Gossip King

Chapter 1067: So-called status and respect

Lu Yajun put down the phone and sighed. He looked at Gao Leng with a trace of regret in his eyes: "This circle is very small, and the five headhunting companies can't hide this from you. Sooner or later, everyone will know. Of course, you know. Send a few more comments or praise or derogation. The empire is not like a foreign country. There are many situations in foreign countries. Everyone will not say anything, but the empire is very human. It is all in a circle. Others will poke the backbone."

In foreign countries, there are many similar situations like Gao Leng, especially when robbing a project, many companies will spend a lot of money to poach an important person or an important team from the other party at the most critical time.

So nowadays, foreign companies often sign a contract for breach of contract when entering a job, or add liquidated damages to the labor contract: if you leave early or disclose company information, you need to compensate the company how much. In order to minimize the occurrence of a large number of corners being poached by competitors.

The reason for the occurrence of liquidated damages is because there have been a large number of cases where there have been a large number of talents from the other company, which directly defeated the other party. This is not surprising in the history of economic development in Western countries.

In China, although there are many labor contracts, the empire is no better than the developed countries, and the labor contract itself is full of loopholes. In the empire, more cooperation depends on favors. And Gao Leng's approach is obviously too impersonal.

Lv Yajun slowed down and continued earnestly: "Mr. Gao, now you are still young, maybe you think I am pedantic, but one thing is always right: social status is more important than money, and earning respect from society is more important than making money. The money is more important."

Gao Leng nodded, he agreed with Mr. Lu's view.

"Especially at my age, identity, status, and social respect are much more important than money." Mr. Lu sighed, "I hope you can understand."

"I understand that social status is more important than money, and being respected is more important than money, but I don't understand you." Gao Leng got off the desk and pointed his finger at the sofa. Mr. Lu walked to the sofa with him and sat down. Gao Leng poured a glass of water and handed it to Lu Yajun: "Mr. Lu, can I ask you some questions?"

"You said."

"You just said that your ambitions are not that big. The former Xingsheng can do it. Now that the company is bigger, there are more things to worry about, right?" Gao Leng asked.

"Yeah." Lu Yajun nodded: "Now that I am involved with the East Gang, I want to annex the old man's company, and in this way..."

Hahaha, Gao sneered and interrupted Lu Yajun. He laughed louder and louder.

"What are you laughing at?" Lu Yajun's face was pale, Gao Leng's smile was full of mockery, and he was very upset.

"I'm laughing at President Lu, your idea is too absurd."


"Yes, ridiculous." The high-cold tone aggravated a bit: "It's ridiculous."

Lu Yajun's face was cold, and he could not bear it, but obviously he couldn't help it anymore. You must know that Gao Leng had never spoken to him like this, and had always treated him with respect and respect.

And the next high-cold question made Lu Yajun speechless.

"I think it’s funny that you, Mr. Lu, keep saying that you are pursuing social status and social respect, but you will miss the former Xingsheng, the Xingsheng who only secretly photographs the bottom of the celebrity skirt every day, and miss the star who only reports. Xingsheng of pure entertainment magazines." Gao Leng looked at Lu Yajun. This time, his eyes did not have the previous student gestures, but exuded a compelling light: "Is it a pure Xingsheng magazine that reports stars? Society, do you really have the social status you want? Does it really have the social respect you want?"

Lu Yajun's body suddenly stiffened.

"What did Xingsheng Magazine reported on before? In addition to following sneak shots of celebrities' thighs and scandals, besides participating in celebrity press conferences, and waving the flag to these artists with advertising fees, what else did you do?"

"The previous Xingsheng magazine provided readers with the correct three views? Has it reported any news related to people's livelihood? Or has it rescued even one poor person in need? Or has it reported on any financial report that can promote the social economy. news?"

Lu Yajun looked ashamed under the cold and repeated questions.

"Today's Xingsheng, in addition to entertainment news, there are unannounced visits that focus on people's livelihood, financial reports that focus on the economy, and a charity column where celebrities pay for their own investment. We are still doing financial summits. Mr. Lu, are these not what you want? Are these not more socially standing and respectable than the previous Xingsheng?!"

Gao Leng stood up and walked to the desk and took out two documents. He walked quickly to Mr. Lu and handed it to him: "This year, Xingsheng also won the Taofen Award from the state. This is the Taofen Award! The journalist’s highest award! Two of us at Xingsheng won!"

Lu Yajun took the document. He had known this honor a long time ago. He remembered that the day he knew it, his phone calls were about to be blown by his old friends.

"Congratulations, Mr. Lu, whoops, you see that I have been in the media for a lifetime, and I have never seen what Taofen Award looks like."

"Mr. Lu, your generals are too powerful! The carrion case is handled well! This kind of junk enterprise needs justice media like you to overthrow it!"

Gao Leng is right. This is true social status and social respect.

"Mr. Lu, I think when you were young, when you founded Xingsheng, you must have thought that one day through your own media, you will speak for the people and do something for the people, not just for the entertainment industry. "Gao Leng's voice softened. He looked at Lu Yajun, and saw Lu Yajun's hand rubbing repeatedly on the document of Taofen Award winner sent by the country.

Naturally, Lu Yajun thought about it.

Everyone in the media industry has thought about it at the beginning. It's just that the vast majority of people ultimately lost to reality.

"Mr. Lu, in my opinion, the social status and social respect you want is too narrow. To be precise, what you want is only those people in your circle of friends who have a benevolent and elegant evaluation of you. A true society Status and social respect should be given by ordinary people, isn't it?"

Lv Yajun was speechless by repeated questions.

After a while of silence, he raised his head and said: "What you said is correct, but what I want to ask you is, does the growth of a company have to harm the interests of other companies? The annexation should mean that the annexation is about to go bankrupt. Do you know that if this incident is reported by the financial media, you will be cast aside in the empire’s business community.”

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