Gossip King

Chapter 1046: Fighting Wine

After coming down several times, he knew that Uzhi liked him.

And the attitude is very different from before.

If she used to be a proud swan, and Gao Leng was a toad, now this swan can’t wait to take it off and spread her legs.

If Yuzhi was just fighting with Lin Zhi at the beginning, and he hadn't had the desire to be a man for many years, then Yuzhi had already moved his heart.

To make a woman love you with her legs apart, you have to excel. With that, women will naturally love you with their legs apart.

Uzhi's hand was so naturally resting on Gao Leng's thigh. Obviously, she was very nervous and didn't seem to realize that her hand was too ambiguous: it was too close.

Going up, it's not the thigh, but the man's third leg...

Gao Leng looked at Sister Shan who was sitting next to Yuzhi. This person's mother is here. This girl is so touchy. Wouldn't it be nice if he had a dream? After a little thought, Gao Leng pushed Yuzhi's hand away again.

Yu Zhixia realized that he had put his hand on a person's leg, and his face blushed slightly.

"You have misunderstood." Gao Leng smiled and handed the wine glass to the waiter: "This brother was right just now. It is too troublesome to pour the wine in a small glass. Drink it directly from the bottle."

Everyone quieted down.

"We...exactly twenty people." Gao Leng ignored Uzhi's hand. He stretched out his hand and put her on his lap to remove the implied hand, stood up and looked around for a week: "Waiter, take sixty bottles. White."


The waiter was stunned: "Sixty... bottles?" She thought she had heard it wrong.

"Not enough, it should be not enough." Gao Leng shook his head: "How about two bottles for one person? 120 bottles?"


Everyone can't believe their ears.

You look at me, I see you didn’t say anything. After a full ten seconds, only a chuckle, the ground snake who had just finished drinking two cups laughed: "Gao, you can really scare people. Yeah!"

Hahahaha, the others heard the meaning and laughed.

They thought they were scammed and frightened them.

Obviously, too naive.

Gao Leng also followed with a haha ​​smile, picked up a bottle of wine, sat lazily, raised his hand and poured it into his mouth without any pressure...crushing, grunting, just like pouring water.

Well, for Gao Leng, for Gao Leng after changing his physique, drinking is like drinking water.

My mother... Mr. Xiao from KD Investment Company, who was sitting opposite to Gao Leng, couldn’t help but sigh. He could see most clearly. His eyes were motionless and he saw Gao Leng pouring a whole bottle of liquor into it. Mouth.

"Dude, I drank one bottle. You have half of your bottle left. Let's do it." Gao Leng relaxedly put down the bottle, pointed to the man who had just drunk two glasses, and poured out two glasses from the bottle in his hand. There is half a bottle.

"This..." The buddy hesitated and looked at the others.

Gao Leng smiled in his heart.

"It turns out that this guy is scaring people, now he's over." Yang Peng's insight is very strong, and he can see that the local snake is at a disadvantage: "They sent one to drink like this, basically half scared."

"Yeah, if it were me, I would definitely not drink with them. I didn't expect Gao Leng was not afraid at all, and dried a bottle in one breath... Now, haha, you see that the faces of the snakes are scared green." The assistant director looked at the excitement.

"You can drink a bottle and dry it in one breath. Those are two concepts. I have long heard that Mr. Gao has extraordinary courage. I saw it today. Mr. Xiao of KD Investment Co., Ltd. spoke eloquently and pushed forward. The gold-rimmed glasses on the neck became more and more drumming.

With this kind of courage, how do I feel that our company’s 1.8 billion is a bit unreliable? Mr. Xiao thought to himself.

"Okay, I...drink." The man gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and suddenly raised his neck.

Huh, cough, cough, cough.

He was not cold and smooth when he drank it. A lot of wine dripped from his mouth without saying it, and he frowned as if he couldn't help but want to vomit. He was too eager to drink and he felt a little timid, and his momentum was weak. Minute.

Unexpectedly, he wanted to cheat Gao Leng, first let Gao Leng dare not drink, but let Gao Leng completely dare to drink.

After finishing a bottle with difficulty, the man swallowed the last sip of the wine with difficulty, looked at the other ground snakes a little bewildered, and then looked at the inability to do something high and cold, his heart was completely empty.

