Gossip King

Chapter 1107: Su Su's ridicule

Fengxing's signing ceremony is very short, and it doesn't even cut a red ribbon like in a TV series. Even Yuzhi's ostentation for opening a separate page in Xingsheng Magazine is bigger than this. After Lao Yang signed the letter, the two shook hands and took a picture, and held a dinner in the evening, nothing more.

Yuzhi is a celebrity, so she naturally needs to promote her charity page for the sake of her own fans and the special identity of the celebrity. But although this scale of annexation caused a commotion in the industry, it would not be considered a big storm in the entire business circle. In addition, Lao Yang hopes to retire just like this, so Xingsheng Magazine simply published an interview.

As soon as the contract was signed, Jian Xiaoshan immediately led the team to the popular magazine, and the first thing to do was to do a good job at the summit. The two summits started almost at the same time. On the one hand, it was a summit gathering of stars who had a great influence in the eyes of ordinary people, and on the other it was an economic summit hosted by a business association.

Although the staff of Xingsheng Magazine is enough, it is still difficult to make up for the employees who have the upper hand. This difficulty can only be overcome for a short time. After the summit is over, Gao Leng will have to attack the popular employees.

Or expelled or promoted, this is something later.

Jian Xiaoshan devoted himself to the summit. The fat man contributed a lot, and he actually lost seven or eight catties in just a few days. The old man was also busy and put aside green agriculture. And Yang Peng, the business director of Fengxing Magazine, is also very dedicated.

Although he is not the boss of Fengxing Magazine, he is also a vice president according to the regulations, but simply calling him Mr. Yang in public is enough to save face. Gao Leng never worried about Xiaodan's case. He knew that although the summit matters were cumbersome and stressful.

It can be simple, the project will be successful.

Lu Yajun also took great care of Xingsheng's shares.

Among them, Gao Leng doesn’t know the details, but he can think about it and know that Mr. Lu swung the knife. They are all old shareholders. Seeing that Xingsheng becomes bigger and stronger, they want them to spit out their shares. The difficulty can be imagined.

But they all vomited out, just spent a lot of money. Lu Yajun spent his own money, which was not a small sum. I heard that he also sold two properties in Hong Kong.

"Now most of the shares of Xingsheng are in my hands." Lu Yajun handed over an agreement: "Except for some of the small shares, 87% of the shares are in my hands, and you still have 5% in your hands. This is my latest share book with you. You accounted for too little. Fengxing Magazine was taken down by you. Now Fengxing is merged into Xingsheng. According to reason, you should account for more than half Shares."

Although Fengxing merged into Xingsheng, the business was separate.

After Fengxing and Xingsheng were merged into one family, Lu Yajun and Yang Peng held the overall shares, and Gao Leng was the majority in the overall shares.

"How are you preparing for the establishment of the group?" Lu Yajun asked.

"The Ministry of Legal Affairs is doing it, and it has also invited some experts in this area. I have no experience in this area. I don't know if Mr. Lu has time to help me with this." Gao Leng asked.

"Well, I can't just take the money and not work. After the establishment of the group, I am your employee of Mr. Gao. I will play wherever you refer." Lu Yajun was half joking and half serious, just like he told Lao Yang That way: Gao Leng is about to become his boss.

"How can I." Gao Leng said immediately: "In my heart, you are the leader. Without Mr. Lu's promotion, I would not be where I am today. No matter how good I am, I cannot meet Bole who truly appreciates and respects myself. It will take a big detour."

This is what Gao Leng said sincerely, and it was what Gao Leng thought. Lu Yajun naturally understood Gao Leng's gratitude. If he didn't understand, how could he take back Xingsheng's shares based on his temperament?

"Several major shareholders want to withdraw from Xingsheng, you must have taken a lot of effort." Gao Leng said.

Lu Yajun said nothing, just sighed lightly, and then patted Gao Leng's shoulder: "I will be crazy with you this time, if I am not so ambitious, I will be crazy with you this time. Otherwise, Xingsheng They account for so much of the shares, and you will not be able to develop well in the future."

The implication is that Lu Yajun will not go out again in the future.

"Yeah." Gao Leng nodded.


Many media celebrities came to the dinner party between Fengxing Magazine and Xingsheng.

This is a major event in the media circle. Although the bureaucrats of the TV station did not come, almost all the private media were on the spot. Although the CEOs of several major online media did not arrive, the CEOs also came. It's not because of Gao Leng's influence, but because of Su Sulai's support.

"Yes, you, Gao Leng." Su Su raised his glass and blinked at him.

"Just annex a magazine, don't run on me." Gao Leng was a little embarrassed. In Su Su's opinion, this annexation was nothing. What surprised him was that Su Su actually came to the dinner in person. After receiving the invitation letter, this kind of dinner is a small dinner for Su Su, and she usually doesn't attend, so she asked: "Why are you here? A bunch of wolves are staring at you over there."

What the pile of wolves stared at was not her beauty, but her wealth.

Being able to talk about a project with Huantai Group is what many multimedia want to have.

"You're so amazing, of course I'm coming. Anyway, I'll be idle tonight." Su Su smiled, squinted slightly and drank a sip of wine, leaving half of her words, not knowing what she meant.

"Awesome?" Gao Leng laughed when he heard something wrong in her words: "Dare you come to run me on."

"How can I run on you?" A voice with a smile came over.


"Why did Yuzhi come? This high-coldness has enough face, Su Su is here, and Yuzhi is here too."

"Su Su should be looking at Lu Yajun's face, right?"

"Look at you, you don't know the country anymore in Switzerland. Su Su and Gao Leng have a famous relationship."

As Yu Yi walked in elegantly in an apricot translucent evening gown, and took a glass of wine in his hand, the surrounding media executives started talking. They are all in the media circle, and this star sees more. But the first-line actress will come to a dinner for Gao Leng to be there, and it is indeed good enough. You should know that this is just a small dinner, that is, the media bosses get together to chat and use this opportunity to communicate.

"You are already amazing..." Uzhi walked to Gao Leng's side, lowered his voice but also lengthened his tune.


Su Su couldn't help but chuckle, and her ears turned red. She blinked at Gao Leng again: "Yes, it's right, Gao is the best..."

Dare to love this Yuzhi told Su Su about this, Gao Leng's face became a little hot, and it was a bit embarrassing to be teased by the two beauties.

"President Su, screenwriter Liu is here." While chatting, a man walked by Su Su said politely. Su Su turned his head and saw a screenwriter who looked strange to Gao Leng standing at the door. A woman in her thirties, with an exquisite dress and a gentle look with glasses.

"Did you bring the translation?" Su Su asked.

"Take it."

It seems that the screenwriter is not a Chinese.

"Do you want to invest in movies?" Gao Leng asked.

"Try it." Su Su shrugged: "Have a try, are you interested?"

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