Gossip King

Chapter 1175: Melting hot...

Gao Leng looked at his mailbox. Sure enough, there were dozens of emails recommended by his agent. He hadn't invested in a script before. I didn't know that the competition was so fierce.

Intense competition will lead to deep waters.

"Our play is related to so many artists, so it's good not to burst into scandals then." Jian Xiaodan was a little worried and brushed his mailbox again and muttered: "I really want to meet you, can I have a coffee appointment alone..."

"Alone? Man?" The cold car slowed down.


"Deleted." Gao Leng said coldly.

"Drinking coffee alone is not necessarily an unspoken rule. Maybe it's just a chat. After all, Sister Xiao Shan is now the vice president of Starlight Group. It's useless for them to find you. Why don't they find Sister Xiao Shan?" Looking at Jian Xiaodan's cell phone, his eyes lit up: "Wow! It's him! He certainly didn't want unspoken rules, this person is a front line, OK! Xiao Shan sister, look, he wrote it himself Email, um... I wanted to meet at the reception last time... Tsk tsk tsk..."

Gao Leng's face became colder.

"What's your name?" Gao Leng said, and handed the phone to Lao Diao: "Call Director Zhang, this person cannot be in our movie."


Ouyang? Gao Leng was slightly surprised.

This is not a person who can remove the role with a single phone call, but this is the first line of the world that has won awards at the actor level. It can be said that Ouyang definitely has one of the most important male roles in the drama of Jianguo Emperor.

With Ouyang, there is reputation.

Gao Leng took the phone back and couldn't save his face.

He invested in this film, but if you tell Director Zhang to withdraw Ouyang...

Obviously inappropriate.

"Remove Ouyang? How is it possible? There are only a few domestic actor who can win international awards. Besides, he is still a representative of the National People's Congress. By the way, last time the international charity ranking was released, he was still on the list. Well-known, he is the only artist in the empire who has made it to the charity list." Mu Xiaoleng took the simple mobile phone, and began to chatter: "Let me check the mail."

Gao Leng gritted his teeth.

After reading the email carefully, Mu Xiao Lengzai poked Jian Xiao Shan with both eyes: "He personally sent you the email and wrote so much... It seems that he really wants to know you. Ah, why didn’t I hear you talk about it before? But this Ouyang is famous for his bad temper, so strange, how can I send you an email?"

"I really don't remember which dinner he mentioned in his email. He was there several times at the dinner, but he didn't say anything." Jian Xiaodan is obviously much more stable than Xiao Leng, and said after thinking about it: " It seems that I have to answer his email seriously. Such an artist can't offend him, and you are right. He wrote so many emails personally, so you should be treated with caution."

Gao Lenghan said nothing.

This is normal work, Gao Leng can't say, but somehow, he feels a little unhappy.

After a few minutes, the back seat returned to silence. Mu Xiaolen was so excited for a short time and then fell silent again. After all, Mu Zhengtang had just laid down the law. This matter was like a big rock in his heart. In the first few days, Mu Xiao Cold is bound to be difficult.

When I got home, no one was going to turn on the TV at home, and I knew that the news of the evening would show Mu Zhengtang, and watching it would only add to the noise. But when Mu Xiao cooled down to ten o'clock, she went to turn on the TV and sat there and watched.

"Don't look, just do something, go to sleep." Gao Leng sat next to her and said.

"It's been a long time since I saw my dad. It's okay to watch it on TV." Mu Xiaolen said softly, resting his head in the cold squeaky nest: "You are by my side, I am not afraid of anything. Thank you for thinking about setting up. Charity. Actually, when I entered the court, I was really scared and my legs were shaking. But when the sentence was pronounced, I was scared but also calm. If I was wrong, I had to correct it. Since I was wrong, I would definitely have to Being punished, whether it is my father or me, I must be punished. On the contrary, I feel that I will feel more at ease in accepting punishment. I think that the potential of human beings is unlimited, and it is true. When this nightmare really comes before my eyes , You can face it."

