Gossip King

Chapter 1206: Those particular about the opening ceremony

Not to mention investors like Ouyang. Nowadays, large film and television companies are diversified. Although large companies can afford it, they are not willing to do it. How long does it take to make a boutique? How much does it need to invest?

These hours of money, investing in other films is enough to earn several times.

Besides, are the quality films so good now? These days, if you make a movie together, it’s the kingly way that everyone can make money. Everyone can make money. They all work hard. It's that simple and it's so realistic.

The current fact is like this, the big environment is like this, one's own power is hard to change and it is impossible to change, and at this time, the high-cold ability, his own power is just a little splash in the film and television industry, and the whole person can't be excited when he enters spray.

"No." Gao Leng shook his head: "On the contrary, this is the most profitable place for me to go upstream in this big environment."

"The most profitable?"

"Yes." Gao Leng smiled lightly, and pointed to his temple: "It's the brain that plays."

Lao Xiao couldn't touch the routine, and he was confused, and Gao Cooling didn't intend to continue to solve the puzzle, so he didn't ask more. Right now, the opening ceremony is up.

"Mr. Gao, I'm JO's agent. I have heard of you a long time ago. I have never had a chance to meet. This is my business card." A well-known agent came over and took out his personal business card and handed it over with a smile: "keep in touch."

"Mr. Gao, I have a very good relationship with Lin Zhi." An actress with a strong background smiled ambiguously when she said this. It seems that she heard something from Lin Zhi, and she reconciled Lin with a soft mouthful. He was about the same, and handed his personal business card to Gao Leng: "Always contact me."

It should be Cai sister who wants to recognize Gao Leng as a godson, this matter is fermented.

Obviously, Gao Leng felt that these first-line big coffees had a lot of respect for him. I used to be very polite and polite, but it didn't mean flattery, but now it's a little flattering.

In the empire film and television circle, it is very particular about status and background. Looking at the younger generations who have been in the empire, which one has no background? If there is no background before, then the background will be picked up after the momentum.

The background is the circle of contacts, and the circle of contacts determines your status. This is a general rule in any country, especially in the empire. In the empire, nobles and nobles have their own circles.

"Congratulations." Murong Yuyan waited until the group of people respected him before coming over, but she was a little shy when she spoke, and subconsciously swallowed silently.

Xu remembered the kiss in the car.

I don't know if Yu Yan thought about it, but Gao Leng did.

He raised his glass and blinked ambiguously at Yu Yan: "Thank you."

"That..." Yu Yan didn't know what to say for a while.

"Then let's go over there." Gao Leng took the conversation and pointed to the door: "Go outside."

"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" Gao Leng blinked, his eyes fell on her red lips, and then drifted to her chest.

"No, there are many people." Murong Yuyan's face flushed, holding the wine glass panicked and left shyly, no different from running away.

Gao Leng couldn't help laughing, he liked to tease women like this, especially women like Murong Yuyan.

"The auspicious hour is coming soon, everyone move to worship the gods of all sides." The director looked at the time and said loudly. As soon as the voice fell, the room became quiet.

Gao Leng noticed that these artists began to line up very consciously, Cai Jie was at the forefront, Ou Yang was behind Cai Jie, and some older generations actually lined up behind Ou Yang and went out one by one.

"That position, don't make a mistake about everyone's orientation." The assistant director reminded.

The opening ceremony was arranged in the outer courtyard of this Han-style courtyard. When you walked out of the door and passed through the two long corridors, red silk ribbons were tied all the way. Gao Leng is an investor and walks casually. The artists are very orderly.

"I am very particular about status in a circle. The seniority is behind the status. You see, Ouyang is in front of the old seniors."

"This drama, Ouyang, is the biggest coffee, so many actors come to join in, although those few are old-timers, they have very light roles.

"Yes, this is the official drama. Almost all the famous actors in the entertainment industry have come. The second line behind this will only appear for more than ten seconds. Hey, this face."

Several agents turned their attention to Gao Leng who was walking ahead.

"I said, Mr. Gao is very capable. The first time he invested in a film and television drama, he could win the official drama.

"Besides, Cai Jie still wants to recognize him as a godson. He has a bright future."

The opening ceremony is about to begin, and everyone's point of discussion has returned to this drama. In this drama, the real protagonists are not those who acted, but Gao Leng and Zhang Dao. They are the soul characters of this play.

Audience, watch the excitement, watch the stars.

Experts, look at Tao Dao, look at capable people.

"Everyone, I'm going to invite Erye Guan, the lucky one faces southwest, and each person has three sticks of incense." The director turned around and said loudly when he saw people standing still. This opening really smelled like a river or lake.

