Gossip King

Chapter 1089: Who drank this glass of wine?

"Come on, fill it up, and have a toast." Li's head itself is the senior of these people, and he speaks a lot more casually. He picked up the glass and poured wine into his glass, and everyone else filled it up.

"I can't make a glass." Yuzhi said with a smile, looking at Gao Leng. Gao Leng only poured a quarter of the glass. She quickly handed over her glass: "Change it with you, I There will be interviews in a while, I'm in trouble if I get drunk and talk nonsense."

"That's OK, as soon as you have business, just drink something meaningful. It's an honor for our beautiful beauty to come and drink with you, right." Li looked at Gao Leng with an ambiguous head. Youtiao speaks very nicely. Only those who are sleek and talkative can walk for a long time by hanging around at the wine table. Li Zongneng is well-known among domestic producers and has his own abilities.

Li's head saw Yuzhi's ambiguous relationship with Gao Leng but he didn't say anything. He just blinked at Gao Leng and raised a toast. There was envy in his eyes. Men, I understand, Yuzhi is not a woman like this. Anyone can win.

Gao Leng took the wine glass handed over by Uzhi and exchanged his wine glass with her.

Uh... Sweet girl wanted to speak and was extremely flustered. Can a man drink this thing? she thinks. After thinking about it, she dared not tell the truth to these two people. This one is a first-line actress and the other is the boss of the magazine. If you come by yourself, you will lose the face of her boyfriend Lao Zhang. The boss is not far from breaking up when he loses his face.

Sweet girl has to keep this secret even if she breaks her teeth. Anyway, if there is a problem, she won't find out that she did the trick.

What can be the problem? It's just that the spring heart is rippling, and it won't be so if there is more water, sweet girl thought.

"I'm done, I wish the new films of a few guys will sell well, and I wish Yuzhi's big-screen interpretation career will take a step forward, with a box office of 1.7 or 8 billion."

"One hundred seventeen eight hundred million, that's the goal!"

What a movie needs is the collaboration of the entire team, not just Yu Yi, but Yu Zhi represents the box office. It can be said that the celebrity is the spokesperson of the box office, and the team behind it is the team.

"I will try my best to promote it." Yuzhi raised his glass and drank it, looking very confident. Needless to say, her acting skills, the director is also a celebrity director, and the team has experienced a lot of battles. The next step is to see the effect of publicity. She has never had an affair with a condom this time. The publicity is definitely good.

Yuzhi invested money in this movie, and she is also one of the small bosses, so she works hard to promote it.

Gao Leng picked up the wine glass and drank it. As soon as he drank it, he felt that something was not right, so he chirped and frowned slightly.

Why does this wine taste weird? He thought, but didn't think much.

After a brief greeting, Yu Zhi raised a toast to Gao Leng: "The first wave of group visits is half an hour, and I have to change a set of makeup. When I change my outfit, I will accept interviews with some magazines. Those fifty minutes or one hour. See you later."

Gao Leng nodded.

"Oh, Mr. Gao, it seems that Yuzhi wants you to give an exclusive interview."

"Should I give it to a cover girl?"

Others got up and got up to leave. The director of this movie stretched his waist and followed Uzhi out. Uzhi had a large number of interviews to do. The same is true for this director. This famous director can produce it. Topic, his interview will not be less than Yuzhi. And his most important job is not the visit, but the evening dinner. The success or failure of the movie enters the publicity stage, and it needs to communicate with important people. It is destined to be very busy.

After Yuzhi left, the enchanting girl walked in. She drank the wine and gave a thumbs up to the sweet girl. She walked to her and asked in a low voice, "Drink?"

Sweet girl hesitated for a while, she was not sure if she could tell the truth to this girl, after all, if something went wrong, someone else would vomit you out, so she nodded.

"I gave you four packs, there are five in one pack, which will be enough for you to use for a while."

Sweet girl felt a little stunned when she heard it. Listening to what she meant, it was not one packet, but one pill each time? !

"Each time... take one pill?" Sweet girl asked with a hint of luck.

"Of course." The enchanting girl rolled her eyes: "Otherwise, you want to die." Then she took a peek at a potbellied man, took out a small cloth bag in her pocket, and took out one from the inside. The small **** were also placed in a clean glass full of wine.

One, really only put one, the sweet girl who stood by looked desperate in her eyes, but she put a whole bag! So Wu Lei looked at Gao Leng very worriedly. He ate five or six pills. Will it... Sweet girl became more nervous, and she gently pulled the girl’s clothes: "What will happen if the man eats? kind?"

"Oh, you are very interesting, do you still want to eat with your old Zhang?" The enchanting girl winked at her and leaned in her ear: "I have secretly eaten for our fat man several times, that hero... …He’s obsessed with me, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to handle it. This medicine is a bit fierce and you shouldn’t take more. It’s almost enough once a month. Don’t take it when you get the chance to film.

Sweet girl breathed a sigh of relief.

If a man can eat it, it means he won't be killed by the medicine. The big deal is that Mr. Gao finds a woman, Sweet Girl thought, pretending to be calm and following Lao Zhang out of the room. And the enchanting girl was about to toast and drink when she was glared at by the potbellied man: "What are you drinking? Going to a meeting, you go to the room and wait for me."

The enchanting girl immediately put down the wine glass docilely, anyway, there will be someone to clean it up after a while.

Those in the film industry will go to a regional producer meeting next door, and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television will come over and issue orders to organize study and study. The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is the uncle of this group.

After Gao Leng drank the drink, he walked out of the room and saw a middle-aged man walking towards him. He stretched out his hand from afar: "Mr Gao, hello, I'm the popular Zou Da."

"Hello, Mr. Zou." Gao Leng shook hands quickly. It was not Mr. Zou that came here, but the shares that were delivered to the door. So he looked at the tea room just now and said, "Please come in, my brothers have a drink."

Zou Da nodded and followed in the door, and closed the door with his backhand, Gao Leng saw this scene in his eyes.

"Brother, have some tea or some wine?" Gao Leng glanced at the wine on the wine cabinet, his eyes fell on the glass of wine poured by the enchanting girl, anyway, it was clean, and he was too lazy to pour it, so he took it casually. Get up and raise a toast.

"I can't drink, let me drink some tea." Mr. Zou filled himself with tea: "I have a bad liver, so I really can't drink, sorry."

Gao Leng nodded and drank it all. After drinking, he frowned again. How could this wine have an astringent taste? Did you wake up? he thinks.

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