Gossip King

Chapter 1151: Never failed?

There was a thin layer of sweat on the foreheads of several senior executives, and they were all worried about whether there was a big problem in their own business area, and Mr. Su would be held accountable.

President Su is accountable, but he has never looked at the slightest face. It really has something serious. Regardless of your background, a woman who can even put her parents’ ashes on the table and start office work under the hands of this woman Don't be sloppy.

Hou Lu must have extraordinary skills.

Su Su’s executives have a generous salary that other corporate executives envy, and naturally they have to bear pressure that other corporate executives do not have. She Su Su never raises idlers.

Calling these eight senior executives naturally made sense. These few people are not idle.

"Tell me." Su Su looked at the assistant and said, the assistant quickly explained the ins and outs of the matter. After finishing talking, the eight executives will look at me and I will look at you.

"I heard you right?" An executive whispered to the person next to him: "The film directed by President Su himself spent so much money to build momentum, and finally let Gao Leng take advantage of it?!"

"Unbelievable, this..." Another executive said with the help of his glasses.

Su Su looked around for a week, and the flashing gazes of several executives were naturally inescapable. There must be embarrassment. Su Su, who has never failed in the past, can predict the opponent's movements in advance almost every time in the business war, and this time she unexpectedly I don't know.

It never expected that the chief executive would actually attend a meeting of artists and artists, and never thought about it. Su Su was furious.

However, in Su Su's opinion, she was not defeated. The war just started can only be said to be a disadvantage.

"Now that we are at a disadvantage, it is my mistake." Su Su honestly admitted that he had made a mistake in his command. It was extremely majestic. Of course, behind the majesty was absolute self-confidence. She Su Su believed that she would be the ultimate winner.

"It is foreseeable that the "Jianguo Diye" invested by Starlight Group will definitely get a policy tilt, so we must not be able to directly crush them." Su Su sighed in his heart.

Originally, she was thinking of crushing the high cold from the very beginning. In the morning, she was still crushing the high cold. He was still struggling with the shortage of funds. Unexpectedly, it had only been a few hours. Su was actually tightly suppressed by Gao Leng's throat.

If Su Su is behind Huantai, behind Gao Leng is the chief.

Su Su is a smart person. She immediately understood the situation clearly and clearly, and said: "So, we can only retreat to the next best thing: try our best to invest in hard films with Starlight Group, while gaining political inclination."

Everyone nodded.

Now that the situation is like this, the best way is to find a way to go hand in hand with the high-cold films. If they have received political preferential treatment, then it will be the same starting line competition. As long as it is the same starting line, the high-cold will definitely No doubt lose.

"President Su, but... But the director has already appointed Mr. Gao’s film. Although we know that what the director sees is the promotion of our film, it is useless. Others don’t know. What the director said was "Jian Guo Di "Yeah", how are we going to grab policy preferential treatment?" A senior official asked the idea.

Even if the chief sees your Su Su's movie, he is talking about "The Founding of the Empire", and the person who shakes hands is Director Zhang, and the boat is done. The chief says which one is the one.

"If others don't know, then let others know. He plays politics, and I can also play." Su Su's red lips raised slightly, his index finger quickly tapped on the table for a few times and then stopped, and his eyebrows raised: "Social comment, I I invite you all to come here just for the editorial."

The eight executives suddenly realized.

"Time is tight, can you guys have time?" Su Su looked around for a week.

Social review is a commonly used reporting method in daily newspapers. Usually, after a major event, a newspaper’s golden pen will write a social review. Xinhua News Agency’s social review is often seen, and other daily newspapers often have social reviews. Edition.

Just like this conference of literary and art workers, there will be a brief report about this conference in about a thousand words. After all, there are other important events to be written, and a literary and art conference is not very important. To emphasize the meeting of artists and artists, the newspaper will write a commentary specifically for this meeting.

Comment on the current problems in art work, and praise the chief's speech. The word count of this kind of social review is very long, often starting at three thousand words. With such a long number of words, there are more things described in it. You can add some small tidbits and small details in the handshake.

And these little tidbits and little details are what Su Su can do.

"Before the major daily newspapers report tomorrow, let them add this incident to their social reviews, so that the chief has watched our film." Su Su said.

"I still have a problem. The newspaper will be published tomorrow. It will be nine o'clock now. The news will be broadcast at nine o'clock. The daily newspaper may not write a social review tonight!"


Su Su’s hand knocked on the table a few times, and she stood up and said sternly, “We need to work hard because time is tight. Daily newspapers may not write social reviews tonight. A moment?!"

The eight executives were called here because they have backgrounds in this area. Huantai Group has raised such people with local backgrounds and used soldiers for a while.