Everyone informed and nodded.

"Of course, the Lord who believes in Christ, the old rules, don't have incense, each invites their own gods." The director looked around for a week: "I don't need to say more about the mobile phone. It's the booting ceremony. Believe it or not, I Regardless, you have to follow the rules anyway. You are all experts in the industry and keep your courtesy. I don't want to have our rituals messed up when Guan Erye came."

Director Zhang does have the courage of a great director. As soon as the opening ceremony kicked off, the quagmire of him came out. He glanced at everyone coldly.

Everyone nodded again.

As for the ceremony, many young people do not believe it.

But this is a courtesy, passed down from generation to generation.

It's just like when you go to a temple and someone else offers a bodhisattva, then you have to worship. You can't make a loud noise unless you kneel down to worship, and you can't yell over there that you don't believe this stuff. This is the reason why you don’t take off your shoes when you come in.

That's rude.

On the table, there are pig heads and fruits. According to the arrangement method passed down by the older generations, Director Zhang pays attention to this, and the etiquette is not lost at all. There was a video camera next to it, which was covered by a big red cloth.

There is a particular emphasis on this.

Covered with a red cloth, please come down and bless you, and it can be opened at the end of the ceremony.

I used to use film for shooting, so I was afraid of dicing. Scribing means that you are patting, something went into it or the machine broke down, and the film inside was broken. The machine is not advanced, and I don’t know if it is scratched. I won't know until the final finishing.

This is troublesome.

Think about it, you used to take photos on film before, and if you overexposed, your photos will be for nothing. And the film of the film is now, so a big roll of rubber, if you scratch the film, you have to remake it.

The remake is money, and the loss is huge! So slowly I started to ask God for blessing. The blessing is nothing more than a few points. First, the first thing to do is to bless the camera. Don't scratch. Please bless the camera god. Never scratch. Second, bless everything goes smoothly for the shooting, and don't make a disaster or cause personal life.

Third, it's smooth and profitable, and it's a big hit.

There is no scribing machine nowadays, but the ceremony has been preserved. The camera is covered with a red cloth instead of a dignified cover.

"Okay, everyone cleans hands first." The staff brought up the basin and washed their hands one by one.

Then a group of people stood there and waited. It was five minutes and forty seconds away from the auspicious hour, and one second could not be wrong.

The reporters started video and filming, and their lenses were first aimed at Ouyang. Although the opening ceremony invited gods, it was also one of the movie's publicity stunts, so the star was the top priority.

Although no official TV station came over this time, the information can be given to them, and they can still be promoted.

"Good guy, so many big guys, I've been filming the start-up ceremony for so many years. It's rare to see this kind of scene." A reporter sighed, watching so many lines in the camera actually appear at a start-up ceremony, it is really rare.

"Ouyang is still the best-looking in the lens." A female reporter praised: "After a while, the photos are definitely based on Ouyang."

"Of course, propaganda. Who knows Mr. Gao? Of course, it's Ouyang, as well as those first-line big names."

The reporters are right. Propaganda articles will be published immediately after the opening ceremony. The pictures are often the director and actors, especially when there is only one big actor, then all the attention will be put on the big actor. In his body, big coffee is the gold spot for the promotion of the opening ceremony.

"Jianguo Diye" has too many celebrities, and the big celebrities can't shoot them, so naturally they won't be cold.

"Mr. Gao, please stand next to me. They are going to pull a shot that includes all the big names." The director walked to Gao Leng's side and said softly.

Gao Leng was a little embarrassed, but he quickly stepped aside.

After all, propaganda is the top priority. He was born as a journalist, and he knew the needs of journalists: there are all big people in one shot, and this article doesn’t need to be written, and the audience will be surprised when they read it.

In the middle of the lens are Zhang Dao and Ou Yang. Ou Yang has been facing the camera for a long time, and his eyes seem to merge with the camera. The reporters nodded with satisfaction. The most annoying reporters are the kind of artists who can't find the sense of the camera.

"Good time!" The staff banged the drum, with a long and festive tone.

According to the rules, first the director gets the incense, then the investor, and then the actor's turn.

After the director raised the incense and prayed devoutly, Gao Leng took the incense and prayed.

"After Mr. Gao is finished, he will be Ouyang."

"Dizzy, I didn't take a good shot of Mr. Gao."

"It doesn't matter if Mr. Gao didn't shoot well, the key is the artists behind."

"There are seven or eight artists behind to shoot well, and the main one is Ouyang."

A group of reporters, including those from the Starlight Group, were sternly waiting when Gao Leng worshipped God, and the cameras all focused on Ou Yang behind Gao Leng.

Well, Gao Leng is a supporting role.

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