Gossip King

Chapter 1158: This routine...

Ding Ding Ding.

The telephones in the car came and went one after another, and Zhang Dao simply mute the telephones. There were too many people wanting to act at the door. For the time being, only take some first-line, big-name calls.

On the other hand, Gao Leng chose to transfer directly to Jian Xiaodan. With Xiaodan there, everything is safe.

Radio and television is right in front of us.

"How much do you want to invest in this drama?" Gao Leng asked.

"It's about 300 million yuan. Although the actors' pay is saved, but other scenes are deployed, seven or eight, and this number is counted. Besides, this film has to be filmed finely, and money is required." Director Zhang said.

The film appointed by the chief should not be sloppy. Many big scenes have to be set up with real scenes. This is all money.

"Well, let's go." Gao Leng raised his leg and walked towards the elevator of the Radio and Television: "We want to compress the funds to less than 100 million."

"One hundred million?!" Director Zhang jumped up: "One hundred million is not enough. It's okay to invest one hundred million to make a New Year's Eve film. It's definitely not enough to make this kind of film. This film that was selected by the director is not sloppy! Yes, the filming is not good. I don’t have a lot of face. When the time comes, the people are not satisfied. It will be too high and it will fall hard!"

Gao Cooling shook his head: "You are wrong, because it is the director's film, so it must not be too expensive."


"Yes, you are right to remind me, I have failed to think about it." The leader thoughtfully took a sip of tea, nodded in agreement and said: "Gao, you are really thoughtful, since this is a film recommended by our radio and television. It’s also a film about the founding of the nation and a gift. It really cannot be too extravagant.

"It's understandable to take a picture of a country that has been struggling so hard, but if it costs hundreds of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars, the predecessors will use their blood to beat the country. We use huge sums of money to smash the movies. Some critics who like to be provocative estimate There will be sarcasm, besides, the country is now taking a frugal approach even in the evening party, and the chief is cracking down on corrupt officials. If we invest such a large amount of money, I am afraid..." Gao Leng looked at the leader worriedly.

"It's really wrong." The leader nodded: "My document is posted, and many people in the showbiz circle will definitely perform at zero pay. How much do you think you have to invest?"

After all, I do this, and I am very familiar with the group of people in the show business circle.

"At least three hundred million." Director Zhang hurriedly answered.

"Too much, not to exceed 100 million, to be frugal." The leader made the decision and said in a warning tone: "The film that the country promotes must not be extravagant, and your amount must be reduced to less than 50 million."

"Fifty million?!" The ashes in Zhang's hand shook off to the ground. He quickly put the cigarette in the ashtray and shook: "Leader, fifty million will definitely be a bad film. Really, this It’s not okay if a bad film comes out?

If you want to make a good film, you have to invest in it. If you don't have a lot of investment, the lens will be very rough. If you have a lot of investment, you can choose a good film, not to mention makeup and clothing. Sometimes when we watch low-cost movies, we feel stingy, and the makeup is not beautiful, because they can't afford the first-class makeup artist team and costume team in China.

Of course, as long as the story is well shot and the plot is good-looking, it can move people's hearts, just like those Hong Kong films shot in 90 years.

But the problem is that this film is different from the others. This is a gift-giving film. It was filmed to make people sigh the difficulties of the past and the peaceful and prosperous times of the present. In the end, you made it stingy. Where did it make you feel poor? Which line?

If you want a grade, you need to invest, which doesn’t make investment but a grade...

It's hard for this clever woman to cook without rice, let alone director Zhang, who has always been good at shooting big scenes. If you have no money, you want him to do big scenes? How can it be!

"Well, it is difficult, but it must not be too extravagant, otherwise it will be said by foreign media that a film and television company has made a huge amount of money to shoot a film in order to cater to the director's hobby. You know, the foreign media..." The leader deeply Frowned.

Many people in the empire did not know that foreign media were discrediting the mainland. But the media people, especially those at the high end, can deeply appreciate it.

Let alone foreign media, it has not been a year or two for Taiwan’s media to discredit the mainland. Since the reform and opening up, the mainland has undergone earth-shaking changes. Although many places are still very poor, in the end, it is this stall. It's too big to govern. It is a miracle that it can be where it is today in just a few decades.

As for the Luo Yixiao incident that occurred in the past two days, Luo's father only needs two to thirty thousand for the current medical expenses of 300,000 yuan, and all other countries reimburse it. The country has made great efforts in all walks of life, including medical care and education. The public definitely cannot afford tea eggs.

But Taiwanese media, most Taiwanese media still report a lot of negatives under the influence of politics.

Not to mention the United States. The United States has a number of allied states, and all the allied states report negative things together, and they report good things as bad things. If you are interested in listening to the news of the BBC, you can listen to their real-time broadcast. There are 100 news about the empire broadcast in it, and 99 of them are negative. A small domestic fighting incident will be broadcast on the BBC in two hours. This is no exaggeration.

The BBC has a large number of information buyers in the country, all of whom are from the Empire, and it is very cheap to exchange two hundred yuan for one report.

