Gossip King

Chapter 1224: Proud queen

Su Su listened to this and pressed the hands-free, put the phone on the dressing table, turned to face the mirror, took a towel and wiped the misty mirror, most of her body was clearly shown in the mirror. She turned around and looked around and smiled satisfied to herself.

This figure feels impeccable even for himself.

Su Su is proud or arrogant. Those who are talented are not as wealthy as her, and those who are talented and wealthy are not as good as her. And those who are talented and wealthy are not as good as her.

Actually lost to Gao Leng, Jianguo Diye put all his heart and soul into making Su Su, who had never lost, failed miserably, which made it difficult for the proud Su Su to accept in his heart.

"I think he is trying to win me. He needs to borrow money to shoot the Jianguo Diye film? It's really a swollen face to fill a fat man." Su Su sneered and said bitterly, not wanting to admit that he had lost.

"I don’t know the specifics, but I heard that the old crane had an accident. But I don’t think this car accident will cost so much money. Maybe it’s other things. Now, several people want to buy it. It’s just a short while. Four hundred million will be spent in one day, and it must be paid in cash, all under consideration."

"Car accident?" Su Su picked up her underwear and was about to put it on. After listening to it, she was a little surprised. Although she and Lao Hao hadn't said anything, she could see Lao Hao almost every time I saw Gao Leng, and his face changed slightly after hearing it. After the change, he sighed: "Tell the secretariat to remember to send the condolences, and the package should be larger."

Four hundred million and a car accident are difficult to connect together. From Su Su's perspective, it was just a car accident that happened to an employee of the Starlight Group, and she would not think too much about it.

"Are you interested in this investment?" asked over there.

"Of course." Su Su's tone rose extremely positively.

"Then we take it?"

"Naturally." Su Su took the trousers and put them on, twisted and adjusted a little, then looked at himself in the mirror again. This kind of project that shows money, especially the project that makes high cold money, of course must be won. Up.

"They have to pay in a day."

"Then give them, and pay on the spot when you sign the contract, but it's only 400 million yuan, and it's not expensive. You don't need to lower the price, so as not to be robbed by others." Su Su, who is not bad at all, makes a decision. deal.

"By the way, ask Mr. Gao, if you are short of money, or else just sell me the green agriculture." Su Su couldn't help laughing. The money is very happy, and the high-cold money is even more enjoyable, especially I lost a game in this matter of the film, and it is the most enjoyable thing to make such a large sum of money.

"You said, Gao Leng suddenly sold such an advantageous share in his hand, why?" He was very curious.

"how could I know."

"Then you don't ask? Maybe something difficult has happened. You have a good relationship with him, of course, this is my question." reminded over there.

"Don't ask, why is it, it must be a bad vision. Which investment in my hand has a problem, and the capital chain has collapsed and needs to live money. What does it have to do with me? Besides, the relationship between me and him is pure The shopping mall partnership is not a deep friendship.” Su Su said proudly. She just lost that she would not admit that she and Gao Leng are friends.

"Okay, then I contacted Mr. Jane and will win this project as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Su Su put on his clothes and walked out. After lying on the bed, she opened a pile of documents. The huge Huantai Group had to deal with big and small things, and she was busy late at night, every time she started working. They were all very serious, but this time they couldn't hold back their thoughts.

Looking through the file, the corner of his mouth grinned.

I flipped through the documents again and raised my brows.

Uncontrollable smiles spread.

Hmph, it would be great if he could buy all his businesses from him one by one, and told him to win against me, Su Su thought, picked up a pen and wrote on the document.

Four hundred million, what does he want four hundred million for? And in such a hurry, it seems that the capital chain is really broken. After all, it is a reporter who broke the capital chain after just playing a few times. Tsk tsk... Su Su wrote a word in hand.

A huge "pig" character.

It's really a pig, so it's still better than me. What if Jianguo Diye has won me? Bankrupt at that time, huh. Su Su took a few more strokes, and a stick figure of a pig's head appeared on the file.

Ah, this... After recovering, Su Su found out that he actually wrote a pig on an important contract, painted a pig's head, and was dizzy.

"But... the sale of shares is such a big deal, isn't it a difficult thing to encounter? Anyway, it's Yuyan's friend..." The arrogant Su Su moved out of his cousin Yuyan's relationship and gave himself a step up. She dialed the phone.

Although he does not verbally admit that he cares about high cold, his body is very honest.

"Hello." Gao Leng lowered his voice, "Manager Su, what's the matter?"

"You should have broken the capital chain now? We are friends, I will give you a hand. I plan to buy your hook village," Su Su raised a triumphant smile and said straightforwardly: "Four hundred million is a good deal. ."

"Thank you." Gao Leng heard that it was four hundred million. He knew that it must be a small order swelling, and he didn't say anything. It's a business stall. You are my wish. Since four hundred million is willing, of course it will be sold at this price. , One billion more, you can buy more diamonds.

Although arrogant she was talking about friends, but she had to hurt Gao Leng a few words: "I said, which investment is the problem with you? Now it is reduced to selling fixed assets, is it to win me? Jianguo Emperor’s business has suffered a big loss? Don’t try to win me. At the end of the film, all your land in the hook village, green agriculture, and Starlight Group are all sold out. I bought it, you..."

"I have something to do now, you can contact Mr. Jian about buying Gouzi Village." Gao Leng interrupted her and hung up before she could respond.


The proud queen held the phone with a dazed expression, and it took only one time to hang the phone from being proud to depressed.

"What's the matter, it's obviously that he is rather embarrassed to sell his assets, so why is he still arrogant?" Su Su, who has never been treated so coldly before, can only explain Gao Leng's behavior of hanging up after speaking so concisely as " arrogant".

"Also told me to contact Mr. Jian. Don’t say that the boss of a small company in your area wants to talk to Su Su for business. It’s because Su Su sees you as a friend of mine. According to common sense, you want me to buy Gouzi Village. Land, you should contact my vice president!" Su Su was annoyed and threw his phone on the quilt, his face turned red.

"I didn't manage well. I sold my most profitable shares as soon as I entered the film and television industry. I see how you play next!" Su Su glared at the phone with enthusiasm, wishing to tear Gao Leng.

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