"Come on, here's another bottle." Gao Leng almost didn't give him the slightest gasp, and took another bottle of wine and poured it into his mouth...

The people in the whole room were the same as those who had been stayed in by law. Even the waiter forgot to get 120 bottles of wine, just watching Gao Leng pour wine into his mouth.

"Okay, I'll drink it, buddy, it's your turn." Gao Leng shook the empty wine bottle, and continued to sit lazily. For him, he needs to stand and drink easily.

But it was not easy for the buddy who had just finished drinking a bottle. It was terrifying. The first time I met such a terrifying drinking opponent, I was stunned.

"What are you doing in a daze? One opens the wine bottle for him, and the other carries the wine!" Gao Leng saw the waiter motionless as stupid. The waiter quickly opened a bottle of wine and put it in front of the local snake.

"Please." Gao Leng stretched out his hand and smiled, then pointed to a new bottle of wine and said to the waiter: "Bring it to me."


Five thunders in the land snake, dare to be cold, and fight with yourself for the third bottle? ! He looked at the second bottle of wine in his hand, which was a big bottle of liquor! White!

Knowing that I was going to serve that kind of liquor glass from the waiter, what kind of pretense... he regretted it and was embarrassed to admit defeat, so he took the wine and approached his mouth.

But as soon as he was close to his mouth, a scent of wine came, and his stomach was overwhelming.

"No way..." Before finishing speaking, the snake turned around and ran to the bathroom behind him. As soon as he opened the door and rushed in, he heard the sound of vomiting.

"Hehe." Yu Zhi seriously laughed softly, quite proud.

"Okay, I have one more brother, buddy, remember to call my eldest brother!" Gao Leng smiled lightly, and shouted in the direction of the bathroom, half joking and half true.

"Hmm...Big brother...Oh..." There was a convincing voice and constant vomiting, and the waiter quickly closed the bathroom door so as not to affect other people's appetite.

"The next one..." Gao Leng took the opened wine in one hand, and handed it to the waiter with a bottle of unopened wine in the other hand: "It's opened."

The other snakes looked at each other, but they had no bottom in their hearts.

"Who will come?" Gao Leng raised the opened wine bottle and asked loudly: "Drink and worship, the eldest brother who wins, the younger brother who loses, if you say yes, who will come!"

"Do you say he can really drink or cheat us?"

"Who knows, two bottles have been spent in this short period of time, and none of the dishes have been served yet."

"The first time I saw this drinkable, two bottles are now, should I pour it..."

For a while, the local snakes communicated in a low voice.

One of the chubby snakes, the tallest and tallest, looked the most drunk: "I think he cheated us 80% of the time, how could he drink three bottles at once? He must cheat us, I don't believe he can continue to drink! "

"I'm coming!" The fat guy stood up, took the bottle of wine from Gao Leng's hand and waved the gift: "Gao, please!"

As he said, he raised his neck and frowned and drank a bottle of wine. After drinking, he wiped his mouth and burped, only to feel the alcohol go up. Drinking a bottle of white in one breath, this is the first time.

"Oh, this buddy can drink." Gao Leng looked at it, and it was obvious that this man had more alcohol than Gang, and he couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

"President Gao, let's do it!" The fat brother raised his eyebrows.

"Wait." Gao Leng shook his head.

Fat brother glanced at each other with the others.

"Hey, he can't drink anymore."

"That's right, I have drunk two bottles in a row, and the third bottle is horrified!"

"What are you waiting for, Mr. Gao, let's drink!" The fat brother patted his stomach, and the alcohol kept rising.

"Waiter, open three bottles for me, and two more bottles for this fat guy. I think he can drink." Gao Leng finished speaking, raised his neck, gurgled and drank a bottle and nodded in satisfaction: "It can be considered a little I can drink a little, happy!"

With that, he picked up a bottle and drank it again.

After drinking, I picked up another bottle...

"Buddy... buddy... wait!" The fat brother turned pale, and watched Gao Leng drink two bottles, which means that he would drink two bottles too. If Gao Leng drink another bottle...

He still wants to live to see the sun tomorrow.

"Big brother..." The fat brother was even more frightened than the one who was vomiting inside, and when he saw this, he threw the bottle and surrendered, and didn't dare to provocatively lower his head and sit down.