If foreign media want to discredit, the international image will be damaged. In addition, Starlight Group is a private media, and it might be portrayed as being forced to spend huge amounts of money on filming. After Gao Leng reminded him, the chief became cautious.

"You are a private company. If you spend too much money, it will be controversial. It would be better if you were the official media." The leader explained.

"I have a way." Gao Leng took the conversation: "The major TV stations..."

This guy really has a routine! Director Zhang, who was sitting at the side, understood it at a glance, and took a cold look with admiration, thinking.

"Yes, a good idea. The major TV stations will contribute some money. Since this is a TV station donation, everyone will donate." The leader waved his hand: "I will post a document later."

This has become the contribution of all departments to contribute to the founding of the country. The empire is vast and rich in resources, and the amount of funds per person is scary, and a bunch of provincial capital TV stations make money. It is not a private company that pays for it, so some rumors have been eliminated.

"Thank you for the leader." Gao Leng stretched out his hand and held the leader's hand, while Dao Zhang on the side kept giving Gao Leng a compliment with his eyes.

"I will donate half of the profits generated by this film to your welfare institutions for the rescue of the elderly." As soon as Gao Leng said this, the leader immediately held his hand: "Half? Too much. Well, you are shooting this film to make money..."

"The country gave me such a good policy, it should be." Gao sneered.

Dao Zhang on the side felt pain for Gao Leng. This sentence also represented 400 million yuan, so he actually donated it like this. In fact, if Gao Leng did not mention this, the leader would not let him donate. Although the state has given him a policy he can make a lot of money, but this policy is also the head holding the hand of Director Zhang. This matter is fermented, and it is also right to make money.

The most rare thing for people is that the money that gets to the mouth is spit out to others.

"You don't need to donate half of the money you earn?" After leaving the house, Director Zhang still felt the pain: "You divide half of the money into the welfare agencies of the Broadcasting Corporation, and you have to invest 200 million yuan in art films. , Then you won’t earn anything at all, aren’t you busy?"

It can be predicted that this is definitely a film with a box office of more than one billion. The producer is Gao Leng, and according to the industry regulations, he gets 43% of the box office revenue. Of course, this is the case when he has not swiped the tickets. Also deduct the profit of the ticket.

Obviously, Jianguo Diye, who has obtained the national policy, does not need to swipe votes at all, and Starlight Group has obtained 43% of the actual box office. According to the rules, the normal share is: the producer and the distributor get 43% of the box office profit, and the theaters and theaters get the remaining 57%.

Calculating this way, it is only a little bit more than four hundred million, two hundred million donated, two hundred million for the filming of director Zhang, really can not make much of the cold tossing for a long time.

"Why can't I earn anything?" Gao Leng stretched out his hand to embrace Director Zhang's arm: "You are my Brother Zhang, I at least made you a buddy!"

These words are nice, and I am used to listening, but Director Zhang, who has long been immune to them, listens to the words of Gao Leng. Why? Because Gao Leng wasn't just to be obedient, but he really wanted to pay him 200 million.

Because he helped Gao Leng film the Jianguo Diye, just like those bosses who invested in him in literary films before, I will cast literary films for you, but you have to make money for me making commercial films. So if the previous director Zhang thinks it is reasonable to take the two hundred million that Gao Leng invested in art films.

Now Dao Zhang feels guilty, and is very touched: Gao Leng, the founding emperor, will not make money, he is different from other investors.

"You are so bad, there is no need to donate. Besides, there is no need to donate so much." Director Zhang glanced at Gao Leng and pointed at him: "You, too young, how nice you are to keep one hand. , Just donate tens of millions and post a bulletin for hype. It’s still profitable to be famous. Besides, you just make a huge profit for the film designated by the chief executive. Which domestic media dare to talk? Foreign media will not. The media is much more lenient than the domestic ones. You invest in movies to make money, and they have no place to speculate."

"Some money can't be made, especially the films designated by the chief, not to make money." Gao Leng shook his head decisively. This money cannot be made. It is an instinctive choice of Gao Leng. He felt that he could do it in his heart. It is a very glorious thing for the country to make such a magnificent historical film.

It seems that he can do something for the empire.

Blood was surging in Gao Leng's heart.

I still remember when I was a child, although my family was poor, but my human nature was simple, I was always excited when I saw the scenes of killing Japanese devils in TV dramas. At that time, I especially hoped that I could grow into a particularly useful person.

Jian Xiaoshan also hopes to be a useful person, but what she thinks is "useful" because of the insecurity in her bones. If she feels useful, she will not be abandoned.

I also want to be a useful person by myself, and the cold "usefulness" is even more majestic.

Like an Olympic champion, win the gold medal to win glory for the country;

Like a scientist, fighting on the front line of scientific research, researching weapons to deter the enemy;

Like special police, arrest criminals and bring them to justice;

Just like those entrepreneurs who build schools everywhere, provide the poor children with opportunities to go to school.

Like these people, he can only think about it after all. But now that he has these abilities and opportunities, he can actually offer a gift film for the motherland, and this gift film was ordered by the chief. How big is this honor? Why not do it?

This kind of honor must come purely.

The other deep-seated reason came from Mu Zhengtang.

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