There was a scene on TV where Mu Zhengtang bowed his head and pleaded guilty in court.

Mu Xiaolen's tears fell at once, but a smile came up at the corner of his mouth.

Mu Xiaolen was right, but he felt at ease if he accepted the punishment for wrong.

Life is still going to be passed.

"When I was abroad, I had you in my heart, so I was not afraid. Now in China, I have you by my side, so I am not afraid. Don't worry about me. I can hide behind you, hide under your wings, and do nothing Don't be afraid." Mu Xiao Leng said, sitting in Gao Leng's arms, looking calmly at Mu Zhengtang on the TV.

Gao Leng hugged her tightly: "I will go to your school in a few days. Don't worry, your classmates won't say anything. I have other arrangements."

"What's the arrangement?" Mu Xiao Leng raised his head from his arms, and Mu Zhengtang went to his knees. The whole school would be heated, and many pointers would be performed on Xiao Leng again. Xiao Leng said he was not afraid, but who listened to it. That kind of pointing will be comfortable?

Gao Leng touched her head without speaking.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Mu Xiaolen obediently stopped asking.

It's just that in the evening when Yu Shui Huan, Mu Xiao Leng hugged Gao Leng very tightly several times, lying under her body with the bumps, she looked at Gao Leng with more affectionate eyes than before.

The kind of attachment, there is no other person's affection except Gao Leng.

Without the blessing of his parents, Xiao Leng is only cold.

Don't say that Mu Xiao Leng is incapable, only dependent. Gao Leng likes this kind of attachment, a woman, from holding hands to body, every inch is given to him, and all the emotions of a woman are attached to her body, which in itself is Wei Bao. Especially now when she broke up N times without caring at all, Mu Xiaolen's purity was precious.

Gao Leng also enjoys Mu Xiaolen’s good-will and gentleness. Every time he succeeds in his career, he can’t seem to see Mu Xiaolong. Xiao Leng has never assisted him in anything, but no one knows, every time he is under pressure. At that time, no matter how late it is to go home in the cold, there will be a warm light in the house.

The cooked soup is on the table and Xiao Leng is on the bed.

This is the warmth that other women can't give, the warmth of home.

No matter how high and far Gao Leng walks, Xiao Leng looks insignificant like a shadow, willing to be the woman behind it, is it a burden? Gao Leng didn't feel cumbersome, because the absolute trust and worship in Xiao Leng's eyes was the warmest place for him when he was extremely tired.

But now Xiao Leng has grown up suddenly, this kind of growth is in the bones, she seems to have suddenly truly become a high-cold woman, the kind of woman who marries into her husband's family and only depends on her husband's family. Make yourself feel more secure by catering to again and again.

In addition to catering, Xiao Leng suddenly learned to cooperate. Although shy and unfamiliar, he cooperated wholeheartedly.

In addition to purely giving herself to high cold, worshiping high cold, and trusting high cold, she also began to work hard to fulfill the obligations in bed that should be fulfilled as a cold woman.

From Mu Xiaolen's point of view, it is only natural to sleep with Gao Leng, who should you not sleep with him? No other man appeared in her mind, not even for a second.

"I am your woman." Xiao Leng tremblingly put his arms around Gao Leng's neck and said, "I am your woman, and I am not afraid of anything."

This sentence is enough.

"Don't go around, okay?" Suddenly, Mu Xiao Leng said, begging: "I want to be all yours, I want to be melted, and everything I want you to enter my body."

Gao Leng hesitated for a moment. Mu Xiao Leng is still in college, although now college can have children, but...

Mu Xiaocooling took the initiative to throw the thing away, and looked at Gao Leng eagerly: "I don't want that, and I won't want it in the future. Only then can I truly be your woman. If I want to melt under you, I will melt under you. Under you, it melts under you in the hot."

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