Gossip King

Chapter 1071: Implication

Saying that Mr. Lu walked to the door and waved his hand: "No need to deliver it, I will help you this time. In the future, if you want to fight against the popular and annex the enterprise, I don't care. If I don't help you or stop you, I will drink every day. Tea and bird breeding are waiting for your company's annual dividend."

"Ms. Lu, are you going back?" As soon as he left the house, the butler waiting outside asked. He who had been with Mr. Lu for a long time could see that Lu Yajun's face was a little strange, as if he was several years younger, and his expression was bright.

The fighting spirit that I haven't seen for a long time, there must be something important, the old housekeeper can see it.

"Don't go back, go... go to the law firm. Attorney Zhang is here today? Ask about the shares." As soon as Lu Yajun said this, the old housekeeper was taken aback. His eyes flickered for a few minutes and then he understood. He knew it was the housekeeper who had been with Lu Yajun for nearly 20 years.

"Mr. Gao is really amazing." The old housekeeper followed Lu Yajun to the elevator entrance, pressed the elevator and said, "You were actually moved."

"Do you remember my dream when I first established Xingsheng?" Lu Yajun asked.

"Remember, of course." The old housekeeper reached out his hand and touched his chin and squinted slightly. It seems that more than a decade ago, the years are right in front of him: "You said that Xingsheng will become a well-known domestic media."

"Yeah." Lu Yajun took out a cigar and squeezed it for a while: "I was so naive at the time. How could it be so easy? Now I don't have such great ambitions. It's rare to see a young man I promoted is more ambitious than I was old, so let’s take a shot. Besides, those old guys in Xingsheng have made enough of not doing anything for so many years and they have earned enough dividends. They can put some capital and think of ways to buy back the shares and arrange the car."

"Yes." The old butler did not ask any more.

There is no need to ask more, to make these shares pay dividends every year, and sell the shares. It is estimated that you will get both good and bad. Buying it at several times the price is one aspect, but playing some other tricks is another.

Naturally, the rumors that Lu Yajun will face in the coming months are indispensable.

But Thaksin believes in Gao Leng's self-confidence, but he doesn't really believe that Gao Leng's lofty aspirations can be accomplished. After all, "let me be swallowed up to be proud", this height is at least one of the top media giants in China is possible.

Let's go and watch.

Just as Lu Yajun allowed Gao Leng to use his Weibo alone to publish Xingsheng news for the first time.

Lu Yajun’s relatively smooth and elegant character determines that he cannot realize his dreams by himself. To become one of the top domestic media will naturally have more killings. Under the ruthless business war, there are many people with sentimental points, and he can't afford that. Sharp edge.

But it is his character that also determines the fate of Gao Leng being reused by him. He sees people accurately and dares to delegate power. Once reused, he has no doubts. This kind of open-mindedness is not something that every entrepreneur will have, but he does.

Too benevolent may be the shortcoming of great cause, but for Lu Yajun, his kindness has become the original cornerstone of Gao Leng's great cause.

This is the case for Bole, and what Bole Lu Yajun does not know today is that it is precisely because he discovered and formed an indissoluble bond with Gao Leng the Maxima, the future life he will have is because of Gao Leng’s Maxima, and It's incredible.

After sending away Lu Yajun, Gao Leng breathed a sigh of relief. He picked up the phone and slapped the East Gang: "Did those two catch them?"

"I have been eyeing it, and I can make a move at any time. Now that several groups of people are eyeing these two, the brothers of the East Gang all say that they are rich."

A reward of 100 million yuan, isn't it a fortune?

"Boss, I don’t need to offer a reward for doing things for my boss, so I don’t need to withdraw it. The younger brothers will not have any complaints. When you ask them to have a meal together, it will be enough for them to show off for a lifetime. "A knife is obviously painful, the price is too expensive.

Shockingly expensive.

But what Gao Leng wants is to make people feel frightened and expensive. Only in this way can there be deterrence.

"How can I break my promise? When the two people are sent back to the police station in the afternoon, I invite these brothers to dinner and fulfill my promise. When I get off work, it will be after five o'clock."

A knife was moved manually, he heard something but didn't say anything, but simply said: Yes.


Seven or eight young men from the Eastern Gang squatted in a corner and looked at a manhole cover from a distance. Under the manhole cover, there was a famous assassin’s blood throat. At this moment, he did not know that he was braving all over his body and was digging with a knife. One by one, you can climb to the manhole cover and leave.

"I'm getting rich..."

"Boss, this is the blood throat. It's really rich now." A young man took out his mobile phone, and there was an unclear video on it. At first glance, it was recorded by the driving record: "These hundreds of thousands of flowers It's worth it, it's a coincidence, it happened that my buddy was driving by and caught this guy getting out of the car."

In the mobile video, Xuemao and Quezi got off the car and crossed the road to the roasted whole lamb stall opposite.

"Boss Gao is offering a reward of one hundred million, one hundred million, so much money, don't everyone try to find clues? You have to dig out these two people by digging three feet." The small heads of this group looked quite proud: " Brothers, we are really lucky. Those people are still looking for clues, but not only from the East Gang. I heard that many desperadoes heard about this and they were looking for it. Fortunately, we were the first to find it and we told it. Now, this fat cow is ours!"

"Boss, catch this guy first, why don't you order us to catch it?"

A group of people have been squatting here for almost an hour, and the people around are a little strange, why are the bunch of young men in that remote corner so excited looking at the manhole cover not far away?

If they knew that there were fifty million under the manhole cover, they would do the same. The other 50 million are missing children. This kid just walked out of the building of Xingsheng Magazine and drove the car he had parked nearby. He was spotted within one kilometer.

Zizi, the little boss's cell phone rang.

"First, at seven o'clock in the evening, Boss Gao invites you to dinner." This is the first sentence of Yidao. Seven or eight boys squeezed their heads into a pile. When they heard the news, several of them were so excited that they almost squeezed their fists. In your own mouth, in case you scream excitedly.

"Second, before five o'clock in the afternoon, send the blood throat you are staring to near the police station and report the crime. Remember, you must ensure the safety of the criminals. Don't die. By the way, they have caught the missing child. Yes, I’m sending it here. Remember, two people are required to be sent to the police station at the same time."

After hanging up the phone, several people checked the time.

"Boss, it's only one o'clock, before five o'clock in the afternoon? The nearby police station is across the street."

"That's it, how come the two get together to send it?"

A few people were a little confused, and the little boss seemed to understand the meaning of a knife, and he chuckled: "The third one and the others have found the missing child? I'll call him to discuss it."

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