Gossip King

Chapter 1233: This is interesting

In this speech, Gao Leng didn't intend to do a lot of effort. After all, his main purpose was to prevent Mu Xiao Leng from being bullied at school, especially by the gang of broken mouth girls in the dormitory. It's one thing to say hello to the school, it's another thing to say hello to the girls in the dormitory.

He had to let others know publicly that she Mu Xiaolen was Mu Zhengtang's daughter before, and now although Mu Zhengtang is a corrupt official, she is also my woman, and no one can bully her.

Think that the daughter of a corrupt official should be bullied?

Think landing phoenix is ​​not as good as chicken?

Feel dissatisfied?

If you refuse to accept it, let me bear it. Who calls her a cold woman?

Originally speaking, Gao Leng appeared on the stage to let these students know that Mu Xiao Leng's backing was here, but now Su Su's speech a few years ago ranked first in this university.

This is a bit interesting.

Driving Su Su to second place is interesting to think about.

Gao Leng sat down at the computer desk and clicked on the video of Su Su’s speech at this university. She found that she had spoken at this school. It can be seen that she has a certain relationship with this school. After checking, she found that the principal of this school was her. Uncle, no wonder. Otherwise, according to her arrogant temperament, it must be rare to tell these students some life principles.

What do you tell them? The smart one will naturally understand it, stupid, and it will be for nothing. Su Su definitely thinks so, thinking about it, you know that Su Su looks arrogant.

As soon as Su Su took the stage, before he spoke, there was a commotion in the audience. The applause rang for more than a minute. The camera moved to the students' side, and the huge lecture hall was full of seats and the corridors were full of people. Each of the male students who clapped fiercely had golden eyes.

Can you not risk the golden light? Not to mention that Su Su is the head of the Huantai Group, this financial strength is enough to impress people, and her appearance alone is enough to flood the population. Even Gao Leng couldn't help but admire when he saw Su Su in the video, let alone these students who hadn't seen many big worlds.

"It's beautiful." Gao Leng couldn't help gritting his teeth.

Su Su dressed very simply, a pair of blue and white light-colored jeans, a black sweater with a slight clavicle, and a ball head, just like an ordinary college student, but it seems to be the same and similar. Different temperament.

The right femininity on her body exudes, mixed with temperament and piercing momentum, intellectual and elegant, but also makes people look up, want to approach but dare not approach.

Su Suwei smiled and stretched out her hands to take off the high heels under her feet. She stepped barefoot on the ground and spread her hands and said mischievously: “Since I’m in school, I want to wear sneakers to run on the playground, but my stylist said that wearing high heels can help I look more upright, I don’t like it, so I took it off. Hello, everyone, I am Su Su, the chairman of Huantai Group. Today my theme is: I only do what I like."

There was thunderous applause.

How many people in this world can say that I only do what I like? The vast majority of people have to travel because of their livelihoods, choose a major they don’t like because of their grades, and work in a company they don’t like because of competition.

And President Su of Huantai Group can stand up and say: I only do what I like.

The students in the audience looked envious and admired at the giant boss who owns the top three companies in the empire, and looked up at her.

"People do what they like to stay motivated all the time. I remember a small project I invested in South Africa, which was only 400 million yuan. I didn't like this project very much at the time. At one time..." Su Su talked freely, and the four hundred million small project made the students tut.

"I like baseball, so I practice until one or two in the morning. I am now a professional baseball player."

"I like surfing, because I like it, I can keep exercising even if I get injured many times, and now I am a surfer."

"I like to start a business, because I like it, so I am willing to devote myself to work. Others think I am too hard, but I enjoy it, annexing one company after another. I like this feeling."

Su Su talked freely. The clavicle slightly exposed under the sweater revealed the beauty of this strong woman. The examples she took out at random were all dreams beyond reach of others. Watching penguins at the poles, watching the aurora, climbing snow-capped mountains, climbing to the top, swallowing companies, and smashing the wind.

"I, Su Su, only do what I like to do. I hope everyone will find what they really like to do." Su Su said confidently.

This speech was held three years ago, and the video of her speech still occupies the top of all speeches in this university every year. The comments below are all well received.

Yes, you can only do well by doing what you like.

I am so envious of her life, it is such a wonderful life, it is really an honor to hear her speech.

I'm going to be so beautiful, and I have to be very handsome!

It would be great if it were my wife, hey.

Upstairs, would you like to point your face? Is it worth it?

Gao Leng looked at the comments and smiled at the corners of her mouth. She was a beautiful lady with a high face value, a high IQ, and a high status. None of the other guests who came to the speech had her status.

The title is: I only do what I like to do.

