Gossip King

Chapter 1086: Really embarrassing

It was... embarrassing, Uzhi's face turned red all at once, she was completely stunned, watching the set slip from the outer pocket of the fallen box, and then flung it to Gao Leng's feet.

Gao Leng bends over and picked up the sleeve, put it into the box and smiled: "Extra large, ultra-thin."

It was so embarrassing.

The dignified first-line actress Yuzhi teacher actually carries this with him.

"I, I, I, I..." Yu Zhishi didn't know what to say: "Then what, this set is..."

"It's very good to use a condom." Gao Leng said calmly, putting the condom in the outer pocket of her box again, and zip up the pocket: "Be careful next time."

"How did you know that I was going to use this hype?" Yuzhi was a little surprised.

"The back of your neck." Gao Leng pointed to the red mark that had just been drawn on the back of her neck: "Hickey with a sleeve, you can see that it's hype."

Really smart, thought Yu Zhixin, turned around and looked at the hickey drawn in the mirror. Although it was a little red, the shot was just right. In the end, he was involved in the media, and he saw the truth at a glance.

"That's all right, you can eat, I'll go out and go around." Gao Leng pointed to the packed food and stood up: "I heard that many movie studios are gathering here. I'll go see it."

The film that Yuzhi participated in is naturally a big production. Whether it is the producer, producer or director, it is a good team. The imperial capital propaganda station is the first stop, and many people from the film and television circles in the imperial capital also come to congratulate and gather together. This was what Yuzhi had told him before Gao Leng came.

"Hey, what are you rushing? They...they still get together at night." Yuzhi obviously reluctant to leave Gao Leng, she stretched out her hand and grabbed him: "How about...to eat together?"

"I've eaten it." Gao Leng obviously hopes to be a little bit further away from Yuzhila. Business is business, and it's best not to involve personal emotions. It's not that Uzhi has no charm, but this kind of woman is not Lin Zhi, and it will be troublesome if you have to give a name.

"Then... Then let's interview now, let's talk first, and then fill up the shot later." Yuzhi's tone was pleading.

As he said, someone knocked on the door of the dressing room, and Uzhi frowned, "Please come in."

"Oh, Yuzhi, I haven't seen it for a long time." Pushing the door into the imperial capital's somewhat famous producer, Mr. Li, he has a big head, and those with a good relationship or seniority call him Li with big head, junior. All respected him Li Da.

"Mr. Li, long time no see." Li's big head is quite famous in the producer circle. Yu Zhi knows it naturally. She greeted her with a smile and stretched out her hand to hold it. She couldn't see that her heart had been depressed to the extreme. Later, this little skill is trivial.

"This is?" Li looked at Gao Leng with his big head.

"Gao Leng, the general manager of Xingsheng Magazine." Yu Zhixiao said with a smile: "We also operate high-end health projects and green agriculture in China." This time the smile is from the heart, and the pride can't be blocked. live.

"Oh..." Producer Li's big head obviously didn't pay attention to this one, but he also saw Yuzhi's proud look, especially the look of Yuzhi's cold eyes. Old Jianghu Li always judged it. After eighty or nine minutes, his eyes fell on the takeaway that Gao Leng had brought over, plus the door that had just been locked...

"Then what, I just say hello." President Li quickly prepared to leave, he opened the door of the dressing room and waved his hand: "See you tonight, you're busy first, busy first."

Uzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and after looking at Gao Leng, he closed the door and pointed to the sofa: "Let’s take a break here. The shareholder of the popular magazine is also busy. After dinner, I can talk to the shareholder. I heard that he sincerely wants to sell you the shares in his hand."

When he heard about the shares of Fengxing Magazine, Gao Leng's expression became more serious. This was a business matter. He sat on the sofa, and Yu Zhi quickly sat down on the sofa and opened the lunch box.

"Wow..." Yu Zhi took a deep breath and quickly took a bite: "I put on makeup at 4 o'clock in the morning, and then took pictures. I didn't drink a sip of water. I really want to eat a few more bites."

She took a glass of water, washed the picked vegetables in it, and put it in her mouth.

Gao Leng was dumbfounded. He pointed to the vegetables: "The vegetables are not fat, so you have to wash them with water? What if you don't have enough energy for a while? Do a dozen interviews, brainstorm."

"It's the promotion period. You can't eat meat, peppers, or greasy. What if you get acne?" Yuzhi sighed gently, took a piece of sausage, washed it, and put it on his mouth, sticking out his tongue to lick Licked.

The most famous restaurant in this shop is grilled sausages. They use wild boars that run up the mountain. They are not in the same class as captive pigs. The burned sausages are also very distinctive. A long sausage will not be cut. Rather, it's roasted so much that the flesh is splashed.

Uzhi stretched out his tongue and licked the sausage like this, frowning contentedly: "It's delicious, I haven't eaten meat in a long time..."

Uh, Gao Leng couldn’t help but feel crooked when she saw her appearance. He quickly retracted his thoughts and said, “Then eat, you are not fat. It’s not enough to lick it, so just eat one, otherwise the physical strength will not keep up. ."

"Forget it, the work during the promotion period is more important." Yuzhi licked a lot of scent with satisfaction, put it down reluctantly, and started talking about the business: "The shareholder of Fengxing Magazine is surnamed Wu, He has 10% of Fengxing’s shares in his hand, and he is one of the pioneers of Fengxing. This time he bought shares not only with this idea, but also four or five of them. These four or five are all at manager level. Get up to 20% of the shares."

The manager is the position where Fengxing Magazine has the most stable position. Fourteen managers have always been as stable as Mount Tai, but they also have whimsical ideas. This is not surprising. People are not for their own sake. Xingsheng has won venture capital again. It will be sooner or later that Fengxing will be swallowed. Before swallowing, the price of Fengxing Magazine will definitely be kept to a minimum, and the value of their shares will also be greatly reduced.

Rather than waiting to shrink, it is better to sell it to Gao Leng early and get a good price.

"Fengxing's 20% share, the money should not be too much, tens of millions?" Yu Zhi's voice is relaxed. In her opinion, tens of millions is nothing to Gao Leng.

However, Gao Leng’s face is not very good-looking. Tens of millions are a problem for him now. The money is all in and out and spent, and the property shares in his hand cannot be sold anymore. It is easy to sell again. If you don't have the right to speak, you have to hold more than 60% of the stake in order to be safe.

There is not enough money, Gao Leng thought.

"Hey, Mr. Li, come and talk about a few cents!" A loud voice came from outside the door, listening to the tune like the voice of a famous domestic director.

Nowadays, I don't know whether to make a profit or not in film and television. Gao Leng has this idea in his heart.

"Here! Brothers come here too, talk about a few cents." Li's head loudly greeted the other old colleagues.

"I'll go out and chat with them." Gao Leng stood up: "You eat slowly, and I will find you later."

Seeing Gao Leng about to leave, Yuzhi's eyes rolled.

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