Gossip King

Chapter 1226: Meat

Ouyang’s words are half true and half hydrated. According to the current economic power, he is indeed much higher than the high cold, and he is also a proper invisible rich man in China. The overall assets add up to be higher than the current casino sluggish brother Biao. Quite a lot, without the burden of a large number of fixed corporate staff, seven or eight entertainment companies in hand are thriving, coupled with a shot to change a place, you can invest whatever you make money, the money on hand is indeed flexible and changeable.

It's true that he took out three hundred million in one breath and didn't blink his eyes. He didn't say so easily. He had seven or eight companies in his hands, and it was the end of the year. It was time to spend money. Nowadays, when doing business, money goes around. Tens of millions is still a small amount, and a few hundred million is still quite a large sum. There are also a few large domestic companies that can get so much living money at once.

It was not all Su Su who waved his hand and paid out.

But Ou Yang appeared calm in front of Jian Xiaodan. He had thoughts about Xiao Shan in his heart, and as a man, he could perceive the threat of high coldness.

"This..." Jian Xiaodan hesitated.

It's natural to get money without selling the shares, but...

"I want to ask Gao Leng." Xiao Shan said. She didn't think much about it. From a work perspective, she must ask Gao Leng for advice on such a large amount of private loans.

"Okay." Ou Yang smiled slightly.

After hanging up the phone, a buddy next to Ouyang came over and said, "Ouyang, do you really lend Gao Leng three hundred million yuan?! You will move this amount of money out this time, so you will have to invest a lot less next year. , He still knows when he can pay it back."

"That's right, the hook village in his hand is hard goods. How much money can those two magazines make? The paper media is just useless. How many magazines are closed now?"

"Yes, next year he will invest in the auction to build the party. He also said that he wants to invest in the auction by himself, instead of playing and making money together like a brother, what money does he have?"

Several people are right. Seeing that there is Starlight Group and green agriculture in Gao Leng's hands, and watching the excitement, it is really difficult to come up with so much cash. After all, several companies have to continue to operate. Investment in the film and television industry is even more expensive than water.

Ou Yang smiled slightly, took an orange on the table and peeled it gently, then broke a piece of orange and put it in his mouth: "The meaning of drunk and warmth is not wine. If he borrows money, money will be less this year. Investing in a few projects, it doesn’t matter if you make less money. Besides, they are all the godsons of Sister Cai, and I am also his eldest brother. Borrowing money is welcome, and it’s easier. If you don’t borrow money, it’s a little troublesome. ."

I like borrowing money, but worrying about not borrowing?

What logic is this?

A group of people can't understand what kind of drug introduction introduces what kind of medicine. You look at me, I look at you. I don't know what medicine is sold in Ouyang Gourd.


Gao Leng hugged Xiaowei and walked quickly towards the hotel closest to the community. There will always be people watching along the way. Xiaowei did not dangle his head as confidently as before, but buried himself deeply in Gao Leng. In his arms.

Gao Leng hugged her into the hotel and suddenly slowed down.

His chest heaves up and down, but his heartbeat seems to be stagnant, Xiaowei is a little strange, and slightly raises the head buried deep in his chest to look at him. I saw an innumerable sadness and frustration on Gao Leng's face.

The frustration and weakness of that kind of man, Xiaowei has never seen Gao Leng's body feel weak, she moved her lips.

Gao Leng's gaze fell on top of her head, and she suddenly noticed that a small tail with black hair had white hair. Although the strands of white hair were not many, they were shocking. Then I looked at Xiaowei's dry eyes and dry lips.

"Don't talk, rest." Gao Leng said softly, taking away his weakness and frustration, holding her to the front desk and opening the room, and walked to the room as quickly as possible. There is no presidential suite in the nearby hotel. The best room is still very good. She gently put Xiaowei on the bed. Although she was lying sideways, she still shivered in pain.

Gao Leng looked at the top of her head again, that trace of whiteness told of the deep affection of the woman who "does not understand love" in front of her.

"When you rest for three days, there will be a lot of broken diamonds for you to recuperate, as much as you want." What Gao Leng can do now is to buy diamonds with money.

"You are in need of money right now? Diamonds are quite expensive, and my tail can't be longer anymore. My appearance..." Xiaowei reached out his hand and touched his face, and his face became darker and darker: "I want my appearance to recover. I'm afraid Jinshan Yinshan can't hold back such a recuperation."

"Jinshan Yinshan can't hold it, then go to the mountain. You don't have to worry about money, you need as much as you want. Don't worry about looks. If you can't recover, you are my heart, and if you can recover, you are also my heart. "Gao Leng gently lay down next to Xiaowei.

"You're so kind." Xiaowei smiled weakly: "I like it."

"You deserve it." Gao Leng reached out his hand and stroked her hair, dry hair.

Ding Ding Ding, the cold cell phone rang, and there were a lot of calls in the middle, but he didn't answer it. This time he glanced at a simple call and answered, "What's the matter."

