Gossip King

Chapter 1126: Gunpowder smell of high cold and Su Su

Jian Xiaodan bought more than three million yuan worth of red wine from this company. The ones that are better are not much, but for the current green agriculture, these red wines are only used as ingredients for major summits and high-end birthday dinners. It's enough to go with the points. Buy it with Huantai Group, which is much cheaper.

It’s just that Xiaodan drank for a long time. She used to not be drunk when she drank. Maybe she was in a bad mood today. The mixed wines made her drunk, so she went directly to the winery’s room for VIP guests to rest. went.

Su Su was lying on the bed, and a private doctor came to treat her. The doctor didn't say anything, only that he needed to go to the hospital for a detailed examination. At present, it seemed that he was too tired and was resting on a drip.

Gao Leng sat on the bed and looked at Su Su who hadn't woken up. Xiao Leng often slept beside him, his face was always smiling and full of happiness. It is said that a person’s sleep profile best reflects the person’s life state, happiness or unhappiness, you can tell by looking at the sleep profile.

Su Su frowned slightly, his mouth still felt a little resolute. This resoluteness came from self-protection. No one can rely on it to live like a man.

This is a sad but firm face, although beautiful, but sad, helpless but firm.

No one would have thought that Su Su's sleep was full of sorrow, and the person sitting at the top of the Huantai Group was unhappy.

Su Su opened her eyes only twenty minutes after the drip, and she sat up and stretched out her hand to pull out the drip after opening her eyes: "Did you miss the time to fly to Germany?" She didn't mind that she had just fainted. The first thing that comes to mind is still work.

"I'm okay, so what do you look at me doing?" Su Su stood up and looked at Gao Leng with a slightly raised jaw, looking very dissatisfied.

When she opened her eyes, it was completely different. Su Su who opened her eyes was not at all distressed. Her sharp gaze swept over any man who competed with her in the mall, and the opponent would always lose.

Who is she?

She was unrelenting in annexing her opponent, Su Su who saw a group of old employees kneeling on the ground without blinking her eyes. She took the urn of her parents and put it on the desk, without tearing a tear, coldly looking at the other members of the family who wanted to divide the family property.

When they said: Su Su, you are an unfilial daughter, and even before the corpses of your parents were buried, they drew out a knife to deal with our relatives.

But she only said coldly: The bones are not cold? My parents were cremated, there were no bones, and they wouldn't be cold.

"You are so busy, the body will not be able to bear it." Gao Leng stretched out his hand and pressed her to the bed: "rest." Although Gao Leng's voice was gentle, his face was unusually firm, so Su Su's physical condition should not travel to Germany.

"This project in Germany is very important, and it will be related to the follow-up development of Huantai in Europe. The executive officer is worried that he is not capable enough, so I must go." Su Su reached out and tried to remove Gao Leng's hand, but found that it was impossible Open, so she did not push away with a slight effort. Su Su's anger condensed in her eyes, she raised her head and looked at Gao Leng.

No one has ever dared to stand in her way.

"No matter how important work is, it's not as important as your body." Gao Leng's hand didn't mean to let go.

"Once this project is launched, at least one billion euros will be invested. This is a major project of Huantai in the past few years." Su Su seems to be holding back his anger: "Very important projects, you let go."

The words are already very impatient.

"I guess your entire team won't let you fly to Germany." Gao Leng sat down and took a glass of water and handed it over: "No matter how big the investment is, it is not as important as your health. You should go to the hospital for a check up later. The doctor said……"

"Yes, Susu, you have to check it later, I have already..."

"Why, now it's your turn for Huantai to call the shots? My team dare to stand in my way?" Su Su's face changed and looked at the old housekeeper, then looked at Gao Leng, his eyes full of being blocked. After getting off the road, she aggravated the ridicule: "Or is it Mr. Gao's turn to call the shots?"

No wonder they say that Su Su speaks viciously and acts viciously.

No one can stop what she wants to do, and the company she wants to annex will not be half-hearted. At this point, no one can stop Su Su. Gao Leng also figured out some of her principles: As long as it is related to the Huantai career, she will not regress.

Don't think that Su Su helped Gao Leng many times, but every time it won't affect Huantai.

She was able to save Mu Xiao Leng in Europe, but she did not come forward in person. After returning to China, she opened up a relationship with Mu Zhengtang on any occasion and drew a clear line. She had one or two small projects with Mu Zhengtang's wife and immediately abandoned it.

Although she invested 200 million yuan in green agriculture to assist Gao Leng to win the venture capital, she used 10% of the shares, and once green agriculture took off in the future, she would always use the harsh conditions of cost-price purchases in exchange for her.

This is a very sophisticated woman.

The old butler bowed his head and said nothing. He sighed anxiously and impatiently. Su Su's temper knew that such an important project in Germany was not good at the beginning, and he would definitely go according to her temperament.

"With all due respect." Gao Leng walked up to Su Su and sneered: "In the European market, President Su, you may be struggling."

"What?" Su Su, who had never been questioned before, saw that Gao Leng felt that she could not stand firm in Europe, and couldn't help but laugh, the kind of smile that the little mound dared to question Gao Leng.

“It’s easy to fight the country and it’s hard to keep it. It’s a miracle for Mr. Su that you can hold the domestic and American markets left by Mr. Su.” Gao Leng took a sip of water and shook his head: “Huantai can’t do more. ."

"Huh?" Su Su felt ridiculous. She laughed: "Mr. Gao, you are the boss of a small company that is not listed. Who gave you the confidence that Su Su is not capable? Ah, I see. The ant laughed at the elephant."

"President Su, you are relying on your parents to lay down the world and inherit the rich second generation of the group. Why do you feel that my ability is not as good as you?" Gao Leng didn't intend to retreat. The old butler secretly poked his back and hinted that he would not Moving on, he pretended not to feel: "Well, your ability to reincarnate is indeed better than mine."

Su Su's face was flushed.

At her height, one would hear someone scolding her cold-blooded, spraying her bloodless capitalists, and even those big bosses laughing behind her back that she would be an old virgin that no man would dare to rely on for a lifetime, but no one would question her ability .

"A person's energy is limited. The reason why you have been able to expand your father's career by leaps and bounds in the past few days, indeed, your ability is indispensable, but even more important is the group of people your father brought out. , This group of people will follow you loyally and listen to your instructions.” Gao Leng walked to the old butler and patted his shoulder: “When this wave of people retire, no one will be available for you.”

"No one is available?" Su Su sneered: "Joke, I have so many companies in Huantai Group, how many executive officers do you know? Just like you, I have hired nearly a hundred people."

With deep disdain, Su Su looked at Gao Leng provocatively under the stimulation of Gao Leng.

"Really? Since you have so many executives, why do you have to solve such a small problem at the beginning of the German project?" Gao Leng asked rhetorically.

The strong smell of gunpowder diffused in Su Su's embarrassment.

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