The truth is also right. It is difficult for a person to succeed if he does what he doesn't like, and "just do what I like", this courage is also Su Su.

"At the helm of Huantai, is it really something you like to fight with those people?" Gao Leng looked at the confident Su Su on the screen. No one could see the bitterness and loneliness behind her, and no one knew the envy of this person. The boss can only eat the New Year’s Eve dinner alone.

"Mr. Gao, the school wants you to set a topic for your speech. They have already prepared a presentation board and only need to write the topic of the speech." Yang Guanguan walked in and said.

"Yeah." Gao Leng frowned and thought for a while.

To win against Su Su, to beat her in a speech when his status is hugely different from her, requires skill.

"My topic is: You can't just do what you like."

Gao Leng's title coincides with Su Su's bar. One can only do what you like, and the other can't just do what you like.

"This, this title is the same as President Su..." Yang Guanguan's eyes widened. Before the speech started, she felt the flames everywhere.

"Yes, it's the opposite of her." Gao Leng waved his hand: "Go out, I'll prepare."

Yang Guanguan was stunned, then turned around and left. Within five minutes, she walked in again and looked embarrassed: "Mr. Gao..."

"What's wrong?" Gao Leng was preparing, without raising his head.

"The school said...say..." Yang Guanguan looked a little angry and helpless.

"Say what?" Gao Leng raised his head.

"They said that your title matches Mr. Su, and I'm afraid it's not good... I want you... I want you..." Yang Guanguan bit his lip: "I want you to change the topic of your speech..."

Yang Guanguan looked at Gao Leng cautiously. She had been his secretary for a long time, and Mr. Gao in front of her liked to use Mr. Su, she knew it. If someone else changes the title, it might be fine, but if you want to change the title coldly, he will lose face.

Sure enough, there was a huge disparity in strength, and the title was matched, and the school naturally wanted to avoid Su Su.

"They said that you invested in the filming of the Jianguo Empire. This theme is very good. It's a gift film. It's best to talk about it." Yang Guanguan said quickly, afraid of being embarrassed by the cold.

Gao sneered.

It's no wonder that Mu Xiao Leng was coldly treated in school, and now this place of teaching and educating is so snobbish, it is just a speech topic, and he actually wants to avoid Su Su.

"President Gao, your title clearly stated that you are speaking on the opposite side of President Su. President Su’s uncle is the principal of the school. She also invested in several research projects in their school. People must be looking at her, or just say Jianguo Diye, the students also love to listen." Yang Guanguan once again gave him a step forward.

Gao Leng gave her a light look.

Yang Guan closed his mouth.

"You go out." Gao Leng said.

"The school is over..."

"In a moment, they will come to news." Gao Leng said, and Yang Guanguan walked out with a blank face and gently closed the door.

Gao Leng picked up the phone on the desk and called Su Su directly. Su Su quickly answered it, his voice was hoarse. It seemed that he was very busy, and he was very concise when he spoke: "What is it?"

"I had a speech at Communication University. The topic I set conflicted with you. The university was afraid that you would lose, so I asked me to change the topic." Gao Leng deliberately bit the words "I'm afraid you would lose". With a trace of contempt.

"Huh?" Su Su got serious for a while. She seemed to try to think about it, but after so long, she would not figure it out for a while: "What?"

"Three years ago, you gave a speech at Communication University. The title is that I only do what I like. Their speeches are rated for students. You have always been the number one. The title of my speech is not to just do what I like. , As opposed to you, maybe the school is afraid that I will win you and want me to change the title."


Su Su understood.

"I said, it's normal for me to beat you, and it's okay to change the title, but after thinking about it, I still have to tell you that your acting skills are wonderful, there is no need to be so unconfident." Gao Leng naturally knew that it was definitely not Su Su He asked him to change the title, but deliberately said she was afraid of losing.

Su Su's complexion was pale, she had long been worried about this speech, if it weren't for the cold reminder, I'm afraid she would never pay attention to this speech at all.

"Joke." She hung up after saying these two words.

Gao Leng couldn't help laughing as he heard the busy tone on the phone.

Ten minutes later, the phone in front of Yang Guanguan rang, and the call from the school came: "Secretary Yang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Gao will talk about any topic. There is no conflict. Everyone If you have your own point of view, it can also arouse discussion among the students. It's good, good."

Yang Guanguan was dumbfounded.

After putting down the phone, she blinked and looked at the direction of Gao Leng's office: "Weird, Mr. Gao is really amazing. This school really called me, why the front and back feet have changed so much?"

In the evening, he gave a speech. Yang Guanguan packed up and went downstairs to school. There were still many miscellaneous things to deal with. She, the secretary, had to do her own job.

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