"Who else?" Gao Leng asked as he picked up the wine, and drank to himself: "I didn't drink water all afternoon, I was so thirsty..."

The earth snakes bowed their heads, and no one faced them.

For a long time, a local snake asked weakly: "Mr. Gao, how much alcohol do you have?"

Hahahaha, Gao Leng couldn't help but laughed boldly. He stood up after sitting lazily, raised the bottle and took a few sips and then hiccuped twice and slowly said, "Know what I envy the most. ?"

"What?" Everyone held their breath.

"Envy you to be drunk."


This wave of pretense is so compelling that it makes people fall into the ground and powerless to refute. Everyone looks at me and I look at you, completely convinced.

The problem is that this is not a pretense, Gao Leng said in his heart: Since he was beaten by the little witch, he has never been drunk after drinking, let alone drunk, he has never even felt a little drunk.

It’s a shame that there is wine in life, but I can’t get drunk...

The regretful Gao Leng couldn't help but feel sad, and drank another half bottle...

"Big brother." I don't know who took the lead first: "You don't need to drink it, my brother respects you."

"Big Brother! I respect you!"

"Big brother! Admire and admire! I respect you!"

For a while, people on the table raised bottles.

"Just use a cup." Gao Leng smiled in response to the big brother. When he reached the human world, he had to obey the rules. If he had something to say, he would have a straight hair. If he had something to solve, he would make friends when he felt right. Well, it's on the wine table.

This eldest brother, Gao Lengcheng took it for granted.

"Knife, you are a big man! We are blessed to have such a big brother!"

"Yes, eldest brother, your east gang works in our northwest. Our guy has always been a helper. Ask the knife, what's wrong, you slap us!"

It has been almost five or six years since the Eastern Knife Knife came to the northwest, and now it is integrated into this group of local snakes, but integration and being a big brother are still two different things.

Boss Gao is still courageous. From now on, it should be much easier for us to do things in the northwest of the East. The knife thought to himself, laughed, and looked at Gao Leng with strong admiration. I thought that Brother Biao suddenly got such a second-in-command a bit inexplicable. The Northwest is far away from Hong Kong. When the Northwestern Knife was in the car to participate in the high-cold meeting, he still felt that the high-cold was too blatant, and it was 100 million when he spoke. Now it seems that people are not public, they have this courage.

"It's natural for the tall boss of our east gang to have extraordinary courage. Come, everyone is now brothers, happy! Go!" He raised his head and drank with them.

"One hundred million? What one hundred million?" Mr. Xiao of KD Investment Company was engaged in investment and keenly discovered the keyword "one hundred million" in their conversation.

"Just look at Weibo." Yang Peng lowered his head and refreshed Weibo, and said in admiration: "Gao Leng is really a media expert. It is estimated that those who complain about him will shut up. Up."

Mr. Xiao hurriedly clicked on Weibo and read it. There were rumors on Weibo, Holmes was flying all over the sky, and the whole people entered a fantastical mode. The top three content of several major keywords were almost the same: the East Gang Gao Leng offered a reward of 100 million to protect his own reporter; Billion, the murderer? The dark battle of the East Gang kicked off, and Boss Gao offered a reward of 100 million for the head of the opponent's boss!

"A reporter from Xingsheng Magazine was followed by a murderer, Gao Leng directly offered a reward of 100 million, and called on the entire Eastern Gang to capture the murderer alive. Isn't it bold enough?" Yang Peng was full of admiration in his words, and there was no longer the previous attitude towards Gao Leng. Disrespectful words.

"Catch a murderer for one hundred million!" Mr. Xiao was so startled that his eyeballs were stuck to the lenses.

"No." Yang Peng shook his head.

"Oh, I thought it would be so lavish to catch a murderer for a hundred million people, it scared me." Mr. Xiao let out a long sigh of relief.

"This one hundred million caught this time is correct, but in the future, he will always offer a reward, as long as someone starts to attack his person, if you expose or catch the murderer in advance, there will still be a reward. One hundred million is the minimum standard." Yang Peng Eat a mouthful of food: "Listening to Mr. Gao's meaning, there may be a reward of up to one billion in the future."


Mr. Xiao wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and sighed long after being shocked for a while.

"What are you sighing for?" Yang Peng asked.

"There is less money..." Mr. Xiao looked sad.