"As long as there are more than a dozen daily newspapers the next day, even if there are only a few provincial-level daily newspapers whose editorials say, "The chief has seen the publicity of the film "Empire Weiye" invested by Huantai Group", then the next day daily As soon as it was published..." Su Su squinted slightly, making fists with both hands extremely bold.

"Yes, if the official media were the first to speak out, we would be hype."

"After the official media commented on this, we can follow up. If it is not written, it will not follow up. Mr. Su is really smart."

Several people began to discuss and praised them.

"The hype is only one aspect." Su Su smiled confidently: "Now our director Lu has gone to the radio and television to say hello in advance. As long as the social comment is out, the radio and television and the official media plus other media arranged by us will cooperate. The unprepared high-coldness can cause chaos, the policy, we have decided!"

If both films can gain policy inclination, then Su Su will even win a round.

"President Su, what if Mr. Gao also greeted the media?"

"Yes, Mr. Gao will definitely ask the media to follow up."

Several people reminded.

"He will definitely ask the media to follow up, but the speed is definitely not as fast as ours." Su Su raised his wrist and looked at the time: "It's nine o'clock, and the news network will be broadcast immediately. You can call the daily newspaper now, no matter what it takes. How much is the price, I have to ask them to publish the editorial tonight, and post it on their official website as soon as possible. This way, it will be several hours faster than the newspaper that is printed at night and distributed in the morning."

"Yes, we should be the fastest." The assistant echoed.

Su Su’s tone was preaching, and there were a few traces of the feeling that the awareness of the executives here was too low, and the feeling of hating iron and steel: "Immediately call the acquaintances of the major daily newspapers you know, and strive to be within two hours. Write a social review inside and post it on the official media network!"

"The head of the literary and art workers' conference will come to me. I didn't expect this. I believe Gao Leng never expected that Director Zhang's action was a mistake." Su Su stood up affirmatively and stood in the conference room. After two steps, he nodded affirmatively for his judgment.

A room of executives nodded in agreement.

"Yes, that's right. We didn't worry about this conference of artists and artists. How could he prepare in advance?"

"General Manager Gao's response power must be far below you, he is probably still silly and happy now!"

Su Su sneered and thought with disdain to the front: I was slapped in the face by you once, and crushed to this point. That's because I underestimated the enemy, and you were lucky. Your life will not be so good in the future, I Su Su is absolutely impossible to lose to you, but I have never failed!

Yes, I have never failed. I didn't have it before, I won't have it now, and I won't be in the future. She Su Su cannot lose.

"You call the major daily newspapers right now and race against time! It is 9:20 and the news broadcast is almost over." Su Su ordered: "The Planning Department, now contact the major private media immediately and ask their reporters to immediately Write some tidbits separately and cooperate with the editorial."


"Contact Weibo, buy two hot searches, and go on hot searches as soon as the news broadcast ends!" Su Su ordered again.

"Yes, but..." The assistant hesitated: "It's all night, and many of the hot searches are already arranged. I'm afraid it will take at least an hour to be posted."

Su Su nodded, and went on hot search within an hour, and published an editorial in two hours. This was a god-like speed.

Su Su raised his eyebrows at a speed that you couldn't keep up.


The late news broadcast did not mention specific things, only the scene of Director Zhang shaking hands with the chief, which made Su Su breathe a sigh of relief.

"How are your contacts?" Su Su turned his head and watched several executives making calls in and out.

"Get in touch. The other party has just finished watching the news broadcast, and just sat at the computer desk and prepared to write. The daily newspaper in a small place, that person has to read the news and implement it before writing." An executive side Said, Bian Long let out a sigh of relief.

"I haven't gotten in touch yet. Why can't I get through the phone..." Another executive looked depressed, stood up and paced back and forth, making the phone call.

Su Su raised his wrist again to check the time, which was 9:32.

"How about the hot search." This time, Su Suola was full of bowstrings and didn't dare to neglect. She frowned and looked at the door of the meeting room. The assistant went out to contact the hot search and didn't come back for more than ten minutes. , Which makes her very dissatisfied.

Gao Leng may also be contacting major media to build momentum. We must rush in front of him. Su Su gritted his teeth.

With a bang, the door of the conference room was almost knocked open, and the assistant ran in in a panic.

"What are you doing? Why do you contact a hot search for so long?" Su Su frowned.

"The manager in charge of the hot search has been answering the phone, and only talked a minute ago." The assistant was crying.

"Okay, have you bought the hot search? Go on the hot search now, the news is less than three minutes away." Su Su looked at the time, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, so fast, who can beat it? she thinks.

"Go... can't go." The assistant became more and more weeping: "What should we do now, we lost, President Su! Never failed, how could this happen!"


Su Su Teng stood up from the chair suddenly: "What are you crying for?! There is something to say!"

Never failed?

That's not necessarily.

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