Gossip King

Chapter 1229: You sink

It is said that the little couple wins the newlyweds, when the golden wind and the jade dew meet, what will win but the world is countless? Obviously, when the golden wind and jade dew meet, countless people are created.

Little farewell, missed, both physically and mentally will be extremely longing for each other, don't do that, let alone torment in purgatory for nearly twenty hours of high cold.

"You... are you okay now?" Gao Leng asked, shaking uncontrollably, staring at the little tail like a prey, not staring at her eyes or face like a human. It was looking straight at the spring scenery between her legs.

The animal nature has flooded again, looking directly at the key parts.

"You are so suffocated, you can still control it, it's not easy." Xiaowei's eyes were filled with admiration, and more unspeakable relief. It seemed that Gao Leng could control the purgatory process and she was relieved. And the high cooling at this time didn't think much about other meanings that might exist in it.

"Okay, you see, I have used half of the diamonds. The next step is to practice qigong. Come on." Xiaowei Yingying smiled and lay down and spread his legs.

An instant high cold whistling came, roaring up.

"Can you hold it?" The last trace of consciousness stopped the high cold that had entered the madness.

"Yeah." Xiaowei looked at Gao Leng longingly: "I recuperate, you enjoy, we will continue like this, and you will sink."

This is the most heart-warming time Gao Leng has ever experienced since he was born. It is not enough to describe the nectar of a long drought. It can only be described as a desire to live and die, and Xiaowei sinks with it. From the initial pure vent to the back is full of love strikes.

This is also the first time Gao Leng feels that she loves Xiaowei so deeply. No matter how much she is pressed, she is not satisfied enough or not enough. Seeing her face gradually getting better and better, the happiness is even more than the body. Enjoyment.

"Why did you choose me to be reborn in the first place?" Gao Leng asked, looking at the little tail under him.

"I can't say." Xiaowei closed his eyes and enjoyed it, opened his eyes and took a look at Gao Leng before closing his eyes again.

"Will you leave?" Gao Leng stopped. He suddenly had an indescribable fear, a fear of the future. I don't know why, he always felt that Xiaowei would leave her someday in the future.

When the movement stopped, Xiaowei opened his eyes again and twisted his body.

"Go on." Xiaowei pouted.

"Answer my question, otherwise..." Gao Leng smirked and wanted to leave. Although he was half joking, this was the question that he seemed to be most concerned about inadvertently but actually asked.

I don't know anything about Xiaowei's origins, which makes Gao Leng even more uncertain.

"Will you leave?" Gao Leng asked.

Xiaowei tilted her head, seemed to be thinking about something and seemed a little surprised Gao Leng asked this question suddenly, she flickered her waist up, and then left her body.

"Say." Gao Leng's words became serious.

"No, no, no." Xiaowei suddenly became restless, she stretched out her hand to embrace Gao Leng's neck and begged: "I'm recuperating, don't be like this, it's uncomfortable...it hurts!"

Gao Leng felt reluctant when she heard the pain, but still gritted her teeth: "Say."

Seeing Gao Leng not eating soft and hard, Xiaowei watched Gao Leng calm down seriously, and finally shook his head: "You are sinking."

Gao Leng took a sigh of relief after listening. From now on, the room is still thick and thick, enjoying and recuperating.

I don't know how long it took, there must be no three days or two days, and this is the end. This time, even Gao Leng was a little collapsed, but Xiaowei looked bright, his eyes brightened, and his skin improved. Although the white hairs on his head did not turn black, his complexion improved too much.

It is still not as good as before, although his little tail is not exactly the same as before, but it has also restored the appearance of beauty. I don't know if it can be completely restored to the past, but Gao Leng Tie spent money and drills, presumably it can be restored in time, but the tail is gone.

Xiaowei flattened his mouth: "I am a tailless squirrel now, not the most beautiful one."

Even though Gao Leng has said countless times that you are the most beautiful, Xiaowei is still thinking about it with his head, thinking about it, this little girl with acne on her face has to look in the mirror for so many days, let alone who The tail is the most beautiful squirrel.

It takes time for her to relax slowly, Gao Leng dragged her weak body, and stepped out of the wall.

There are really only exhausted cattle that have not ploughed bad land.


"Mr. Gao, you have not answered the phone these days, and many people are looking for you." When he arrived at the company, Yang Lele almost rushed over with a file.

"Mr. Jian handled most of them, but several managements in Gouzi Village insisted on seeing you." Gao Leng had already thought of what Yang Lele said. Those managements followed him for a while, although Huantai had more There is strength, but too strong can make people feel crisis. They are all salaried, not bosses. Since Huantai is here, it is hard to say that their position is unstable.

In the mere Houzi Village, Huantai wants to swallow it in minutes. And the companies that have been annexed, according to Su Su's always fierce style, have always changed their blood from top to bottom, can they not be in a hurry?

"I don't see them. Tell them that Huantai will only hold holdings and will not annex them." Gao Leng waved his hand: "Go out. The film and television department will have a meeting in fifteen minutes. Every director of their department will be there, an important meeting."

He knew in his heart that although the land in Houzi Village was indeed good, it would not make President Su of the Tangtang Huantai Group so tempted to take it personally. Su Su was just fighting against himself.

"Without Houzi Village, our strength has been greatly weakened." Yang Guanguan said in front of the cold face, but he muttered sadly. New Year's Eve is coming, and the investment for next year is now.

Money has become an imminent thing.

After Gao Leng waited for Yang Guanguan to go out, he took the notebook and pen, and wrote a few key points. The next meeting will determine the future trend of Starlight Group. Gouzi Village is gone, green agriculture is operating normally, Xingsheng Fengxing also operates independently, and the next biggest project becomes investment in film and television.

Film and television are going to cost money.

Gao Leng has a plan in his heart, and the plan is bound to be very difficult. For the film and television project, which is very eye-testing, there are many cases of big wins and big defeats, and of course more failures. At least 90%.

And this didn't make Gao Leng shrink back, but made him excited.

Unlike Ouyang, he likes challenges most.

He is different from Ouyang, he has no money to lose.

A little carelessness would result in a complete defeat, Gao Leng didn't want to get to this point, so he planned one step at a time and wins one step at a time, which was what he wanted.

Ouyang is right, you can't always gamble, but you can't stop it.

To be skillful.

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