Gossip King

Chapter 1074: This killing has finally been reported!

Several Dong Gang directly opened the manhole cover, picked up the gun and aimed at it. They saw that the blood throat and the missing child under the manhole cover had collapsed. They took off their trousers and nested inside, and they instinctively extended their hands when they saw the manhole cover opened. I want to resist but I don't have much strength.

The two people were quickly picked up, and the surrounding cars blocked the outside view and threw them in the middle.

Several family members immediately surrounded them, and it was surprising that they did not immediately rush to punch and kick, but seemed to not believe that what appeared in front of them was the enemy who had been looking for years and hated from their bones but was helpless. .

The **** hatred, it is unbelievable that the murderer of this **** hatred is right in front of you!

"I...I..." A family member grabbed her hair and took two steps back. There was a vague voice in her mouth. Her whole body trembled, and her eyes moved back and forth on Bloodthroat and Guzi. free.

And Lao Zhao is much calmer than those women. He bit the roots. If it weren't for the blue veins on his neck to show his inner excitement, he couldn't see his anger at all, and the revenge would come too soon, and it would come soon. He couldn't believe it. He took the photo and walked around behind the two assassins lying weakly on the ground. He took a closer look but was a little unsure. Several members of the East Gang immediately stood up the two men.

"It's him." The voice of the old lady of the old Zhao family floated in the air. The moment Bloodmaw and Quezi stood up, the old Zhao family's voice sharply cut through the quiet space, bursts of hatred. : "It's him! It's him!"

Like a cheetah pounced on its prey, Zhao's wife cried and rushed over, punching and kicking at the blood throat.

"It's him." The other person recognized the two men from their backs. He stepped forward two steps and pulled down the clothes around the neck of Miss Zi, only to see the deep lines on his back. The man’s face was pale and pale: “It was him. There was meat in the nails of my daughter when he died. The police said that he had caught the murderer’s back and would leave scars on the murderer.”

"It's him!" The sure voice burst out with endless hatred.

Several family members rushed over, fighting the two evil killers with all their strength. Old Zhao grabbed the blood-throated head and yelled like a beast. The anger of several years and the pain of being killed with his own hands are in this one. Can finally vent in an instant.

"Daughter! My daughter!" After a while, Zhao's wife suddenly dropped her feet and sat on the ground and started crying. She stretched out her hand and slapped her face a few times. He thumped on the ground again, and his daughter shouted heartbreakingly: "Finally caught! Finally caught! You beast! You beast!"

Slap yourself in the face. It is the self-blame of the murderer who has not been able to catch the murderer for so many years. It has been awakened every night for so many years, until the daughter is naked, bleeding from her lower body, and her head hanging on the clothes hanger. In the lives of Lao Zhao and his wife, they can't be erased again. They were originally a happy family. The two elders were both teachers in the school. Their daughter has been well-behaved since she was a child. She was admitted to the undergraduate degree of X and was recommended for postgraduate. She has passed the graduation defense and received the admission letter from the foreign company.

Her life has just begun to bloom. After years of studying in the cold window, if it weren't for these two perverted murderous monsters, her life would be wonderful. However, everything is ruined.

The horror and horror caused these two old men who had never hurt others to fall into **** in an instant.

But even if you fall into hell, you have to catch this murderer! But I can't catch it. I haven't solved the case for so many years. Everyone says that there are people who have been wronged and the debts are in charge, and they can't find the suffering and hatred of the murderer.

Zhao's wife slapped herself a few times and then stumbled to her feet and rushed over. Several people scrambled with the blood throat and the missing child and beat him to death.

Puff, the blood throat vomited blood out and fell to the ground.

"Boss, do you want to intervene, don't die." The brothers of the East Gang were a little worried.

"Let them vent their vents. It is not so easy to kill them if they don't have weapons in their hands. After a while, they won't be able to fight them. This kind of **** hatred can only be vented by personally fighting. If I, I can kill him personally." Those who are considerate can understand the fury of these family members. After a few judgments, the little head of the East Gang decided to let them continue to beat them.

This is also what Gao Leng meant.

"Remember, you can't let them die, and ensure their safety." One knife told them: As long as they don't die, take a good lesson.

We all say that a life is worth a life, but these two people have so many lives in their hands, so it is enough to send them to the police to be sentenced to death? Inexplicable hatred! After fighting for a long time, the Eastern Gang saw that they couldn't go down, and quickly dragged the blood throat and the missing child aside, and several people stabilized the emotions of the family members.

"How does your life compare to my daughter's life! You pay my woman's life! You pay my daughter's life!" The old Zhao, who had not been crying, was panting and cried when he saw the murderer being dragged into the car by the Eastern Gang. When I got up, I couldn't stop crying at first.

A man in his fifties lay on the ground, crying heartbreakingly: "I want to kill you! I want to kill you! You beast! Beast!"

Several family members cried together, a woman fainted, and the cries on the scene attracted the attention of pedestrians in the distance.

When the emotions of several family members stabilized, they got in the car, but their bodies were trembling. The murderer was about to be sent to the police station. After careful arrangements, several policemen who had greeted long ago stood by the roadside. , Took the murderer directly from the Eastern Gang. The moment they saw the two of them, these policemen were startled.

It is indeed the murderer, this is the most important reason for the surprise.

He was beaten at first sight, which is the second reason.

"One knife, we took it, rest assured, this time we solved the big case, we won't involve you in it." A police officer walked aside and whispered: "Our briefing will be: Chaoyang people report ."

"Okay, these family members will follow us to make a transcript." After settling down, the family members got out of the car, and their faces were pale and pale because they were too excited.

"Thank you." Old Zhao walked up to the Dongbang brothers and held out his hand to hold them tightly: "Thank you, especially Reporter Gao, I..."

He hadn't spoken, and the old tears were running, and he couldn't say a word anymore.

"You are heroes and our benefactors. Finally... bring them to justice. Thank you, thank you, Reporter Gao." The other family members cried together.

"I will convey your gratitude to Boss Gao. You don't need to thank us so much. We just acted according to orders..." The brothers of the East Gang were obviously proud and embarrassed.

"Is reporter Gao's full name Gao Leng?" Lao Zhao asked when he was about to enter the police station, "I don't remember clearly."

"Yes." The Dong Gang laughed and patted his chest: "He is our tall boss, he will invite us to dinner tonight!"

Old Zhao nodded and did not speak any more. He just remembered these words in his heart. Several other family members looked at each other and then turned and followed the police into the police station. For such a big case, I am afraid that you will have to do two transcripts. Three hours.

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