Gossip King

Chapter 1018: Dormant wild dog

"General Manager Gao, we're on the plane." Yang Guanguan reminded, sitting next to Gao Leng in the first-class waiting room.

"Yeah." Gao Leng put down the phone and hesitated.

"What's wrong, Mr. Gao?" Yang Guanguan asked when he saw Gao Leng's expression on his face.

"Why still feel that something is wrong." Gao Leng frowned, stretched out his hand and rubbed his temples, looking at the plane ticket in his hand with some uneasiness.

"I haven't forgotten anything." Yang Guanguan squatted down and opened the box to check it out. A fat man sitting next to Gao Leng in the waiting room raised his eyebrows and looked at Yang Guanguan.

I saw Yang Guanguan in a brown uniform, with good texture and good design: as soon as he squatted down, the groove in his chest was sultry, the fat man looked at Gao Leng ambiguously, and asked with a smile, "Your secretary?"

"Yeah." Gao coldly nodded his head, he was not in the mood to take advantage of this, his eyes still staring at the airport, he only felt that his heartbeat was not too strong, but it was like losing his roots, and it made people lose their mind.

What's going on... Gao Leng frowned.

"Your secretary is really good." The fat man swallowed enviously, and whispered close to Gao Leng's ear: "Wearing a uniform is really enough..."

Having said that, he smiled happily, blinked, and smiled perfunctorily.

"I haven't forgotten anything, Mr. Gao." Yang Guanguan stood up and closed the box, his expression nervous.

"Okay, let's get on the machine then." Gao Leng put away his mind diligently, stood up and walked to the front, Yang Guanguan hurriedly followed behind him, respectfully.

"This boss's secretary is **** enough..."

"My wife won't let me be a female secretary, hey..."

Behind him, a few people who knew each other looked at Yang Guan Guan Yaoyao's back, and some said nothing. At this level, it is indeed a face to have a secretary, and Yang Guanguan can obviously give enough face.

As soon as he was about to board the plane, Gao Leng stopped and looked back.

His heart is in a mess.

"Gao Leng!" Gao Leng was hesitating, and a man walked behind him and stretched out his hand from a distance: "Gao, what a coincidence, let's go and get on the plane."

Gao Leng saw that it was the classmate who was studying EMBA together, Mr. Peng, who had emerged in the puffed food company in recent years, laughed and stretched out his hand and held it, taking back his mind and walking into the plane.


"Mr. Jane, where are you going?" Xiao Zhao got a little excited when sitting in the driver's seat: "Land Rover's vision is high...hehe."

"X is big." Jian Xiaodan sat on the co-pilot and shook his head helplessly: "It's fine to send it to X, and I will drive it back at night. In fact, my technique is still good. I shouldn't have to brake and refuel just now. It's always too fussy."

Jian Xiaodan is a very careful person. When only Gao Leng and a few familiar people are there, she will call "Boss", and when other employees are there, she respectfully respects Gao Leng as "Gao Leng". ".

These details and sleekness were learned by Jian Xiaoshan after he was in his twenties, who seemed to be young, but faced many trials and hardships on his own.

"Who in the whole Xingsheng doesn't know that you are Mr. Gao's right-hand man? Mr. Gao should really have a driver for you. You are the vice president!" And Xiao Zhao, who is also young but has never experienced so much suffering as a simple one! At the same time, General Gao looked incomplete, and started the vehicle as he spoke.

"I like to drive by myself." Jian Xiaoshan didn't care about the young subordinate's unobtrusive words, she replied with a faint smile.

The car sped up on the ring line, and it left the ring line after a short while, and the X was just near the ring line.

As soon as I left the loop, I followed a white van, which was inconspicuous. The one wearing a mask and sunglasses was sitting in the driver's seat.

"It's a bit blocked." Jian Xiaodan looked at the front and back, and down the loop line. On the way to X University, the road was full of vehicles. The white van behind him was drowned in the traffic, and it did not attract simple attention.

"The road to Big X has been very blocked." Xiao Zhao nodded in agreement, and the car stopped at the traffic light: "It's coming so soon, I want to have more meetings..."

Jian Xiaodan chuckled and looked at the teenager: "In my opinion, it's all cars, no difference."

"Why is there no difference?" Xiao Zhao pointed to the Land Rover sign on the steering wheel with excitement: "General Manager Gao is my idol, a luxury car that I have struggled for! These million cars are very different from the small broken cars I drove. Go!"

"If you keep working hard, you can do it." Jian Xiaodan smiled disapprovingly: "I still miss the years when I was with Gao Leng and filming stars."

With that said, Jian Xiaoshan rolled down the car window, and a cool breeze blew over. As soon as she got to the school, the air was full of green trees. Suddenly, her eyes fell on the white van driving a little behind her car. .

Her face changed instantly.

"Xiao Zhao, look, is that license plate from a certain star?" Jian Xiaodan quickly patted Xiao Zhao.

"No...no." Xiao Zhao shook his head with certainty, and he frowned suspiciously: "But this driver is very strangely dressed. Isn't he going to pick up a certain star? That's not right, pick up. Stars don’t need to be so heavily armed, they are all equipped with masks, hats and sunglasses."

Jian Xiaodan's eyes fell on the white van driver and nodded: "It's a bit strange."

Bloodmaw pushed the sunglasses, but didn’t look directly at Jian Xiaodan. Even though others couldn’t see his eyes through the sunglasses, he was very careful not to look directly at her, but slowed down and followed behind. .

"We are professional habit. Seeing a fully armed one feels like a star." Xiao Zhao laughed, Jian Xiaodan also laughed and nodded in agreement. Her gaze swept outside the car. At this time, the van It was already far behind, with several other cars in the middle.

When the car reached X size, Xiao Zhao got in and followed the car and left. If you want to say where is the best place to park this year, it is naturally the campus. A lot of places can be parked. Jian Xiaoshan drove the car slowly and carefully to the front of the dormitory building. From a distance, she saw Mu Xiaoleng standing with a smile in a white sweater and blue jeans with suspenders. where is it.

It was shining like a snowflake.

Jian Xiaodan smiled enviously. She would never have the simple and simple state of mind of Mu Xiaolan, and would never have such a carefree smile. This kind of smile made Jian Xiaodan feel in a daze. The girl standing in front of the dormitory is still loved by her father and her mother.

The changes in the family and the black years overseas did not leave any traces on Xiao Leng's body.

"Sister Xiao Shan!" Xiao Leng waved to the car and jumped up.

Jian Xiaoshan got out of the car and closed the door with a slam.

"Wow, this woman drives such a big car..."

"It's so handsome, you see, the dress she wears is so handsome, this is a Land Rover! Very expensive!"

"Oh my god, I really want to go out to work soon, you see that the woman who got off the bus is so handsome! Look at her eyes, it feels so wise."

It happened to be the end of get out of class, four or five o'clock, before the meal, the most leisurely time on the university campus is this time, the female college students who enter and exit the female dormitory have all turned their attention to the simple list.

The domineering Land Rover, coupled with the awe-inspiring temperament of a professional woman in Jian Xiaodan, gave the students even more brilliance. The pure difference from Mu Xiaolan is that the determination and wisdom of professional women exuded by Jian Xiaodan is the temperament that college students most yearn for.

"Both are here, good luck." From a distance, Bloodmaw stood in a corner of a teaching building wearing a hat and a mask, looking towards this side.

The look was like the greedy look of wild dogs in the animal world, ugly and ferociously staring at the prey in the distance, just like the blood throat at this time, dormant, tongue out, salivating terrifying appearance.

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