Gossip King

Chapter 1032: An unbearable shame!

At this moment, a weak voice came in my mind: We are in the garage, I don't have enough spells, the killer is staring at us, and the car has been tampered with. It really doesn't work, I can only shoot in front of the two of them, but I'm afraid to scare them.

Seeing that he has never responded to text messages or phone calls, Xiaowei has no choice but to consume thousands of miles of physical energy to transmit messages with his consciousness and high cold, but this time the voice from consciousness is exceptionally weak and even a little fuzzy.

It can be seen that Gao Xiaowei has approached the critical point of doing his best.

"Don't worry, I will protect you." Gao Leng lowered his hair and sent a text message, then stood up and walked out of the RV window. The night in the northwest has a desolate but atmospheric beauty, like a thousand years of wind and rain. The stars under the night sky are overwhelming. .

At this time, the high cold, the anger in my heart swept across the sky, and there seemed to be no grass around him.

"Why...what's wrong? Mr. Gao?" Yang Guanguan walked over and was somewhat forbidden. She spent so long with Gao Leng and had seen him with different expressions many times. Now she can feel him just by looking at his side. Rage, this rage passed through his tightly clenched fists, his firm back seemed to be filled with ice.

Yang Guanguan stood up and walked to Gao Leng's side, trembling with fright.

"Nothing." Gao Leng turned his head, there was even a smile on his face: "Someone is following my person."

"What? Follow it?" Yang Peng, who was also a media player, was the first to react and asked. Seeing Gao Leng's silence, he lit a cigarette with a smile, "Gao, is it too unsafe to fight the world with you?" Isn’t your gangster going all right? Our Fengxing Magazine has never had an employee being followed. Don’t worry, I’m calling some of my friends on the road now.”

This makes sense that Yang Guanguan was the first to be unhappy. She rolled her eyes at Yang Peng: "Of course, no reporters will be followed by Fengxing Magazine. After all, there is no unannounced column, and she will follow celebrities all day long. That's it, but last year some of your paparazzi were interrupted by someone. Would you like me to call the director of the hospital for them to review?"

One mouth is big, the other is good, and the two people who can't hold their tempers ignite when they talk.

"Hey, hey, you two young people are talking too aggressively, you can't do this." The good sister hurriedly closed the field and asked with concern: "Is it the reporter you secretly visited? I heard that there are secret visits every year. The reporter was killed or injured, your business is too dangerous!"

The media’s responsibility comes with a price, even blood.

And the assistant director on the side had a subtle expression, he looked up and down Gao Leng.

"Director, I just said, this Gao Lengdong gang's second-in-command is just a decoration. We still have to find brother Biao for the tricky thing. This is a sloppy matter for Sister Cai. If you don't do it well, you will offend Sister Na. If you take a look, no one in his team can protect him." The close assistant next to the assistant director lowered his voice.

"I'll make a call." Gao Leng's voice smelled of shame, and his woman was once again surrounded by danger, which was a great shame for Gao Leng.

A shame that cannot be tolerated.


"Let's go." Jian Xiaodan fastened his seat belt, looked around and prepared to start the throttle.

"Wait." Gao Xiaowei who was sitting in the back seat suddenly whispered, her voice was tense, her ears stood up and her nose moved, she smelled the dangerous breath in the air.

Oops, there are assassins around. Soon, Gao Xiaowei accurately judged the position of the missing child. She turned her head, and was behind a JEEP car on the left front of the high-cold vehicle. Dangerous breath continued to flow from there. come out.

"What's the matter?" Jian Xiaoshan saw Gao Xiaowei's serious face through the rearview mirror, and after thinking about it for a few seconds, he sneered: "Don't be so nervous. Although I am a novice driver, I will be very careful. You must be safe. Take it, nothing will happen."

"Don't talk." Gao Xiaowei, with a stern face, stared sharply at the jeep, and put one hand on the handlebar. She looked at her Xiaodan and Xiao Leng strangely.

Don't show the prototype for a while, she thought. Ignoring so much, I closed my eyes tightly and started mind reading.

There is a problem with the car. However, a few seconds later, Gao Xiaowei opened his eyes and read the actions of Miss Zi. At the same time, he read a little bit of his inferior past: he is a rising star in the killer circle in recent years, and he is best at making car accident killings. Won the champion of air gun competition in a certain province. However, the police did not have any information about him. It can be said that every car accident he caused has been concealed from everyone. This is a killer who follows the technical flow.

And his weakness is that he is too strong. Many times, he can obviously cause car accidents and kill people without knowing it. And he wants to kill the opponent himself with a pistol, but every time the steady blood throat is blocked.

"What's the matter?" Jian Xiaodan noticed her strangeness, her face became serious, and she followed Xiaowei's gaze and looked at it: "Is anyone secretly taking pictures?"

After all, it is a professional habit, and Jian Xiaodan feels that someone is taking pictures secretly.

Gao Leng did not answer the phone, so he could only tell him the current situation through consciousness. Gao Xiaowei took his attention, closed his eyes slightly and passed a word directly to Gao Leng through consciousness: We are in the garage, I don’t have enough spells, and the killer is missing. The child stared at us, the car was tampered with. It really doesn't work, I can only shoot in front of the two of them, but I'm afraid to scare them.

But a minute later, Ding Ding Ding, Jian Xiaodan's phone rang, and she saw that she answered it quickly.

"In the car?"

"Well, the three of us are here. We saw someone behind the car..." Jian Xiaodan's hand was tightly grasping the phone and was a little nervous. She looked at Xiao Leng and Xiao Wei, and her professional sense of smell told her: This killer must be Related to unannounced visits.

If it hurts the two of them... The first thing Xiao Shan thinks about is not his own safety, but because of his unannounced visits, he will be embarrassed in his heart.

"I already know the situation, now I say, listen." Gao Leng's calm voice couldn't hear the fear and waves of him: "Now it takes time for me to call a rescuer, so you must save yourself now."

As soon as these words came out, the assistant director and assistant glanced at each other, with an expression of "Sure enough, this person has no power".

"Since the car's brakes are broken, I think the camera must be blocked. You can pretend to not know anything now, and step on the accelerator and hit another car. As long as you don't hurt yourself, the bigger the collision, the better. ."

"I got it." A simple voice came over with cleverness: "If a car crashed, the garage staff will come to deal with it as soon as possible. If there are more people, it will be fine."

"Well, there will be people around to watch the excitement. I will call Xingsheng now, and someone will come down in five minutes. Remember, you have to pretend that you don’t know anything, and you didn’t find the other party. Follow Xingsheng’s Go upstairs, the three of you will be safe when you return to my office," Gao Leng said.

"Then it should be the police, right?" The little assistant sneered: "The reporter was being followed for an unannounced visit. This is a major event. Maybe it will kill people."

"What's the use of calling the police? Now no one hurts the people over there. If there is no homicide these years, the police can protect you around the clock?" The assistant director shook his head and sighed: "I just sent a message to Sister Cai saying that I was in touch The second head of the Eastern Gang, our business is worthy of note, it is all ruined now, and the second head can’t protect himself..."

The police generally do not help.

Even if you call the police, you are afraid that you will not be able to file a case: there is no camera record in the garage, no witness to the other side of the victim, lack of children, and the police have never had a case. This black gun is there, not far or near, and extremely dangerous.

If you want to be safe, you can only pull it out.

But there are too many people who have offended unannounced visits. After this wave is gone, it is inevitable that the next wave will come again. How can it be uprooted?

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