Gossip King

Chapter 1161: Reassured woman

When working in the empire, you pay attention to one favor, but these favors are piled up, that's really not easy. Not being able to get it will offend a large group of people.

I had guessed that so many people would come to join in the fun, although I was psychologically prepared, how to arrange it still requires wisdom.

If you don’t come to play such a fancy gift film for radio and television, if you don’t come to express your opinion, do you want to mix up in the future? Besides, all come to support, if you don’t come to support, then netizens will be stunned: so and so who will not act...

Isn't it time to start? The other big names are on schedule. Is she still playing big names?

I think she is an X only.

She also endorsed Japanese companies. No wonder they didn't act in anti-Japanese war films, and did not act in anti-Japanese war films that presented gifts to the country. The fans turned black!

When the time comes, a lot of discussion hits, but it loses followers. So almost the entire entertainment circle squeezed into this film, and the more people squeeze in, the more appealing the film, the higher the predictable box office, and the higher the attention.

Because of this, the more people squeeze in.

In a word: there is no shortage of actors at all. Even a small grocer can show a few seconds of footage for a celebrity to act. Soy sauce? I am also happy to make soy sauce. Now I want to make too much soy sauce in Gao Leng, and they are all in line.

Gao Leng walked in, and the phone on his body kept ringing, too. He was the producer, so he could talk to him and arrange the scene more vigorously.

"Mr. Gao, the characters are here. Now the front lines are basically here. Some of the retired people also come to join in the fun. There are also a bunch of old people who want to give gifts to the country. These lists are the most important and must be given to the drama. . It’s the question of who has more and who’s less. I’m so worried.” Some first-line and important artists often play the leading roles in other plays. When this is a play, it is destined to fight.

"This bunch of second- and third-tier people is hard to deal with." The assistant director cried and said: "The whole entertainment circle is here, and there are some models in the model circle. By the way, the second wife circle...cough cough, erroneous language Wrong, some big guys’ girlfriends also want to show their faces, I think, the group performances in this drama are about to come into play."

A play will be exhausted after waiting for three or four big names. What is the contention for the play? It's normal to compete for seats. Just compete for these. You also compete for parking spaces and rooms for who has the largest sun umbrella. You can also compete for lunch with your assistants.

There are also jealous people, this circle is so big, your ex-boyfriend is my brother-in-law, my ex-boyfriend is your current boyfriend, my current boyfriend is your ex-ex-ex-boyfriend...

How to arrange this group of artists is indeed a big problem.

"How to arrange the actors, you have the final say." Gao Leng sat down and glanced at the list of actors currently registered: "Yu Zhi, Lin Zhi, and Murong Yuyan, these three people arrange better roles."

"Huh?" Director Zhang drifted over keenly, full of gossip, he swallowed his saliva and leaned to the edge of Gao Leng's ear: "I heard that you slept with Lin Zhi. You used to be hearsay, but now it seems to be Really."

Last time on the site of Houzi Village, Lin Zhi screamed so loudly in the middle of the night... Gao Leng thought.

"Lin Zhi, you have slept. It is understandable to arrange the roles. How about Yuzhi and Murong Yuyan? You didn't deal with these artists very much. I think President Jian is responsible for the cover."

Lin Zhi has already vomited, Yuzhi just slept, Murong Yuyan...

Well, I want to sleep.

Gao Leng suddenly felt that he was a bit of a beast, and a pure beast.

So he smiled very gentlely: "Pure boyfriend and girlfriend relationship."

"The relationship between boy and girl friends is still pure..." Director Zhang joked, then suddenly changed his mind and gave a thumbs up: "I understand, it's pure, the relationship between men and women, without feelings, just pure relationship... "

With that, Zhang Dao closed his eyes slightly and shouted a line of flax.

Everyone burst into laughter.

Director Zhang took out his pen and ticked the names of these three people: "Don't worry, you are the boss of this film. These three will be given to good characters. But let the ugly words come first, this film is not real. Actors and heroines, there are not many scenes. The longest scene is only seven or eight minutes, and these seven or eight minutes have to be given to the older generation, the kind of respect. So these three people will give them some beautiful shots and distinguished status. of."

Gao Leng called his name, and Director Zhang arranged it.

"You can take care of these." Gao Leng nodded, took a thick pile of film materials and looked at them. These are basically some materials on landscape layout. Some have to communicate with the local government, but they don't. The link that was well resolved was submitted to Gao Leng to see if I could find contacts.

"Don't you see the actor arrange these materials?" Director Zhang asked.

"These, you can figure it out." Gao Leng raised his head and said: "I am solving the problem for you. If you have any problems that cannot be solved, leave it to me. As for the other things in this film, you are the master. ."

That's how Gao Leng does things. Suspects don't need to use people, and they are willing to delegate power.

