Gossip King

Chapter 1105: Lao Yang

Another shareholder office of Xingsheng Magazine is a room arranged for shareholders who come to Xingsheng to guide their work. On weekdays, other shareholders rarely come to Xingsheng, that is, Mr. Lu occasionally comes to sit and sit, but it is at least empty 365 days a year. For 360 days.

But this day is very lively.

Lao Yang brought a group of people. There were all smiles on Lu Yajun's side, but the smile on Mr. Lu's side was obviously from the heart, while Lao Yang's side was a bit bitter.

In front of these two groups of people, there are several financial reporters, all of whom are financial reporters from Xingsheng Magazine. It is naturally much easier for your own staff to report.

"Mr. Yang, I've seen it all, no problem." The lawyer that Lao Yang brought over took over the contract that had been reviewed several times from his assistants. He reviewed the contract again and handed it to Lao Yang.

This is the scene of the marriage between Fengxing Magazine and Xingsheng Magazine.

Said it was a marriage, just for the sake of Lao Yang's face, and it sounds good, to be precise, Xingsheng annexed Fengxing, but the business of Fengxing is still in charge of Yang Peng, but Gao Leng is ultimately responsible.

Gao Leng became Yang Peng's superior.

"It's done." Lu Yajun picked up the pen and signed it very happily.

While Lao Yang looked at the contract with a pen with a sad expression, his gums felt a little tight.

"Twenty years..." Lao Yang suddenly put down the pen in his hand, reached out his hand to support his forehead, buried his head deeply, and said leisurely: "December 12th is today, twenty years ago Today, I picked up a notebook for the first time and became a reporter... It's been twenty years..."

As he said, his hand on his forehead fell more and more, as if he wanted to cover his eyes.

Twenty years ago, Lao Yang was still Xiao Yang. He worked as an ordinary reporter in a poor newspaper. At that time, reporters were a very great job. At that time, the mainland paparazzi was almost a strange vocabulary. Entertainment magazines It is also very rare. Those who can interview people with a notebook and a pen are all very impressive figures in the eyes of ordinary people.

The so-called reporter is the uncrowned king, which is the situation at the time.

From the uncrowned king to fire prevention, theft prevention, and reporters, to the full street self-media, unscrupulous public accounts, to the regular media, in addition to regular entertainment reporters, there will also be paparazzi.

Lao Yang has gone through all the developments of the mainland media and the changes in the entire 20 years.

"Twenty years ago, I never thought that I would own a magazine, let alone lose my own magazine. This word...I..." Lao Yang said and suddenly stopped talking, he turned his head. Buried in the hand he was holding, the other pointed at several financial reporters: "Pinch the recording for me."

In the end, it is the old line of business, and the emotional expression in this section, Lao Yang's first reaction is that the media cannot capture it.

"Pinch." Gao Leng nodded at several financial reporters. These financial reporters were all veterans. He quickly pinched the recorder placed on the table, but looked at Gao Leng very sophisticatedly. Then his left hand pretended to touch his ear accidentally.

This is to tell Gao Leng: there is also a hidden voice recorder.

"Pinch." Gao Leng increased his tone, obviously he didn't need to secretly record.

It has been decided to sign the contract. It is right to leave the opponent with dignity. Even the failed opponent is worthy of respect. Moreover, Lao Yang is a senior. Since Lao Yang has proposed not to record, he should not record.

After looking at each other, the financial reporters took out the voice recorders from their trouser pockets, one for you, one for me, one for the socks in the trousers, and four or five voice recorders.

"Experienced enough." Old Yang smiled bitterly and pointed at the man's trousers: "Put a recorder in your socks, who did you learn this trick from?"

"Peng...friend." The financial reporter was a little embarrassed: "A lot of people do this..."

"I am the originator." Lao Yang pointed his thumb at himself: "In nine years, when paparazzi first entered the mainland, we were the first paparazzi. When interviewing a star, the star was always in front of the camera. Very decent, the camera put on a domineering look when the camera was off, and the tone of speaking to the reporter changed. I wanted to explode him and came up with this method."

As he said, Lao Yang stretched out his fingers and pointed at the recording pens placed on the table: "Just now you pinched the recording pen, but it was still hidden in the pants?"

The originator is here, what are these little grasshoppers jumping? Fortunately, Gao Leng didn't care about this. The recording was supposed to be. Since Lao Yang asked not to, Gao Leng would pinch all these people.

Fortunately, it was all pinched, otherwise depending on Lao Yang's current state, it is estimated that it will take some more work.

"Mr. Yang." When a financial reporter saw that Lao Yang was about to sign, he could not help but open his mouth: "Fengxing Magazine can merge into Xingsheng, in fact, it is a great thing for Fengxing. After all, Xingsheng is Gao It’s always in charge, and the identity of high-coldness is here, what do you regret about it?"

"That's right, you started working in this business for 20 years. It happened to be December 12th, and today is December 12th. You happen to be retiring. What a great thing!"

"I also think it's a good thing, Mr. Yang, you joined the industry 20 years ago, and today, 20 years later, Fengxing will grow again! Right? Fengxing is now a venture capital company, which is different today!"

Several financial reporters started to praise Old Yang Meng one after another, but the more praised, the more ugly Lao Yang's face became.

so awkward.

"Let’s all go out, I’ll talk with Lao Yang." Lu Yajun closed the contract and threw it aside: "You have to sign a contract. Let’s talk, you guys will all go out." Lu Yajun glanced at Gao Leng.

Gao Leng nodded immediately, raised his leg and walked towards the door. When the others saw Gao Leng all left, they quickly stood up and followed behind him.

When everyone was gone, the office fell silent until I could hear the ticking sound of the antique clock that Lu Yajun had brought from home.

"Do you still keep this broken thing?" Lao Yang was obviously not in a good mood. He looked at the antique clock standing there and looked very impatient. When these people were gone, Lao Yang started talking casually. , He slanted his eyes and glanced at Lu Yajun: "I told you a long time ago that this is an imitation, and it is embarrassing to put it in your office."

"What kind of look? Yours is a fake, don't confess it, lose it." Lu Yajun said coldly, not to be outdone, "How many years have been, the last time we fought for such a broken clock was ten years ago? Has it happened?" Lu Yajun took a deep breath: "You alleys, you really don't know how to appreciate."

"You can do it, you who were born in the courtyard of your army know how to appreciate it? I think you are a flower in a greenhouse, and you have even seen the wind!" Lao Yang immediately got up when he heard the fire.

These are two old emperors, one is the Hutong Chuanchuan where common people were born, and the other is some powerful children born in the army compound. These two groups have never lived together.

If this is not the right way, I can’t talk, no, I’m doing it again.

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