Gossip King

Chapter 1016: Name, lost in the wind

At night, the autumn wind was bitter, and the heavy rain hit the cold and bitterly.

Simply afraid that someone would catch her away, she didn't return to the bottom of the bridge until late at night. She curled up in a corner and shivered with cold. Only the sound of wind, rain, and the chuckle of her teeth that could not be controlled by the cold collided. .

"Mom..." Big tears fell, and he simply curled up and hugged himself and started crying: "I have been to the toilets around here. Which toilet did you go to, mom? I didn't see you. ."

It's been the fourth day, and I simply waited under the bridge for four full days.

"They said you abandoned me, they said they would send me to the police uncle, and then to the orphanage, what is that place? I'm so scared, mother, hurry up and pick me up." Simple whimpering cry Up.

"There's a little girl." Suddenly, a man's voice came from the left side of the bridge hole. He simply turned his head and saw a ragged man cracking a yellow tooth towards her. There was a burst of lightning. Jian Xiaodan shivered in fright. She didn't think much about it, she immediately got up and ran away decisively. It was raining heavily outside. She was soaked in the rain just a few seconds after she ran away from the bridge hole and disappeared into the lightning and thunder.

Late at night on the fifth day, a simple and weak figure appeared under the bridge. Her school uniform was too dirty and the road was a little unsteady. She held a dirty, unfinished bun in her hand, which should be from the garbage dump. It turned out that there were some mildew on the buns, but she ate them with gusto. With a piece of chalk in her hand, she drew the heads of a woman and a child on the bridge hole with the pen.

"Mom, I have been to the nearby toilets, and you are not there. Tomorrow I will go to a place to look for you farther away. If you see my painting, come and find me." Simply stretched out his hand and touched the woman's portrait. "I don’t paint like it. Mom, you paint much better than me. Mom, if you see the painting, will you rate me? Just rate me! I see the scoring painting and will stand there waiting for you. ."

In the past, every time she drew a painting, her mother would give her a score next to the painting, either 99 or 100.

Wiped his tears briefly, looked around and ran away again.

Late at night on the sixth day, she simply held a broken rag doll in her hand. This time she had no tears on her face and no hope. She stared at the painting on the wall blankly: there was no score from her mother beside her. .

Late at night on the seventh day, she went back to the bridge hole barefoot. Maybe she had a fight or a fall. Her shoes were missing, and the knees of both legs were worn out. She looked at the wall blankly. Painting: There is still no score from my mother.


On the tenth day, a traffic policeman standing guard on the side of the road felt that the corners of his clothes were being pulled. He looked down and saw a thin and dirty little girl raising her head, speaking clearly and without expression: " Uncle police, I was abandoned by my mother."

"Are you abandoned?" Although the police knew she was a stray when she looked at her, he felt that the little girl was too calm, and he bent down and asked.

"Well, because I am a female doll, I am useless, so I was abandoned." Nodding briefly.

This sentence was what the old lady said under the bridge that day. She remembered it in her heart, not only in her heart, but also in the depths of her soul. In that patriarchal era, there were too many incidents of female dolls being abandoned.

"What's your name, kid?" the policeman knelt down and asked affectionately.

Looking at the police simply and coldly: "I don't have a name. I waited for my mother for ten days and she didn't come. I have been to all the toilets here. I drew a picture of every toilet, and she didn't give it to me. Scoring, I was abandoned by my mother, so I don’t have a name, I’m not called simple, I don’t have a name."

Almost every toilet in the city, even the very dilapidated one, has a picture: the head of a woman and a child.

For ten days, ten days and nights, no one knew what Jian Xiaoshan had experienced.

How many times have she seen the image of her mother in the back, but rushed over to find that it was not; how many times have she turned over the food in the trash, and had diarrhea that can only be dealt with with leaves casually, and everyone is hiding in a dirty suit ; How many times have been chased by dogs and so on.

The night is the most terrible.

In the dark night, for a four or five-year-old child, is there a big bad wolf hidden in the depths of the darkness, is there a monster? She was trembling with fright, but she still stared at the direction her mother was leaving. At first glance, it was all night.

Although afraid, but expecting.

"That kid was abandoned, right?"

"The girl should be lost. Call the police. It seems that she can only be sent to the orphanage."

"A lot of female dolls are lost! Not as useful as male dolls. Many villagers lose their female dolls when they have too many births."

Many times, in the vegetable market, on the street, and beside the garbage dump, she would see some people talking like this, and as long as she simply heard them say "call the police", she would immediately run away.

Although she didn't know where they called the "welfare institution", she knew that as long as the police came and arrested her, she could not wait for her mother here.

But now, she is obviously discouraged, and her face seems to have faded a bit of immaturity, but calmly and out of character, she looked at the police: "I'm abandoned, please send me to the orphanage."

Simple was soon sent to the orphanage.

"Your name is Jian Jian?" The aunt of the orphanage looked at Jian Jian who had just been sent over with glasses. The police wrote her name in the name column on the profile.

"I don't want to call it simple." Simply shook his head: "Since I have been lost, I don't want this name."

"It's not that small." The aunt pushed the glasses up: "Then we will call you Jian Xiaodan. You should write your ID number simply. Later, when you are older and eighteen, you can change it yourself if you want to change it. "

Small things are simple and simple.

"Why, my mother doesn't want me anymore, why should I use this name." Jian Xiaodan lowered his eyes and looked at his toes that had been worn out.

"What if she wants to find you?" The aunt sighed and touched her head: "When you get older in the future, if your mother hasn't come here yet, you can change your name."

Naturally, he did not come to her.

The name Jian Xiaodan is still in use today, and her ID was changed to "Jian Xiaodan" by herself after she was 18 years old.

The simple name was lost on the day her mother left.

"Baby, mom go to the bathroom, you wait for me here." A woman in a yellow sweater squatted down and squeezed a simple face.

"I'll wait for you here, I won't run around." Simple nodded with confidence: "If I get lost, I will paint everywhere, so that my mother can follow the painting and find me!"

"Yeah." The woman squeezed her face again, and disappeared into simple eyes.

Her name was already lost that day.

Lost in the simple footsteps of 129 paintings in the whole city, almost walking around the entire small county.

Lost in those ten days and nights full of disappointment and fear.


With a click, Santana's door in front opened, one foot stuck out, and fell to the ground.

The black leather shoes were polished shiningly, revealing the breath of death.

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