Gossip King

Chapter 1187: Hold people's hearts and you will win

"Do you really have confidence? Your favor is really nothing to her." Murong Yuyan asked again.

"Of course." Gao Lengxin smiled confidently, and he reminded: "You are right, my favor is really nothing, but have you ever thought that since my favor is nothing, Why does Sister Cai want to see me?"

A word asked Murong Yuyan.

"Since Cai Jie made it clear that she wouldn't play Jianguo Diye, why did she agree with me tonight? I asked you to convey it, and she can shirk it." Gao Leng asked again.

Murong Yuyan seemed to understand a bit, but not quite.

"If you can hold the hearts of the people, you will win. You and Su Su will lose." Gao Leng took the tea on the coffee table and drank: "Well, good tea."

Sister Cai came in a few minutes later. Seeing Murong Yuyan from a distance, she narrowed her eyes and narrowed her eyes: "The two children are here, are you hungry in the middle of the night? Butler, order some snacks. Yan likes candied dates the most, Xiao Gao, don't be cautious, just tell the butler what you want to eat."

Sister Cai is an old predecessor in the end, smiling very kindly, one mouthful of a child makes people feel very kind, but when she sits down, the posture she sits instinctively makes people feel majestic.

Just like the old Buddha in the palace, be kind again, the number of paragraphs is here, and you can't help it.

So Gao Leng and Murong Yuyan were still sitting, thanking Sister Cai with smiles on their faces, and after a few words of greeting, Sister Cai drank and looked at Gao Leng: "Xiao Gao, the last time about the local snakes in the northwest. Thank you so much, I, I, I can eat in the imperial capital. The leader of the municipal party committee in the northwest has given me face to mediate, but you know this place, the king of the county, you have to be reconciled by the following people. I don’t know it again, oh, thank you so much."

"What can you say, I'm a junior, and it's my blessing to be able to run your calf." Gao Leng said smoothly. These words are modest and clever as a junior should have. Sister Cai patted him on the shoulder happily after hearing this: "Xiao Gao, I heard that you gave up a real estate project in order to make the few local snakes give in?"

Gao Leng did give up a tender for a garden, and lost millions.

"It can't be considered as giving up a project, that is, it is less profitable, no loss. Besides, your business, I should be a junior runner." Gao Leng said modestly.

"You take a look, this little mouth is very sweet, nowadays there are very few young men so humble, son, don't worry, I won't let you suffer, I have a good project tomorrow, I will recommend it closely to you." My sister picked up the teacup and drank, suddenly the conversation changed: "It's just that I really didn't have time to shoot "The Founding of the Country".

This is affirmative, it can be said to be a direct rejection. Murong Yuyan looked at Gao Leng with pride and regret.

I was rejected, and asked you not to be so confident, she thought.

"I didn't want to go in for the filming. You are not in good health. It's not bad after filming for most of your life." Gao Leng took the conversation slowly and slowly, and looked at Cai sister with a smile: "I'm here. another thing."

"Oh?" Sister Cai saw that Gao Leng didn't come to invite herself to make a film. She was a little surprised and put down the tea cup in her hand.

He wouldn't say to ask Sister Cai to solve those big-name characters, would he? Then let Sister Cai drop the price too much. How could it be possible for this kind of younger generation to fight for a position and ask her to make peace? You can ask Director Zhang to come and talk one by one, it's just a little troublesome. Murong Yuyan thought to herself, with a nervous look on her face, she was afraid that Gao Leng's opening would make Sister Cai unhappy.

To make peace from it, that's the old mother's business, and it's too bad for sister Cai.

"I want you to come out and take the helm for next year's gift film "Jianguo Diye"." Gao Leng said.

Sister Cai was stunned, and she seemed to understand something. She picked up her teacup and drank a sip of tea: "Steering? It's the director's job to steer, right? I'll be an actor, acting in movies, making TV shows, and playing dramas A few sketches, steer?"

Gao Leng smiled slightly after listening.

Although Sister Cai was modest, she did not refuse. It seems that my judgment is correct, he thought.

"Yes, it's right for Director Zhang to be at the helm, right? I want my Aunt Cai to be at the helm, what is Director Zhang doing?" Murong Yuyan on the side obviously didn't understand the way, and said.

"The film of Jianguo Diye almost shocked the entire film and television circle. This is also the first film supported by Radio and Television in the past few years. In addition, the director named at the conference of literary and art workers." Gao Leng became serious and Jianguo The importance of the imperial industry, especially the political nature, was discussed.

Sister Cai nodded. Although she didn't enter the film, she was in this circle. Several artists she supported also entered the film's role. Naturally, she knew.

