Gossip King

Chapter 1059: Wait! The fish waiting?

Gao Leng stretched his waist: "It's noon, book a good hotel."

"It's fine to have a work meal, and there will be a meeting at two o'clock." Jian Xiaodan looked at the time: "It's past eleven now. It's too wasteful for a few of us to go to the hotel to eat. It's unnecessary."

"The fish is going to be hooked. This meal is to accompany the fish." Gao Leng looked at the drooling fat man on the side: "Look at the fat man. When it comes to eating, his saliva is gone. Book the best hotel nearby. , I will go back to the office to get some information."

"Fish?" Jian Xiaodan looked at Gao Leng's leaving back with a dazed expression: "Which fish?"

"Wait." The high cold voice revealed Sheng Juan's grip.

"Which mermaid?" The fat man was full of peach blossoms: "Has the boss dealt with which beauty? Really envy..."

Gao Leng who walked to the door of the conference room winked at Yang Guanguan, who was standing at the door, and lowered his voice: "Go, let go of what I just said, and say that Xingsheng Magazine has received 80 venture capital. Billion, are negotiating."

Yang Guanguan hurriedly bent over and walked out, went straight to the coffee room, grabbed a cup of coffee, and chatted with several other female reporters who were resting. To spread the gossip, a woman’s mouth is always faster than a man’s.

Soon, Xingsheng magazine knew that: venture capital must invest 8 billion in Xingsheng!

Huh? How come it's eight billion?

It is normal for the price to go up slightly by passing it through the mouth of a woman.

Soon, the gangs of Fengxing Magazine who wanted to quit all knew: Venture Capital should give Xingsheng 10 billion!

Huh? How come it's 10 billion? Is it too exaggerated?

"So many? Impossible..." An old reporter from Fengxing Magazine shook his head decisively: "I see, there must be an increase in prices."

He was rather clever. The clever old reporter stretched out his hand and gestured: "It must be less than 10 billion. I guess it should be seven or eight billion."

Right, right, everyone around nodded.

"No, why did this venture capital suddenly invest money in Xingsheng? Xingsheng is operating so mature..." Another old reporter from Fengxing Magazine seemed to have a clue. Xingsheng Magazine is an old magazine. , If venture capital has already existed, why didn't it happen at this time before? And what is it? No matter how he thought it was wrong, he mused for a while and patted his thigh: "I know, Xingsheng is going to transform, and now it is financing for film and television."

"Yes, I think so too." Another old reporter was full of wisdom: "You think, since Gao Leng became the general manager of Xingsheng Magazine, we should be on the same level as Xingsheng? "

Everyone nodded. Both of them are mainly entertainment news magazines. The circulation of magazines is similar, the circulation of newspapers is almost the same, and even the celebrities invited are similar: this month on your cover, next month on my cover.

But since Gao Leng came to Xingsheng Magazine, it was Wang Cong’s birthday dinner first, and then focused on opening up a financial column. After the birthday dinner, he did financial interviews for two months and almost interviewed all the famous entrepreneurs in the empire. Again. Xingsheng Magazine has been transformed from a single entertainment and news media into a media with coexistence of financial magazines.

"Wang Cong, the Carrion Case, and the Electric Shock Case. These major events have made Xingsheng move from an entertainment magazine to a comprehensive magazine. I have to say that Xingsheng Magazine has a high cold at the helm. It is really the right person. You see, now again I got the venture capital, let’s take a look at our popular... hey..."

"When Lao Yang retired, I think Xiao Yang's total ability is average, he is stubborn enough to steer, and he will become popular in the future... hey..."

There was a sigh.

"What? That's a rumor!" Yang Peng who received the call was furious: "I was having dinner with Gao Leng yesterday, don't I know? That venture capital was invested in his green agriculture, and There is not so much at all, it is worth more than a billion yuan! It's not for Xingsheng, what is it!"

Soon, new content was added to the rumors.

"Have you heard? According to Mr. Yang himself, this Gao Leng's own green agriculture has also gotten an investment of several billion!"

"Yes, I also heard. I guess that after the venture capital company invested in Xingsheng, I saw that the other project in his hands was not bad, and he also invested in him. Tsk, if this person gets rich, it is really a block. Don't stop..."

"Hey, clean up and change jobs. You still have to go to a promising company. Once Xingsheng grows bigger, those supervisors can be promoted to managers, how great!"

One strong and one weak, more and more evoked the injustice of Fengxing's supervisors towards their positions. Everyone wants to follow the general to fight the world and be prosperous.


"Hey, Mr. Lu, this is Lao Zhang." In an independent conference room, the finance manager lowered his voice: "Excuse me."

"What's the matter?" Lu Yajun's voice was very energetic: "Let's talk about it, I am painting, to make a long story short."

Since Gao Leng took over the baton of the general manager of Xingsheng Magazine, Lu Yajun has never done anything for Xingsheng. Xingsheng has done so in full swing. By the end of the year, dividends will be much more than before. , He, the majority shareholder of Xingsheng Magazine, was happy and had a very comfortable life.

She walks around birds every day, writes calligraphy, and recently became fascinated by landscape painting.

"Today, Mr. Gao said that he will soon be the boss of Xingsheng Magazine." The manager of the finance department said the word "boss" extremely seriously.

"Huh?" Lu Yajun was obviously confused, and stopped writing.

"Today, Mr. Gao adjusted the company-wide salary. It was a major adjustment and added new dividends. This money will affect the year-end dividends of several major shareholders. I reminded Mr. Gao. Mr. Gao clearly told me'Boss There will be no comments, because I will soon be the boss of Xingsheng'."

The financial manager is a relative of his family, this is a diehard. His lips are always reliable, he is not the kind of person who tells right and wrong, but Lu Yajun still has some doubts after listening.

"Huh?" President Lu was stunned again: "You say it again."

The finance manager said it again.

"Yeah." Mr. Lu didn't say anything after hearing this. He just hung up the phone quietly, holding the brush in his hand, and did not write for a long time.

Ding Ding Ding, the phone rang again, he picked it up, and another shareholder's voice came from inside: "Lao Lu, have you heard that? Gao Leng said at the meeting that Xingsheng Magazine had received venture capital, and said The contract is about to be signed. Why don't our board of directors know about this?"

"Huh?" Mr. Lu was stunned again. He had never heard Gao Leng talk to him about venture capital from beginning to end. Although he was stunned, he still held his mind and smiled: "There is really risk investment, that's a good thing. I asked him."

"I asked, venture capital is to invest in him a green agriculture, not Xingsheng at all, do you think he uses Xingsheng to speculate his company, is it interesting?" The shareholder was obviously angry.

Hey, a drop of ink fell on the landscape painting that Mr. Lu had half painted.

The painting is also good.

There are people with small bridges and flowing water, ancient roads with westerly winds and thin horses, and the setting sun sets in the west. This scene is very beautiful.

The last few strokes are still missing: Heartbroken is in the End of the World.

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