and saw that the eyes of the old hanging fell down. Although there was nothing on his face, he subconsciously reached into his pocket and took out his pocket. smoke.

He likes to smoke when he is nervous.

"Don't smoke during the meeting." Gao Leng saw that Lao Hang took out the cigarette and knocked on the table with his hand: "This glass door, employees can see, it's okay to have a meeting in my office."

"Sorry, sorry, I..." The old hanging hurriedly put the cigarette in his pocket again: "I forgot it."

Xingsheng Magazine is not allowed to smoke anywhere, and smoking is strictly prohibited in the conference room. This is expressly stipulated. To smoke, you must go to the smoking area. Usually Gao Cold reminds the old man many times. Normally, I don’t think so, but today he Remind, the old hanger suddenly trembled.

There is a feeling of companionship like a tiger.

Lao Diao frowned. He quietly looked at Gao Leng, only to see Gao Leng frowning and thinking about something. He suddenly understood the fat man’s worries. It’s not that they felt that one day if they had limited abilities, It's a big deal for the newcomer to move a seat, which is not a big deal for the old hanging, and he is very satisfied to be able to do this now.

The heaviness in his heart is that one day in the future, Gao Leng will ruthlessly cut off these old people for the company, because they are afraid that their brotherhood will deteriorate and disappear in the cruel market economy. .

The model of Fengxing Magazine really doesn't work. Newcomers can't make their heads. The development has slowed down in recent years, so we really have to take a warning.

The truth is this truth, all understand.

But people's heart, but always feel a little chill.

"What's wrong?" Gao Leng saw that the fat man and the old man lowered their heads and noticed something: "Something?"

Old Diao and Fatty looked at each other, Old Diao shook his head, and Fatty gritted his teeth.

"I have something to say." Gao Leng became serious, and he rarely saw Lao Hang's face heavy.

"No...nothing." The old hanging shook his head quickly.

"Something's going on." The fat man seemed to be willing. He didn't have the calmness of the old man, and he couldn't hide his thoughts without his share. People like him went straight to and fro. He couldn't sleep without telling Gao Leng today. The fat man straightened his neck and raised his head to look at Gao Leng.

Gao Leng's heart was shocked. The Fatty looked at him with timidity. Even though Fatty seemed to have the courage to look at him, the timidity in his eyes could not be hidden.

His brother looked at him, and he was timid.

But under the timidity, there is chill.

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