"We have a very, very important post in this stage of the film that has been vacant. In the entire showbiz, I think only you have the ability to do this position. Sister Cai, if you don’t sit in this position, Jianguo Diye’s film is really true. Can't start the gong." Gao Leng said.

"Oh, what you said is exalting me. Jianguo Diye is a film whose directors have named, so how can it be impossible to start? Besides, I'm an actor. What position is so important that I have to go? This old man has gone to the sea, you child, can't speak too much." Cai sister quickly spread her hands and smiled.

Although he said that, he was smiling.

Also, Gao Leng's words gave Sister Cai's face.

"What position?" Murong Yuyan on the side was intrigued.

"Art director, chief conductor." Gao Leng said.

When Sister Cai heard it, her eyes brightened, she looked at Gao Leng with admiration, and the corners of her mouth showed a hint of joy.

"For such an important film, with such a strong political nature, looking at the entire showbiz, who can act as the art director? You have to be an old party member, you have to be authoritative, and you have to shake the younger generations and look for them with your fingers. Sister Cai, who else is there?" Gao Leng said while the iron was hot.

The art director is a very routine title and position.

Every film will have an art director and so on, but not every art director has it. Because there is a director, what else is the director? Often the chief director is also the chief conductor. If you are separated from the director, what does this position do?

There is no fixed category, it depends on how you define it.

"What's the commander-in-chief of me? I don't know how to make films. Director Zhang makes films, Director Zhang." Although Cai said that, she laughed and said nothing further.

"Director Zhang is in charge of making the film, but Director Zhang is not an old party member. You said, this kind of film that the chief named will be released in the future and won. This best artistic conductor is nailed down. Oh, the director named the film. , The artistic conductor is not a party member, can it work?" Gao Leng asked rhetorically.

Sister Cai didn't speak, but smiled slightly.

"Furthermore, this kind of art director, who is like a national gift, is as important as the director of the Spring Festival Gala. Most people really can't afford this burden. I said who would be the art director of "The Founding of the Kingdom", and someone would dare to take it. What? I don't think there is anyone, this empire, you can take up this position right now, if you are not right, then, this film is no longer the backbone." Gao Leng spread his hands.

"Sister Cai, I have to go to the radio and television to report to the leaders tomorrow. Your position is as important as the party secretary of a state-owned enterprise. You are the guiding soul of this film! How many times have you been to the Spring Festival Gala? Your ancestors are all alone. The red veteran cadre! And you are still the national 38 red flag bearer, and you are an old senior who is respected by everyone in the entertainment circle. If you are not the art director, who is it? Who dares to be?" Gao Leng's words are round.

Sister Cai was highly praised, and if she refused, Jianguo Emperor would not be able to play without the art director.

At this point, Murong Yuyan looked at Gao Leng with admiration.

Unexpectedly, he actually used his position to spend, and it makes sense to hear him say that. Such an important film really needs a respected person to act as the art director, Murong Yuyan thought.

Sister Cai smiled slightly after hearing this, but did not answer, but picked up the tea cup and drank tea.

Gao Leng didn't speak anymore, he said what he should have said. Sister Cai, who has been in this business for most of her life, can know her routine just thinking about it, and there is no need to say more.

Gao Leng is confident that Cai Jie, who has now won many awards, has never acted as the commander-in-chief in an important film, and Jianguo Diye is an extraordinary film. At the level of Cai Jie, no matter what the role of the film is, she I don't care anymore.

I played too much. Really, I vomited on the Spring Festival Gala. What role do I care about in the movie?

So no matter how much the favor of those people, and then invite her out of the mountain, she doesn't bother to move.

But this time is different. The film that the chief has named is extremely rare. In addition, the grade of the gift film is here. Gao Leng's words are thoughtful, and Sister Cai is moved. Having lived for most of his life, it is not bad to be the artistic director of such an important gift film.

"Child, you are so clever." Sister Cai looked at Gao Leng with a faint smile: "You call me the commander-in-chief. It should be the battle for the role of that nest of acting. You can't figure it out."

It was the old man in the circle, and he could see through the cold trick at a glance.

"Yes." Gao Leng nodded truthfully: "The scene hasn't even started shooting. Those people started fighting. We can't figure it out when the role is fixed, let alone when it comes to filming later There must be a Galeries Lafayette to take care of the bumps and bumps. No, I don’t have the strength. I can only rely on you. You must come out. This film is about the content of Jianguo and will be recorded in the annals of film history. Yes, I dare not be a little sloppy."

The film history is definitely able to enter, which makes Cai sister's heart a little more.

At the level of Cai Jie, what he pursues is not fame and fortune, but respect. Obviously, this position is enough to be respected.

Sister Cai put down the tea cup, thought about it, and said: "Okay, I can take this post, but I have a condition."

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