Gossip King

Chapter 1184: I shot, don't worry

Jian Xiaodan just looked at Gao Leng.

Gao Leng suddenly understood why the questions she asked in an interview always overwhelmed the interviewees, and always heard the interviewees say that every time she accepts a simple interview, she has to be twelve points. She will always be asked particularly sensitive questions.

And when you answer, you have to be careful, no clues can escape her gaze, grabbing the exposed trace inch by inch and digging down step by step, making people unable to dodge.

Her eyes are full of insightful wisdom. This kind of wisdom has been baptized by the world, and it is the cheek of simply eating a bowl of rice for reporters.

"Why do you care so much about my relationship with Ouyang?"

Do you care so much if you like her? Gao Leng thought.

But when he thought of this, he immediately shook his head in his heart. No, he didn't have the kind of throbbing to Jian Xiaodan that he saw Murong Yuyan, and he didn't have the kind of feeling that he would like to get it right away as soon as he saw Su Su. Impulsive, not to mention the instinct to take care of her as soft as seeing Xiao Leng.

He looked at Jian Xiaodan. This woman seemed to be the person standing behind him all the time when he was working, a work partner, and a good friend. Although taking care and worrying about her future, it has nothing to do with his adrenal glands.

And love requires the adrenal glands.

"Yeah, it's all here." A voice that was soft and full of girlish breath came over. Gao Leng looked up and saw a girl wearing a mask standing at the door. Her brows were as light as a starry sky, and she knew it was Murong. Yuyan.

"Mr. Gao, hello." A girl behind her smiled and stretched out her hand first: "I am Lele, thank you for giving me the role."

Gao Leng stretched out his hand and shook it lightly, then let go, stretched out his hand and smiled towards Murong Yuyan: "Long time no see."

Looking at Murong Yuyan’s eyes, her heartbeat doubled involuntarily, Gao Leng Yuguang looked at Jian Xiaodan, and even more dispelled the idea that she might like Jian Xiaodan, and saw that there was no ripple in her heart. , Can see Murong Yuyan, she doesn't need to speak, just stand there and ignite the cold male hormones.

Hormones are going up.

Some women are used to chase, and some women just don’t feel anything. Maybe it’s uncomfortable to see Ouyang and Jian Xiaodan get close. It should just be sudden. After all, I have never heard Xiaodan talk about it before. , Gao Leng thought.

"I invite you to dinner, thank you for giving me a role." Murong Yuyan stretched out his hand generously, took off the mask with the other hand, gently shook Gao Leng's hand and walked towards Jian Xiaoshan: " Sister Xiao Shan, go together."

"Hello, my name is Lele, and I am Murong Yuyan's friend." Lele walked quickly to Jian Xiaodan. Compared to Murong Yuyan's generous and generous, she seemed a little restrained and excited.

"Anyway, the rice is to be eaten, let me ask." Gao Leng looked at the time: "It just so happens that I have something to ask you for help."

"Do you want me to help with something?" Murong Yuyan was very surprised.

I ate near the Starlight Group and went straight to the hotel of Su Su’s Huantai Group. Murong Yuyan led the VIP room in a very confidential VIP room. After the dishes were ready, the waiter was withdrawn. Murong Yu Yan asked, "What are you looking for?"

"I have had some intersections with Sister Cai, but not deep, is she a distant relative of you?" Gao Leng asked.

Murong Yuyan was surprised, she nodded: "Yes, Sister Cai is the cousin of my old uncle's second sister, a distant relative."

"Old drama is your father's distant relative, right?" Gao Leng asked again.

Murong Yuyan was even more surprised. She nodded again: "Yes, Uncle Xi is a distant relative of me. I call him uncle and treat me well. How did you know?"

Jian Xiaodan was stunned and looked at Gao Leng: "Is...is the network map written?" The network map is so dense that she can't remember the interpersonal relationship.

"Yes." Gao Leng nodded and said.

"You...Did you remember?!" Jian Xiaodan was extremely surprised, with hundreds of names on it, drawn like a spider web, Gao Leng actually remembered it.

"Yeah." Gao Leng did not go into details, but raised the glass to drink at Murong Yuyan: "Sister Cai and Lao Xi are old people in the domestic entertainment industry, and they are very prestigious. After some encounters, I helped her a little while in the northwest. She also asked Shao Wang’s private jet to send me back to the imperial capital. She should remember me. The old drama doesn’t know me and needs your introduction."

Murong Yuyan can still maintain her cleanliness in the complex entertainment industry, and she can get good resources without having to participate in any social entertainment. It is inseparable from her strong family background, and it is inseparable from the **** of Cai sister and old drama.

Let's put it this way, in the mainland entertainment industry, there are only four or five big piers to worship, and Cai and the old drama are definitely one.

"What are you doing?" Murong Yuyan hesitated for a while and reminded: "If they were invited to play "Jianguo Diye", I'm afraid they won't. Sister Cai's waist is not good, so she can't do what she wants. They live in the hospital. They really want to offer gifts, but their bodies really can’t stand it.”

"No, no, no acting." Gao Leng shook his head: "I invite either of them, if you can come, you can have a meal, and I will talk to them in person."

After thinking for a while, Murong Yuyan took out her mobile phone and said, "Then I will call Sister Cai. Uncle Xi is in the hospital. It's better not to bother."

Gao Leng nodded.

"You have Sister Cai's phone number, why don't you call her directly?" Jian Xiaodan asked softly.

"Last time I helped Sister Cai, Sister Cai also asked someone to take me back to the imperial capital by private jet. Even if the favor was paid, if I rashly called her directly, it would be a bit more abrupt, and it would be the film "Do you say that she refuses or agrees? If she really doesn't want to come, then my phone call is very awkward. She refused the invitation of Jianguo Diye, and it would not sound good. But if there is Murong Yu Yan said in the middle, if she can come, then it is best. If she can't come, there is still room for buffer."

Gao Leng patiently and quietly explained to Jian Xiaoshan.

Indeed, from the perspective of Sister Cai, even if she has something to do, it doesn't sound good to refuse the art direction of Jianguo Diye in person. It would be much better to have an intermediary to ask questions first.

Gao Leng was afraid that Sister Cai might have inconveniences, so she did consider her well.

"What do you ask Sister Cai to do? If she is in bad health, I am afraid she will not come to act, will she? Ask her to mediate these people's fight for the role? I guess she will not come out to get this out of the mountain for how much money. Asked.

"No acting, nothing else." Gao Leng shook his head: "It's definitely not the money that impresses Ms. Cai. Let me ask her for dinner first, and then talk more about it. I'll do it, you can rest assured."

"Hey, Aunt Cai." Although everyone in the circle called her sister Cai, Murong Yuyan told others that she was talking about sister Cai, but she still called her aunt.

"Yu Yan, what's the matter." There were waves of clinking glasses from Cai Jie, showing that she was socializing.

Murong Yuyan said with a smile: "Then what, then I have something to say, auntie. The investor of "Jianguo Diye" wants you to have a meal."

"Oh, hello, no time, I am not in good health now, so I won't go to grab the role with those young actors. Let the good thing of giving my party thighs be given to the younger generation." Sister Cai refused directly with a smile. Up.

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