"A reward of one hundred million is still less!" Yang Peng gave a white glance. He was the most shameful to pretend to be forceful. Even his rich elder brother was shocked by the bounty. A boss who invested in the Northwest region said that there was little money?

Are you kidding me?

At this time, Yang Peng was quite a bit of a high-cold scent. With all his thoughts written on his face, he directly didn't intend to kill Mr. Xiao, who he thought was pretending.

"I mean we have less money..." Mr. Xiao said vaguely, shook his head and stood up and raised his cell phone: "Brothers drink first, I have an important call."

With that said, he turned around and strode out of the room, walked to a private room with no one, closed the door, took out the phone and called his boss.

"Boss, 1.8 billion won't really be able to win his project." Xiao Zong said with certainty.

"Why?" The other party obviously didn't know what happened.

Mr. Xiao gave a detailed report of what he saw and offered a reward of 100 million yuan, especially the bowed heads of the Eastern Gang and the Northwest Snake, all of which reflected the cold vision and courage.

“I think that Mr. Gao’s rejection of OMSAS’s investment is not because his company’s conditions are too demanding. Perhaps Mr. Gao is very sure of his project itself. With his vision, let alone OMSAS’s rejection, we are still stronger than OMSAS. Almost, if there is no advantage in price, it will definitely be impossible." Mr. Xiao made a judgment.

"We also gave out 3 billion? It's too high, it's not a loss."

"Definitely not lose money." Mr. Xiao said affirmatively: "In fact, the investment project mainly depends on the investor. Although I have been in contact with him for a long time, it is certain that he has absolutely nothing to do with this project. The problem. And you have also seen that Huantai Company has also invested in this project. Besides, it is definitely a good project that allows OMSAS to invest 3 billion yuan in this project. Boss, this is an opportunity and this kind of stability. It will be of great benefit to us if the projects that are not profitable are won." Mr. Xiao said that he could not go straight.

He saw the huge profits not far away, and tried to persuade his boss to be cruel and take down green agriculture.

Mr. Xiao was outside analyzing the pros and cons of the project with his boss. The atmosphere in the room was full of drinking and drinking. The deputy director held up a cup several times to discuss ties with Gao Leng. After all, the affairs of Sister Cai were still hanging.

Good guys, once this group of local snakes recognized Gao Leng from the heart, he couldn't get in with this hook and shoulders, he finally got a chance, and he quickly passed by holding his glass: "Gao Zong Gao, then What, to you."

Just about to drink, Gao Leng stretched out his hand to block it.

what happened? Don't drink with me? Did I think he couldn't go out and smoke in the RV so he could see what I was thinking? The assistant director trembled in his heart and recalled that he went out to smoke and regretted it.

"Isn't it about Sister Cai? You don't need to be so polite, it's all brothers, meaningless." Gao Leng smiled slightly and glanced at the younger brothers in the northwest, and at a glance, he could tell which ones had a feast with Sister Cai.

After hearing Cai Jie's name, a few had some unnatural faces.

"The director filmed Yuzhi's scene. He said that our brothers and Cai sister are a little bit frictional, and the brothers are trying to save face. That's it." Gao Leng didn't even ask what happened. , But directly put forward your own ideas.

After looking at each other, the couple laughed loudly: "Since the older brother has spoken, this must be done."

The deputy director sighed in a long sigh of relief and stooped over again and again: "Thank you, thank you, oh, thank you so many brothers, thank you Mr. Gao, you don’t know, sister Cai is a big sister in the film industry of the Empire, she arranged for me If I don’t manage the matter, I won’t have a good day in the future."

"Indeed, Cai Jie is not just an old veteran in the filming, she has amazing connections in the movie circle, and she can't afford to offend." Yu Zhi also nodded.

"In this way, my brothers now call sister Cai. Since this matter is forgotten, our man should be more generous and apologize to her." Gao Leng raised his glass and drank it: "Count me this The eldest brothers and elder brothers ask something for the first time."

Gao Leng is such a pretty cai sister, so naturally he knows the identity and status of cai sister. Although this big celebrity in the movie circle has very little contact with other circles, and even the East Gang doesn't know much, she can't ignore her status in the film circle.

It's all from the media circle, and it's always helpful.

Several earth-headed snakes looked at each other again, but their expressions were a little embarrassed.

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