Gossip King

Chapter 1011: Blood in the wind

This hurriedly refueled, slammed the brakes to block him, and then hurriedly refueled and ran away, was it deliberate? The professional sensitivity of the blood throat made him careless. He added the gas and drove far behind the Land Rover, picked up the brown sunglasses and brought it up, reached out and put the pistol between his legs, where he picked it up most. .

I heard that this Gao Leng could go deep into the Caesars Group to shoot carrion. He must have extraordinary skills. His blood throat was staring at the front. After a brake on this car caused him to run into a nosebleed, he left with a thunder and thunder. Not treated with caution.

Was it discovered just after tracking? he thinks.

Ah ah ah ah ah, suddenly Jian Xiao Shan screamed in the Land Rover, which was fast moving forward again. She screamed that she would be scared to death again. She slammed the brake again and the car stopped to the side of the road.

"Oh, my wife is so scary. Why is this car going faster and slower!" The female driver, Jian Xiaodan, faded and wiped the fine sweat on her forehead, apparently forgetting that she had stepped on the accelerator and brakes. .

"No, I can't open this thing." Jian Xiaoshan was so scared, his first thought was to call Gao Leng, so he took out his cell phone and called out: "Old and old, old and old, boss."

"What's the matter? Xiaodan, don't panic." Gao Leng rarely heard Jian Xiaodan so flustered, and immediately sat up straight and stopped all work at hand, waved to Yang Guanguan who was reporting to him to signal her to go out. .

Yang Guanguan walked out quickly, looking enviously at Gao Leng who was on the phone. His trust and respect for Jian Xiaodan were far behind her personal secretary.

"I, I, I, I hurriedly refueled and braked..." Jian Xiaodan's tune was rare to reveal grievances.

"Have you hit it? Did anyone hurt?" Gao Leng said and stood up: "Where are you, I'm past now."

"No, it's okay." Although Jian Xiaodan's face was still panicked, she heard the moment Gao Leng was about to come, she looked at the time in the car and quickly calmed her voice: "It's just a quick refueling and a sudden brake. I was taken aback. The car didn’t scratch and it’s okay. You don’t need to come over."

Hearing Jian Xiaodan said that it was all right, he relaxed a lot after being cold.

"I just called you because I was afraid of scraping your car. It's okay. You don't need to come over. You have to get on the plane in a while. Don't delay things." After Jian Xiaoshan heard the high cold voice, it seemed that Feeling relieved a lot, she laughed at herself: "On the ring road, there is a broken car that wants to surpass me... the low-profile Santana..."

Gao Leng couldn't help laughing.

He understands Jian Xiaodan just as Jian Xiaodan understands her. He knows her character well. This kind of car will surpass his own Land Rover, and her so strong temperament must be...

"First find an emergency parking spot, there is one on the ring road." Gao Leng calmly commanded, Jian Xiaoshan nodded obediently, looked at it and said with surprise: "It's right ahead."

"Okay, you drive the hands-free, slowly drive over, don't be afraid, you are just not used to the performance of this car, the car will drive, everyone is a novice." Gao Leng Fangrou continued to command.

The Land Rover slid over slowly.

Jian Xiaoshan who was thrown into it did not notice that the Santana behind it had stopped.

"Stop it." Jian Xiaodan let out a long sigh of relief: "You are busy with you, I will calm down, think I can drive, take a rest and continue to drive, if I feel that I can't drive, I Ask Lao Diao to arrange for a driver to come and pick me up. You don't need to come here, go and do it." Jian Xiaodan said.

Gao Leng looked at the time, still a little worried: "I really don't need me to come?"

"No." Jian Xiaodan said surely and stubbornly, she pursed her mouth: "Don't say it, it's too shameful."

Hahaha, Gao Leng couldn't help but laughed loudly: "What's the shame in front of me? I won't say it, Mr. Jian."

The joke of "Mr. Jian" made Jian Xiaoshan blush, and she quickly changed the subject: "How many days are you going to the Northwest?"

"It will take three or four days." Gao sneered: "If there is a call from OMSAS Investment Company, I will say that I have gone to meet my friends in the northwest.

"Are you going to air the venture capital?" Jian Xiaodan asked.


"You go to the northwest to see Yuzhi."

"It's not just Yuzhi, the boss of the second largest domestic investment company is now investigating the project in Yao Town, Northwest China. I went to see him and was anxious for Mr. Mu from OMSAS, so I guess it will take three or four days to return." Gao Leng checked the time and was about to go out.

"How did you stop?" Xuemaw saw that the Land Rover had stopped at the emergency parking place. He hesitated for a while and made up his mind. He drove the car slowly and looked sideways as he passed the Land Rover.

Although it is not clear, after all, the body is low, but it can be judged: the driver's seat is a woman.

Damn, I thought it was Gao Leng who found me, but it turned out to be a woman driving! It's really a road killer, this kind of car skills are actually used! Bloodmaw cursed secretly, and the vehicle slowly spoke from the side of the Land Rover. He moved the rearview mirror to take a closer look.

There should be only one person in the car, this woman driving.

"This woman seems to be..." At a glance, the killer recognized the woman sitting in the driver's seat smiling and talking on the phone.

"Jian Xiao Shan, high-cold right hand man." From the pile of photos in the passenger seat, Bloodthroat accurately picked out the simple photo.

The Jian Xiaodan in the photo stood beside Gao Leng at a dinner party and raised his glass aloft, mediating with a decent smile on his face.

Bloodmaw slowed down and looked at the front and rear. At this time, there were few vehicles on the ring road.

With a cold smile, he parked the car to the side of the road, took the dagger in his hand and looked back and forth again, while at the same time, Jian Xiaoshan got out of the car, holding a bottle of water in his hand, covering his chest, drinking water in shock.

Bloodmaw was full of murderous intent, and the dagger in his hand was tight.

Ding Ding Ding, Jian Xiao Shan’s cell phone rang, and the old lady called: "Xiao Shan, I heard the boss said you need to send a driver to pick it up, where is it?"

It seemed that Gao Leng was still uneasy and called Lao Diao.

"No." Jian Xiaodan took a sip of water. After talking on the phone with Gao Leng, she became more calm. She looked around and said: "I have to pick up Xiao Leng. It is not convenient to call the driver. It's okay."

"Really all right?"

"It's okay." Jian Xiaodan said affirmatively: "I drive slower, what can happen?"

As she said, she turned her eyes to the front, blinked in surprise, hung up the phone and muttered: "Is this car just the Santana?"

A gust of wind blew, and the wind of early winter had a bitter chill.

The blood throat in the Santana car picked up the phone and smiled confidently, and whispered: "Boss, there is no high temperature in this car, it's just a simple one."

"Simply simple..." Although the voice on the phone used the transformation software, it sounded horrifying as if it were not male or female: "The high-cold man, the important general, the most trusted partner, the vice president of Xingsheng Magazine , Simple."

"That's right." Bloodmaw took a small telescope and looked at the photo: "It's Jian Xiaodan. She drove the car by herself. Now it's on the ring road with very few cars."

As he said, he put down the binoculars, took the dagger, and shook his hand slightly. The dagger rotated a few times in the air, and when it fell into his hand, his **** clamped the tip of the dagger, firmly.

"The last time I was captured on the camera, it actually took me four seconds..." "He sneered: With such thin arms, thin legs and neck, I can finish it in only two seconds."

A gust of wind blew, and the wind of early winter, in addition to a bitter feeling, was also bloody.

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