Gossip King

Chapter 1190: Murong Yuyan, I can't help it anymore

"Hello, Ailsa." Gao Leng took the call from Murong Yuyan.

"Thank you Mr. Gao, it's time for you to help too much." Ailsa's grateful voice came from the phone: "How did you get this place? It took a lot of work, right?"

"It's all friends. My reason prevents Murong Yuyan from being able to arrive at you in time tomorrow, and it also delays your work. It should be a good time to help. It takes a bit of effort, but you are Ailsa. Help Ailsa. It's also my honor to be busy." Gao Leng's mouth rose slightly.

"Thank you, Murong Yuyan can come anytime tomorrow afternoon, I will personally steer her and keep her beautiful!" Ailsa said.

"Thank you, Yu Yan will probably be very happy too," Gao Leng said.

When Murong Yuyan listened to the conversation, she quickly squeezed her body to Gao Leng's side, leaning her ears on his phone. Seeing that she wanted to listen, Gao Leng sat beside her, Murong Yuyan's head I got close to Gao Leng's head and touched the phone.

A fragrant fragrance floated over.

And the smell of green hair.

Gao Leng has always felt that some women smell good, while others are mediocre. Murong Yuyan belongs to the kind of women who smell very well. The light scent is different from the sweet, almost milky smell of Xiao Leng's body. Murong Yuyan's scent is much more feminine.

"I always wanted Lulu from my family to go to that school, but it's a pity that Lulu from my family didn't pass the exam. This school is notoriously difficult to enter. I'm worrying about it these days. All the children of LILI have entered. My child..." Ailsa said here with a long sigh of relief: "Look, what I am worrying about, you will solve it all at once, and it is better to let my family Lulu go to that school with the best reputation. Thank you teacher in class."

It turned out that Gao Leng found a circle of people and inquired about some basic information about Ailsa. Someone provided him with information that caught his attention: Ailsa's daughter, Kao Didu, a very famous kindergarten, failed the list. Ailsa immediately opened another one for her daughter, but she was still looking for a relationship and still hoped to get the best one.

And the most crucial message is that Ailsa's rival, LILI's daughter, has entered this best school.

After Ailsa finished hanging up the phone, Murong Yuyan leaned on Gao Leng and asked, "You actually got her a place in the kindergarten? That would cost a lot of money? That kindergarten is not easy to enter."

These days, there are a lot of money. A really good kindergarten doesn't matter how much money is needed, but children have to be assessed. The prestige of this kindergarten in the Imperial City is due to the qualifications of its teachers on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is the first green air kindergarten in the Imperial City.

What is a green air kindergarten? The haze in the imperial capital is extremely serious, and this kindergarten adopts European and American technology to make an airbag covering the entire kindergarten area, which completely isolates the polluted air.

Expensive, it’s here, and good, it’s here.

The good teachers are gone. This is the only kindergarten that can breathe good air in the imperial capital.

"It took a little effort." Gao Leng nodded, such a difficult quota, more than one million funds is the most basic, this is nothing, the key is to owe someone an adult.

He looked at Murong Yuyan's face.

Help Murong Yuyan, no matter how great the favor is.

"I thought you were looking for a friend to talk about it, and explain, she wouldn't be angry, but I didn't expect you to help her directly... How did you think of giving her children a quota for studying?" Murong Yuyan knew in her heart naturally. This place was hard-won, Gao Leng must have paid a huge amount, she became a little embarrassed, and looked at Gao Leng with admiration.

When I was sitting close to each other while listening to the phone, I looked up so that my round eyes were right in front of me.

Gao Leng couldn't stand a woman looking at her like this.

Just looking up, the watery eyes blinked, ecstasy.

Not knowing what was going on, Gao Leng suddenly thought of the time he was in the dressing room with Uzhi. When Uzhihan was squatting on the ground to serve him, he raised his eyes and looked at him.

After the appearance of Uzhi appeared, Xiao Leng also appeared on the bed obediently and extremely technically, with the same round eyes. I don't know this Murong Yuyan...

Gao Leng gave a dry cough, his thoughts were flying too fast and too beastly, he quickly stopped the fantasy, but instinctively glanced at her lips, Yuyan's lips were soft and a bit fleshy. The kind, the kind that should be extremely comfortable to kiss.

Keke, Gao Leng coughed twice again, trying hard to pull back his thoughts.

This is the goddess, the goddess I've seen on the screen since I was a child, and the favorite female celebrity of the entire adolescence, how can I think so about the goddess?

The serious Gao Leng explained solemnly: "Please help her and let her thank you. When you help a woman, you must help her child. Her rival LILI has always been in the fashion circle. She can bear it. But she can't bear the other side's child stepping in front of her child."

Murong Yuyan suddenly realized that she raised her head again and looked at Gao Leng with deep and admiration: "It turns out that there are so many ways to ask for help, and I have seen it."

Gao Leng was panicked by her eyes. It was when this look appeared on the screen that year, he captured him at once. In the ancient tomb, dressed in white, she raised her head to look at the male lead, her eyes were so clear and pure, and a little arrogant.

