Gossip King

Chapter 1048: General Xiao!

"I'll go to the bathroom." Seeing his mother leave, Yuzhi picked up the bag and entered the bathroom and closed the door.

"My mom is too cold." Uzhi took out his mouth and smeared it red, and then took out other cosmetics to make up the makeup carefully, only to see that his face in the mirror was like a peach blossom, and his apricot eyes were feminine. Her face is elegant and self-confident, and her white neck is habitually slightly raised to show her noble identity since childhood.

"This man makes my heart more and more." Muttered, the arrogance in his heart slowly let go in front of Gao Leng.

The assistant director outside the door happily called Sister Cai: "Sister Cai, the problem has been solved. Their little guys will apologize to you shortly. Will you answer the phone soon?"

"Oh? Why did it happen suddenly?" Sister Cai said in surprise on the phone: "Who helped you? I can apologize." In the end, I knew there must be a big Buddha behind him.

"General Manager Gao of Xingsheng Magazine, second in command of the Eastern Gang."

"Xingsheng Magazine, I know, the Eastern Gang...I don't understand." Sister Cai hesitated slightly: "A few local snakes have come to apologize, or..."

"Apologize for all, and sincerely apologize." The assistant director was a little proud: "Let's put it this way, you can ask them to write a review book!"

"Apologize all? It's very hard to apologize..." Generally, an apology is usually sent with a representative meaning. It is not easy to ask these faceless local snakes to apologize one by one: "This is very cold, so cold, why are you here? He has connections in the realm, and it is still this kind of lower-level network." Sister Cai sighed, she has been used to her in the Imperial Capital, and Sister Cai, who is used to taking the high-level route, suffers this time on Dongrong’s land boundary. Contacts, there are no lower-level contacts for doing things.

"Gao Leng gave up his next project to this group of local snakes, and threw a 30 million project to them, making them millions in vain!"

"Oh..." Sister Cai smiled slightly: "This young man Gao Leng has paid a lot of money. He is very good."

Gao Leng looked at the time. It was almost ten o'clock at this time, and the early morning plane was about to fly to the Imperial Capital. It was time to talk to KD and withdraw. At this moment, Mr. Xiao of KD investor walked in with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Gao." Mr. Xiao went straight to Gao Leng. Seeing that the place where Yuzhi was sitting next to him was empty, he sat down and said, "Is it okay to talk to you about the project?"

"Of course, you are here to talk about cooperation. Let's just order it." Gao Leng put down his wine glass and pointed to the sofa next to him: "Go there."

As the two stood up, the others didn’t bother naturally. They all knew they were talking about official business. When the wine bureau was going hot, the group struggled to death, but Yu Zhiyi came out and saw that Gao Leng was not in position. Lost, when he saw that he was talking again, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Serious men are the most attractive.

"Speak straight." Gao Leng sat on the sofa and said not much. After all, they were talking about investment: "I really want to seek cooperation with a venture capital company for the project in Gouzi Village and start it as soon as possible. KD Investment has a reputation in the industry. It’s pretty good, but the tentacles don’t seem to stretch long enough."

The tentacles are not stretched long enough is a euphemism, meaning that they are not strong enough.

Mr. Xiao naturally understood Gao Leng's meaning. He smiled confidently and asked, "Then why don't you cooperate with the powerful OMSAS company?"

You said that I am not strong, so why do you reject the strong? There are also many demands for strong strength. This is what Mr. Xiao meant. You come to me, it's hard to get a spark.

"Because they are too demanding. So I have to think again. If KD can propose conditions that satisfy me, I will cooperate with you. For cooperation, for my project, the most important thing is who gives me more money. I’ll work with whoever has good conditions. It’s as simple as that.” I didn’t expect Gao Leng to admit it straightforwardly. This makes Mr. Xiao, who is accustomed to grinding back and forth and dealing with the subject countless times before taking screenshots, was a little surprised and a little disgusted. got used to.

President Xiao was stunned.

Gao Leng smiled slightly: "Mr. Xiao, I speak very directly and don't like procrastination. I will leave here for the airport in half an hour, so let's just talk about cooperation, how about?"

President Xiao pushed his glasses and nodded.

"Is this project good or not worth the investment? You must have analyzed it, so I won't say anything. Tell me about what conditions you can give, and I will see if you want to consider it." Gao Leng asked, adding One sentence: "To be precise, how much do you plan to invest and what rate of return is required to withdraw."

"This..." Mr. Xiao is obviously not used to Gao Leng's direct way of discussing cooperation. He was a little frustrated by playing his hole cards. He rolled his eyes and hesitated and said: "OMSAS promises to vote for you in the early stage. One billion, and the addition can reach three billion later, right?"

"It really is a competitor, and the information is accurate." Gao Leng nodded.

"Then..." Mr. Xiao pushed his glasses again: "Since they proposed a one billion upfront investment, but the conditions are very harsh, then we..."

Gao Leng frowned slightly. Hearing what he meant, they were less than three billion.

This President Xiao is used to the harp and harp negotiation method, and he is obviously still thinking about bargaining, and he will actually say "one billion in the early stage".

"Okay." Gao Leng waved his hand and stood up: "I have to go to the airport."

Mr. Xiao's expression changed when he heard it.

This general came too quickly and suddenly, and a bit too cruel. Gao Leng did not give Mr. Xiao the opportunity to continue speaking, so he withdrew directly.

Gao Leng's meaning is very clear: to cooperate with me, show your sincerity, and put away your routines.

"Yang Guanguan, clean up, ready to go." Gao Leng strode to the dinner table and picked up the wine glass and raised it: "Brothers, I'm going to the imperial capital tonight. I have to leave after 12 o'clock. I'm sorry, let's do it first." After speaking, he raised his head and drank three cups.

Everyone knew what had happened in the capital, so naturally they wouldn't keep it forcibly. The high cold was going to leave. It didn't make sense for this meal to go on, and everyone agreed that the meal ended here.

Besides Mr. Xiao, there was Yuzhi who looked confused and at a loss.

She had just put on her makeup carefully in the bathroom, thinking that she would treat Gao Leng with gentleness tonight. It would be best if she could go further, but she didn't expect to leave now.

Moreover, the reason for leaving is not good enough for people to keep: People are in the imperial capital and their own people are being followed by the killer. Naturally, he has to rush back to comfort the army.

How to do it? Uzhi's hands rubbed his clothes, his eyes gurgling, and his heart jumped. If you don't seize the opportunity this time, you won't know when the next time.

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