Gossip King

Chapter 1034: Black deadly muzzle!

Quezi made the decision and squatted to find the right time to evacuate, but what happened immediately angered the killer who was planning to evacuate.

"It's safe, it's safe..." Xiao Leng limply slumped in the front passenger seat and looked at the security guard who was running over. Hearing the sound of the alarm, she was relieved. The garage manager who ran over also made her feel relieved. , She breathed a long sigh of relief: "Here is someone."

But unlike Mu Xiaolian's relaxed face, Jian Xiaodan on the side was almost crying.

"What to do..." Jian Xiaoshan, who has always been steady, covered his mouth, his eyes widened. In front of the Land Rover that was so coldly bumped was a Baoma X7 that was also sunken...

It was said that I bumped into a cheap Volkswagen Tiguan, and as a result, I bumped into the nobleman next door...

"This car is so expensive! It's so big, it's no wonder that the sound is so loud...ahhhhhhhh, I step back." Jian Xiaodan looked at the rearview mirror at a loss and heartache. There was at least five meters left from the Audi behind, so she instinctively backed the car immediately, but she was panicked. This backlash was terrible: she was over five meters in an instant, and she was about to hit the Audi.

"This lady is cruel enough, no wonder my master was so stupid by her on the road!" The missing son who was planning to evacuate stood up behind the jeep, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up to Jian Xiaodan: "This lady It should be removed from the driving school, self-taught, and admiration!"

When this luxury car is driven as a bumper car, it is also a novice female driver.

"Ah ah ah ah ah." She was about to hit a single simple small Audi completely messy, steering wheel meal chaos aside, rushed to the front foot stepped on the gas again, this time good luck, did not hit another car, just Hit that BMW X7 more completely.

"Stop! Stop!" The distant voice came over with horror, but no one dared to take a step forward. Instead, those people backed up quickly. This is a terrible thing, the rhythm of who goes up and dies.

Because what Jian Xiao drives is not Land Rover’s off-road vehicles, but Land Rover’s bumper cars...

Bang Bang Bang, refuel the brakes and refuel, that is, tens of seconds of effort. Several good cars fell under the simple panic and were bumped and bumped. It was spectacular.

Brush a row of crooked melons and dates.

Ah ah ah ah ah, Jian Xiaodan's serial screams completely lost her calmness when she was at work. If everyone has a life gate, it is estimated that Jian Xiaodan's life gate is driving, and the most terrifying However, her car addiction is so bad that her car skills are so bad.

Even before she drove into a bumper car, she was very confident and felt that her driving skills should be pretty good...

Quezi, who was standing behind the jeep watching the excitement, completely laughed and turned into a silly. Such a scene is really rare. He simply sat on the back of the jeep and leaned against the wall behind him and stretched out his head to watch the excitement.

However, within a few tens of seconds, it crashed into a luxury car in the water, but what Qiaozi did not expect was that after a tumult and louder alarms, the vehicle backed up and suddenly dodged towards Qiaozi. The Jeep cross-country retreated.

"Fuck it!" Quezi was scared enough by Jian Xiaodan's sudden and sudden retreat. He grinned and hurriedly wanted to stand up and run away from behind the jeep, but he didn't expect the bag he was carrying to hang on one of the pipes behind the wall. On the hook...

"Fuck me, **** me!" For a moment of life and death, Quezi forgot that he wanted to hide. He bounced up and cursed a few words as if he had been electrocuted. After finding that the backpack was hanging, he immediately abandoned his bag to save his life.

With a bang, the Land Rover finally stopped. It was only a second, at most, a second, not more than a second, just a little bit too close. The killer's brother was almost squeezed into flesh. Jiang, he looked at the squeezed bag, which contained many treasures he needed to commit the crime. He stretched out his hand to pull the bag out, only to find that he was firmly pressed against the wall by the jeep.

This is a pressed bag, and the one who was almost pressed into wallpaper is Miss Zi himself.

Unable to take out his own bag, he was so frightened that he was half-dead, and immediately became angry. Jian Xiaosi's reversing completely angered this impulsive killer.

"Damn it, almost died in the hands of the girl." Quezi waited viciously for the Land Rover to stop, and looked sideways at a bunch of security guards and garage guards who were stunned in the distance. He was almost killed. The lingering fears made Quezi angry.

The Jian Xiaodan in the car directly pulled out the car key with a mournful face. The three people in the car looked around the unrecognizable luxury car. The little witch grinned happily. She didn't know what this meant. What, I think Bang Bang Bang is fun, and Jian Xiao Shan's heart is broken.

How much do you have to lose?

"No... it's okay." Seeing the sadness and sadness of Sister Shan's face, Xiao Leng said first: "Sister Shan, don't be sad, what Gao Leng can earn, what can be earned, isn't it just a few cars... One, two, three, four, five, six... isn't it... six cars..."

"Six cars?!" Jian Xiaodan was about to collapse.

"Not six cars!" The little witch in the back seat happily corrected: "Seven cars! Collect seven dragon **** to get help! Look, you see, there is a small red sports car you haven't counted! Sister, is it fun?! I will play like this next time I have a chance!"


Jian Xiaodan's face twitched a few times, and after looking around at the human tragedy for a week, suddenly her face turned white, and her white eyes were bloodshot from panic: "Gun..."

Her breathing became more and more rapid, her voice trembling violently, and her eyes looked at the jeep attachment behind her with an angry face: "Gun... there is a gun!"

"Gun?" Xiao Leng turned his head again, and saw a man in his 30s in black clothes, black hat and mask raising a strong and powerful arm, and the black gun hole was pointed directly at it. In the direction of the Land Rover, Mu Xiaolen was stunned for a moment, and her teeth collided up and down uncontrollably. A few seconds later, her screams filled the car: "Gun! Gun!"

"Originally, I planned to take a long-term plan, mother, I almost killed Lao Tzu, it's really bad luck! Lao Tzu has ended your stinky ladies now!" Quezi Yuguang looked at the security guards in the distance, he had a gun. It doesn't take much time to walk over and shoot three shots. The camera is closed. It is easy to escape from the garage: there is a gun in his hand, and anyone dares to stop him?

Quezi stabilized the mask, raised his gun and hurried towards their car.

The security guard who walked in the distance did not see the missing person who was holding the gun in the middle of the cars. With a slight smile, he took out the muffler and hit it with a click, so that the shot didn't come out too much. sound.

There was a muffled noise at most.

He looked at the distance and route from the exit to the high-temperature car. It only takes three shots and a few seconds, and he can escape after the matter is over.

Shooting reporters under this expensive office building is also very exciting. It is too boring to be as cautious as my master. With a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of Quezi's mouth, he strode towards the Land Rover.

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