He handed the mobile phone to Murong Yuyan. Yuyan didn't hold it and dropped to Gao Leng's side. Before Gao Leng could react, Murong Yuyan leaned down to pick it up.

The whole head lay directly on Gao Leng's thigh, and Gao Leng's heart moved, and his heart plopped.

Gao Leng rarely sees a woman’s heartbeat speed up. I remember that when he saw Murong Yuyan in reality for the first time, his heartbeat was extremely fast. This kind of heartbeat is different from the heartbeat when he saw Xiao Leng. Although Xiao Leng's heart beats, he is sure in his heart. He knows that Xiao Leng will love himself.

And Murong Yuyan is not sure.

She has always existed in the fantasy of the entire adolescence and is out of reach.

But now this unreachable goddess suddenly lay on her lap to pick up the phone, this kind of stimulation made his heartbeat a bit more possessive. When he was adolescent, he thought to the screen that if he could get this woman on TV, it would be great.

But now, Murong Yuyan, who was sitting next to him, was close at hand.

"Hug... I'm sorry..." Murong Yuyan, who went down to pick up her mobile phone, realized that something was wrong the moment she went down with her whole face against her cold thigh. She didn't even pick up her mobile phone and sat up straight, blushing. Looked at Gao Leng.

He raised his eyes and blushed, looking straight at Gao Leng.

"Then what, thank you for helping me." Murong Yuyan had nothing to say.

"Your favor, I will definitely help." Gao Leng said.

"Huh?" Murong Yuyan raised her head again and looked at Gao Leng. She and Gao Leng have known each other for more than half a year. Since the last time he was seen in the hot spring, Murong Yuyan would think of him from time to time. Otherwise, the last time Gao Leng was taken by the police station for questioning, she passed by in a hurry.

"Don't look at me." Gao Leng turned his head aside and swallowed hard.

"Why?" Murong Yuyan looked at Gao Leng more and more ignorantly, still a little bit inexplicable.

"No reason." Gao Leng looked out the window, the traffic jam was really heavy and motionless.

Unexpectedly, Murong Yuyan leaned to Gao Leng's side and tugged at his clothes: "Why can't I look at you? Strange."

"I'll sit in the front." Gao Leng stretched out his hand and opened the car door. Murong Yuyan was the goddess in his mind. He was afraid that this woman would provoke his desire in his heart, and finally couldn't control the overlord's bow.

He didn't want his goddess to get this.

"What are you doing? Are you angry?" Murong Yuyan didn't expect Murong Yuyan to grab him, looking very nervous and frightened. She didn't understand why Gao Leng suddenly became so distant.

"I want to kiss you." Gao Leng turned his head and heartbroken, and said directly: "I can't help but kiss you when I sit back."

Murong Yuyan's face flushed, she didn't expect Gao Leng to speak so directly, staring at him dumbfounded.

What is she thinking? Gao Leng thought.

Mind reading starts.

(Does he like me? So ashamed...) Murong Yuyan's consciousness passed over.

Gao Leng's heart beat violently.

She didn't think: he likes me? That's right!

Nor: It's disgusting, it's dangerous, I want to leave as soon as possible.

Not even: I have a boyfriend, this person will take advantage of me...

None of these categories, no disgust, no resistance, no strong dissatisfaction, but just: Does he like me? Add another shyness.

Gao Leng didn't know if Murong Yuyan liked him. He was not sure. Although he watched her completely when he was in the hot spring room, generally a woman would let a man watch her completely, and she would have a deep impression on the man.

Although Murong Yuyan rushed over as soon as he entered the police station and was investigated, this showed her concern.

But these do not mean that Murong Yuyan likes him, at least Gao Leng has never received similar information. Murong Yuyan's consciousness also did not convey whether he would like high cold.

But Murong Yuyan blushed with shame and looked at Gao Leng so directly, and bit her lower lip.

A woman is most moving when she is shy.

Gao Leng took a deep breath and lowered his hand on the door lock. This time he no longer dodged, but bowed his head to meet Murong Yuyan's gaze and looked directly at her.

Murong Yuyan immediately lowered her head ashamed by Gao Leng's look, her eyelashes trembling and flickering, she lost her voice, she seemed to become ashamed of her breathing.

With this look, Gao Leng really wanted to kiss her.

Wanting to kiss her, Murong Yuyan, and Murong Yuyan, who played the unique woman in the ancient tomb, was Gao Leng's most presumptuous fantasy throughout his adolescence.

"What nonsense are you talking about..." I didn't expect Murong Yuyan, who had no longer raised his head to look straight at Gao Leng, raised his head again, with his chubby eyes open, just a short distance away from Gao Leng. He raised his head like this, blushing and replied a little bit embarrassed, and looked a little embarrassed.

It looks exactly like on TV.

Just looked up at Gao Leng.

"Murong Yuyan, I can't help it anymore." Gao Leng said with a low voice.

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