"Ouyang said I can borrow three hundred million from you..."

"Ouyang?" Gao Leng frowned slightly. Three hundred million is not a small number, and his relationship with Ouyang is not so close.

"He said he has the money, and his financial strength is quite strong, and he offered to borrow money..." The simple words passed to Gao Leng's ears, and Gao Leng frowned and understood.

Men, naturally understand what the other person is thinking. There is no free money in the world, besides, if you really treat Gao Leng as a brother, just call him directly, why bother through the simple order?

It's nothing more than showing it in front of Xiao Shan.

"No need." Gao Leng refused decisively.

"Why?" Jian Xiaoshan didn't understand: "It's better than selling your shares. You can borrow at bank interest or private regular loan interest. Your shares..."

"No need." Gao Leng refused again, and this time he gave an explanation: "I Gao Leng can share blessings with my brothers, but I don't want to suffer with my brothers when I am in trouble, not to mention that the money will not I won’t be able to repay a penny of income in a short time, so don’t owe this kind of favor.

"But Gouzi Village is such a good project..."

"Brother Biao will be more profitable to cooperate with Huantai, and there will be other opportunities to cooperate with Brother Biao in the future, and there will be better projects, so be it, don't disturb me for these three days."

Compared with the simple meat pain, the high temperature is very atmospheric.

I have decided to throw away the money, there is no so-called regret, I am afraid that the money is not enough to buy diamonds, I am not afraid of supporting Xiaowei, I am afraid of wronging her.

For a woman to give up the hook village project without blinking, it was Gao Leng's most generous shot so far, but he still felt guilty and felt not enough.

"I'm so tired." Xiaowei closed her eyes and frowned slightly: "It hurts, I want to go home."

"Go home?" Gao Leng's heart trembling: "Your home is right beside me."

Xiaowei shook his head gently: "This is a human home, not my home. I am tired and want to go home, but unfortunately I can't go back now."

"Where are you from? Do you have to go back?" Gao Leng asked, somehow the weak Xiaowei's desire to return home made him feel uneasy.

Gao Xiaowei opened her weak eyes and took a look at Gao Leng. She seemed to be considering whether to tell him or not. In the end, she shook her head and said vaguely, "It comes from a lot of squirrels."

After speaking, she closed her eyes and fell asleep, occasionally muttering in her dream: Go home, go home, go home.

I slept for a whole day and a night, without dripping in or waking up, just as fainted, and Gao Leng also held her motionless day and night, for fear of something wrong with her.

Until she opened her eyes again, the fatigue on her face seemed to be less, and it still seemed to be the same.

"I want to take a shower and eat." Xiaowei said softly, frowning: "I'm dirty."

Gao Leng helped her to remove all the clothes and picked her up and walked to the bathroom, fearing getting her clothes wet, so he took off, and bathed the girl for the first time. Although Xiaowei’s skin was not as good as before, it was better than most humans. , She lay softly in Gao Leng's arms, allowing Gao Leng to gently clean every inch and every place.

"If you take a bath, why do you poke me?" Xiaowei opened her eyes slightly and frowned. She sat on Gao Leng's lap and looked at the bottom of Gao Leng's eyes.

"Uh..." Gao Leng looked down silently: "It won't be normal if you don't get up..."

"Unfortunately, I'm weak now." Xiaowei swallowed his saliva and closed his eyes again and fell limp in his arms: "Let's wash for me too."

It is really tormenting to wash the bottom.

"Wash it well, it's fragrant."

Gao Leng only felt that his blood was going up, but he had to endure it again, this was Xiaowei. If it was the past, Lin Zhi was in the car for the first time with Gao Leng before, and Yuzhi was attacked by Gao Leng in the fitting room later, he hadn't cared about the opponent's behavior, he was out of control at that time. But now he has to bear it.

This is Xiaowei, the one he loves.

Gao Leng tried his best to take back his thoughts and help Xiaowei wash it and dry it, holding it back to the bed, Xiaowei quickly fell asleep, his face seemed to be much better, he quickly got off the bed no longer next to her, otherwise he would really bear it Can't stay.

Another day passed.

Gao Leng never left this day. The only time he left Xiaowei was to go out to eat by herself, and also bought Xiaowei something she likes nearby, but Xiaowei stayed asleep without eating.

When Xiaowei woke up again, it was the next night.

"Is it better?" Gao Leng reached out and touched her hair.

Gao Xiaowei nodded, the paleness on his face faded a little.

"You can use diamonds to heal your wounds in one day, or..." Xiaowei looked at the bottom of Gao Leng: "Poke and poke to heal."

It was already the next day. Gao Leng told Xiao Shan that he would get the diamond in three days. He didn't call to ask how the situation was. He believed in Xiao Shan's ability and never let him down.

"Does it still hurt?" Gao Leng asked.

"It hurts, can you kiss me? This way I will feel better." Gao Xiaowei said, after two days of rest, he has a lot of confidence to speak.

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