Gossip King

Chapter 1054: The most popular crisis

At eight o'clock, the first meeting was held. The manager of the human resources department and the manager of the finance department arrived, and the two people had a thick pile of materials on hand.

"Mr. Gao, this is the current personnel information of Xingsheng. There are not many management gaps. At present, we only have four supervisor positions that need to recruit talents. You know, Xingsheng is currently booming. The possibility of our management staff hopping Not big." The Personnel Department handed the information to Gao Leng respectfully.

"Mr. Gao, this is the specific expenses we spent on digging talents at Xingsheng this year. It has been accurate to the individual." The Finance Department carefully handed the report to Gao Leng.

After taking a closer look, Gao Leng nodded with satisfaction: "I told the bottom that this year Xingsheng Magazine implemented a new salary regulation: according to the annual income increase, each employee will be given additional dividends."

The manager of the finance department and the human resources department have heard that they have to know that this year, under the leadership of Gao Leng, Xingsheng has doubled its profits.

"Dividend amount is divided into grades, depending on the performance, the upper limit is not capped." Gao Leng reached out and ticked a few tick on the report of the HR manager at random: "For example, the manager of the finance department did a very good job. If it is A grade, then the final prize of last year will be given at the end of the year, and you will be awarded a dividend of twice your monthly salary."

"That's..." The manager of the finance department immediately calculated the amount: "My salary is 20,000 yuan a month, and the year-end bonus is double the salary of 40,000, plus the bonus of 40,000, which is 80,000..." He said in his eyes. With the light, the year-end bonus of 80,000 is not a small amount for him, especially the 40,000 is extra.

The company gives you an extra 40,000 yuan, which is totally different from the 40,000 year-end bonus.

"Mr. Gao, if all staff members have such a salary increase, then such a high year-end bonus is one of the best in the industry." The HR manager is obviously very happy, but he immediately realized what he shook his head: "Mr. Gao, he has no shares but It’s unique to be able to pay dividends, and it can greatly motivate employees to work, but it’s a big expense. But it’s an extra. This will save the boss a lot of money. Are you sure the board will agree?"

"You don't have to worry about this." Gao Leng smiled confidently: "Just execute it, add 80% to B level, add 50% to C level, and so on. The specific quota is calculated by the personnel department and the finance department, as long as it is in the profit category. The more you earn, the more the brothers will share. It’s as simple as that. As for the boss who earns a lot less, you don’t have to worry about it." Gao Leng's hand tapped on the table: "Because, I am soon It will be Xingsheng’s boss, and I have the final say on how much I earn."

What does this mean? President Gao wants to usurp the throne? The shares are in the hands of the board of directors. How could the general manager Gao Leng only hired become the boss? The faces of the two managers of the Human Resources Department and the Finance Department changed.

"I heard it right, right? Mr. Gao said just now that he would be the boss of Xingsheng Magazine?" The HR manager took out his ears and thought he had heard him wrong.

"Yes, that's what he meant... This is explosive news, isn't it possible... What about the entire board of directors, can he engage in usurpation?! What about President Lu?" The finance department manager frowned, the finance department. The position is one's own person, whose own person is it?

It's Lu Yajun's person, it's the board member.

Telling the manager of the finance department that Gao Leng will be the owner of Xingsheng Magazine, which is tantamount to telling Lu Yajun: Xingsheng, I want it.

To tear it?

The Finance Department was extremely confused. From his perspective, he couldn't understand what Gao Leng was going to do, so he didn't say anything and only reported to President Lu as soon as the meeting ended.

Gao Leng naturally what the two of them were thinking. He didn't continue to say in his eyes. He smiled slightly and looked at Yang Guanguan, "Secretary Yang, publish our new salary system on Xingsheng through the official website. Get out."


The first meeting ended in half an hour, and a short message posted on the official website immediately attracted the attention of some colleagues in the industry who wanted to change jobs: attractive dividends.

In just half an hour after the announcement, the human resources manager’s phone number was almost blown up. The first wave of calls to him was a headhunting company. Xingsheng gave such a good salary, they naturally saw business opportunities: I would like to introduce more. People who quit come to Xingsheng. The other wave is those who are actively seeking jobs.

A thriving media, a media that shines this year, now offers such attractive salary conditions, and fools will not come.

"Mr. Gao, this is a summary of the current situation of popular digging submitted by five headhunting companies." Before ten o'clock, Yang Guanguan handed over the information requested by Gao Leng on time, but in just one day, 200 million yuan After poaching the tempting conditions, nearly 20 people above the supervisor level in Fengxing Magazine have arranged an appointment for the next interview.

The positions recommended by the headhunters are generally one-by-one.

The investment of 200 million yuan is not in vain, and the talents of the popular magazine do not need their own travel expenses, accommodation expenses, and the interview with air tickets and accommodation.

Gao Leng looked at it and smiled slightly: "Secretary Yang, President Jian has ordered someone to write a few articles, probably after adjusting the salary of the deputy manager and supervisor level of Fengxing Magazine and the salary adjustment of our Xingsheng Magazine. Compare the salaries of deputy managers and supervisors, and analyze why the salaries of the deputy managers of Fengxing Magazine are so much less than the salaries of our deputy managers."

The veteran of Fengxing Magazine is rampant, hindering the rise of latecomers, this is their biggest drawback.

You die, no matter how hard you work, you will always be the deputy manager. The position of the manager is unbreakable. This is the prevailing status quo, and the most intuitive way to reflect this status quo is salary.

It is far from enough to write about their shortcomings without comparison. After the salary adjustment, Xingsheng’s deputy manager’s salary is higher than popular, and now with this dividend, it will be more than tens of thousands, and some can even increase every year. About one hundred thousand.

At the same level, in different companies, the salaries of deputy managers and supervisors are so much different, one high and one low, one praise and one derogation, all on paper. Which magazine is good, which magazine is going downhill, it is on paper.

"A reminder to those who are still hesitating to change jobs in Fengxing Magazine, so that the headhunting company that is digging for Fengxing can better swing the hoe." Gao Leng put the information aside: "Jealousy, imbalance, and no room for development. , Is the biggest weapon in the loss of middle-level cadres in a company. In three days, I will hollow out the middle-level of Popular Magazine."

"Within ten minutes, I will see several financial and economic Weibo accounts and WeChat public accounts appearing on articles that we have edited." Gao Leng knocked on the table.

Yang Peng, who was still in the office for his summit, did not know that the biggest crisis of Fengxing Magazine had come and swept away.

Eight minutes later, the article was published, and it began to ferment in the industry, because it was related to Fengxing Magazine. Some middle-level members of Fengxing Magazine first saw it and quickly spread it among colleagues.

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