Gossip King

Chapter 1199: The secret to rot

"What's the matter?" Gao Leng reached out and put a hand on her shoulder: "You know Ouyang so well? It was rare that you were so familiar with a man before, and you fell in love?"

Mind reading starts.

(Go to the orphanage in Sichuan.) Gao Leng was very surprised when his simple consciousness passed.

You must know that the last time Gao Leng passed by the orphanage with Xiao Shan, Gao Leng seemed to be reluctant to stay longer, let alone go inside. Actually go to the orphanage with Ouyang.

This made Gao Leng feel a trace of jealousy.

"It's nothing, private, it's inconvenient to talk about." Jian Xiao simply evasive.

This made Gao Leng even more jealous.

Is Ouyang an orphan? His father is a well-known domestic entrepreneur, and his mother is an old man in the drama industry. How else did Ouyang get into the show business? Drama is the highest-ranking fan in the show business. The level of drama actors is high, which is the consensus of the industry.

"How did you and Ouyang meet?" Gao Leng asked directly, starting his mind reading technique again.

Jian Xiaodan pursed her mouth, raised her head and glanced at Gao Leng. Although this girl can affect her emotions a lot, her eyes can't deceive people. There are flashes in her eyes, and she doesn't want Gao Leng to know something. , She hesitated for a while and said: "I knew each other at a very young age. I can't say more specifically."

(If Gao Leng knows that he and I met by the police station, I am afraid that a lot of things will come out, so keep it a secret, it's good for everyone.) After the simple consciousness came again, Gao Leng was a little confused. .

The police station?

Has anyone committed an offence?

"Then you..." Gao Leng wanted to ask again, but Jian Xiaodan reached out and pushed his hand on his shoulder. This was the first time Gao Leng was so curious about Jian Xiaodan's privacy. No, to be precise, I am curious about the relationship between Jian Xiaodan and Ouyang.

Not just curiosity, but an unspeakable sense of crisis.

If Gao Leng was surprised by Ouyang's ability to put his hand on the shoulder of Xiaodan, then he was shocked to be able to go to the orphanage together. Because of this, high cold cannot do it.

"I'm going to work. I haven't taken a rest for a long time. Take an annual leave or something. Don't worry about my work. The Starlight Group's affairs have been arranged these days." Jian Xiaodan turned around and talked to Director Zhang. The team got together and put in work.

Using his back and fleeing, he declined Gao Leng's next question.

Gao Leng looked at Jian Xiaodan’s back, and after thinking about it, he smiled. Whatever the case, the little singles walked north and south by themselves. It would be nice to have a few close friends. Although a man’s sense of smell tells Gao Leng, this Ouyang is absolute. It came with a sense of pursuit, but he was not very worried.

To put it bluntly, Gao Leng doesn't have that strong male and female affection for Jian Xiaodan. Although he will be a little jealous, he has not yet reached that point.

After a busy day of playing, Gao Leng took Xiaodan, Xiao Leng, and the witch home. When he arrived at the community, he saw a black nanny car parked on the roadside. Needless to say, this must be the car to pick up Xiaodan.

Xiao Shan took out the phone and called out: "Ouyang, um, I saw your car, wait, I'll go up and get my luggage."

Good guy, as soon as the call was hung up, Mu Xiaolen's whole body was about to stick to Xiao Shan, eyes gleaming, gossiping light: "Wow, Ouyang! Are you going to travel? God, you are in love. Up?!"

"We are old friends, not in love. Okay, don't ask, this is my privacy." Xiao Shan said softly, strangling Xiao Leng's gossip into the cradle in a few words, and the little witch on the side She didn't care at all about this kind of thing, she just looked out the window, her nose moved and said: "Let's finish the beef noodle in a while, it's been a long time."

"Gao Leng, I'll be back in two or three days, just in time for the lectures at Xiao Leng School, and you will start the machine." Jian Xiaodan confessed seven or eighty eight, especially with the housekeeper Zhao Zhiqi. After leaving home, Gao Leng offered to help her carry the box downstairs, but she refused.

Xiao Shan is not as easy to control as Mu Xiao Leng. She directly carried the box and waved at Gao Leng with a stern face: "I will just get down by myself. When I get to the car, I will text you. Don't ask me. My privacy."

Xiao Shan has his own privacy, an area that high cold cannot enter, and now Ouyang can actually enter this area. Gao Leng nodded, feeling a little disappointed.


Xiao Shan just came downstairs with the box, and a middle-aged man ran over to take the box: "I am President Ou's bodyguard, please."

Jian Xiaodan nodded and got into the car with the person on top of his ass. As soon as he got into the car, Ouyang, who was sitting in the back seat, handed over a cup of hot milk, smiled and said, "Fly at ten thirty, just eat on the road. Right."

"Yeah." Xiaodan took a sip of the warm milk: "Strawberry flavor."

"Do you still like strawberry flavor? I remember you liked it when you were a kid." Ou Yang turned his head and looked at Jian Xiaodan, and asked.

"It's okay, I can eat everything, but I really like strawberry flavor the most." After taking a sip, Jian Xiao took a sip and glanced at Ou Yang: "I will not be photographed if I go out with you?"

"If I take the photo, I can prevent them from posting, you can rest assured." Ou Yang relaxed, too, he is in his rank, although he is young, he is already the big brother in the entertainment industry in terms of seniority. Certainly, besides, it's not about taking any heavyweight privacy photos.

After thinking about it, Xiao Shan nodded comfortably and smiled: "Unexpectedly, after so many years of absence, you actually became a big star. I saw you on TV and didn't dare to recognize it many times. I didn't expect you to know me. ."

"Of course I know you, but I haven't seen you for so many years. The longer you are, the more beautiful you are. When you were a child, you were also pretty, but it was a bit dark, but now it's so white."

Jian Xiaoshan grinned when he heard it: "When I was a kid, Pi."

"You didn't talk about my relationship with you?" Ou Yang suddenly became serious.

Jian Xiaodan shook his head: "Gao Leng asked me, but I didn't say it. I didn't say it after asking me several times. I'm sorry."

"I'm fine, mainly because I am afraid of affecting you." Ouyang looked at Jian Xiaodan seriously: "Just say that we met in an orphanage, and I just met with love, don't mention the police station. do you know?"

Jian Xiaodan nodded.

"This is a secret. You must rot into your stomach. A secret that no one can tell." Ouyang approached Xiao Shan's ear and lowered his voice: "It's a secret you can't tell, and it's a scar. This time we go. After all those things are eliminated in Sichuan, this matter will pass. You have to forget that matter forever, and I will help you to forget it."

Jian Xiaoshan nodded again, but lowered his head, with a trace of pain on his face, which was soon suppressed by her and disappeared.

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