Director Zhang was very satisfied and relieved, and so did the deputy director. In fact, the most afraid of this art is the producer and the producer. And often these people will give pointers, too, the money they pay, naturally, in addition to supervising how the money is used, where it is used, and sometimes can't help interfering in how the work is shot.

In addition to asking Xiao Shan to arrange for someone to supervise the flow of money, Gao Leng, as long as the money is really used for the shooting, it doesn’t matter how much money you use. If the venue is beautiful, you will spend the money. In short, I will give you this. Number, you go to arrange.

He didn't interfere with how to shoot the work.

Who is Director Zhang? He is now the first brother in the director circle. Does he choose actors better than Gao Leng? Director Zhang is about to arrange roles for Yuzhi, Lin Zhi, and Murong, and other interventions may affect his creative performance.

That's how it is said, but there are not many people who really delegate power in the process of filming.

"It's easier and more enjoyable to work with you. I will cooperate more in the future." Director Zhang felt that it was good to be able to work with Gao Leng in filming. He picked up a document and handed it to Gao Leng: "These actors have not been finalized yet, the day after tomorrow. Arrange a trial show. You can watch it together. The main reason is that there are too many big names. I can't socialize alone, and the others are not enough."

Gao Leng glanced at the list. One of the English names caught his attention, and the photo attached to the model made people even more intractable. He muttered, "Why is there a foreigner? I didn't hear the English name. Passed."

The name is unfamiliar to Gao Leng, how can there be any unfamiliar names? He felt a little strange.

"This is still a Victoria's Secret model, American, French and British. There are two foreign friends in the role. Two foreigners are needed. This model is not a model because of a waist injury while surfing on the beach. The development of the empire was recommended by an old friend of mine. This old friend is a French, a well-known media person in Cannes. He opened his mouth and I got this woman in." said Zhang.

After finishing talking, he shook his head: "I don't know how this woman's acting skills are. Although she acts as a dancer on the dance floor to cover the spy, it only takes less than 40 seconds, but this scene is an eye show. Just change the role. Don’t you know that there is a good media person in Cannes who is a friend, and there are many benefits. This woman has to be arranged in. If the show is not good, arrange a show-off and wear a cheongsam to pass information That's okay, Victoria's Secret model, that figure...tsk."

The figure of an international supermodel is naturally nothing to say.

It was noon unknowingly after the meeting, Xiao Shan suddenly walked in, his face was a bit wrong, and he walked quickly to Gao Leng's side and leaned down and said softly, "Mu Zhengtang is going to appear in court, tomorrow, he will be sent to him. The lawyer team was basically useless. Mu Zhengtang obeyed the government’s judgment. The top leader gave him some face and adopted an internal trial."

"Yeah." Gao Leng nodded: "Change all the meetings I will schedule tomorrow to the day after tomorrow. Have you notified Xiao Leng?"


"How is she feeling?"


In such a major case as Mu Zhengtang, his relatives could not see him in the early stage, only lawyers could see him. You can only look at it when you appear in court, and you can only see it after the court's decision is officially effective, that is, after you are in prison.

It's been three months after counting with my fingers.

There are many details about the case itself, and Mu Zhengtang confessed to several corrupt officials. It takes time to verify the information, and the process is even more time-consuming. Being able to figure this out within three months is already speeding up. After all, Mu Zhengtang has a very high official position and a huge influence.

For three months, Xiao Leng was worried and scared every day, thinking about the results of the verdict countless times, and now the dust is finally settled.

Gao Leng had told her inside information before: Mu Zhengtang was about to be sentenced to fifteen years in prison and all property confiscated. His mother was five years. Although Xiao Leng knew it in his heart, he knew that it was different from facing a formal sentence.

I know in my heart, but I always wonder if there will be so many years of criminal law, or if there will be less.

Gao Leng thought for a while, turned his head and said to Director Zhang: "Mu Zhengtang will pronounce the sentence tomorrow. His daughter is my girlfriend, but it should have no effect on your film. After all, it is a film where the chief nodded. No media dare to write anything. But I also want to tell you. After all, we are brothers, you have a number in your heart."

"He is him, you are you." Director Zhang sneered disapprovingly: "I, Zhang, is a literary youth, so I can distinguish these. You didn't get up with Mu Zhengtang. They like to talk about it. Anyway, we are brothers. ."

It is said that people compare their hearts to their hearts. Obviously, the high-cold support gained the true friendship of Director Zhang.

"A gentleman would never say you, you are called being sentimental and righteous, but it's not easy to say that those despicable villains. It doesn't matter. When you grow up, you will shut up." Director Zhang is right, as long as you grow up. It's big enough to make people daunting, and naturally shut up.

Mu Xiao Leng is not only Mu Zhengtang's daughter, but also his cold woman.

"I'm going to school to pick up Xiao Leng." Gao Leng stood up and was going to the court tomorrow. He had to accompany Mu Xiao Leng. She must be scared now.

There are some women who just put down under him, and Xiao Leng is the one he puts on his heart.

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