Gossip King

Chapter 1247: Touch

"Thank you." Gao coldly smiled and said nothing more.

"Then I'll go first." Ouyang shook the hands of a few old staff members who were often seen in the circle. Just about to leave, he looked at Gao Leng and stopped: "Yes, I heard You look for high-standard books and screenwriters everywhere. Have you really invested in making a boutique?"

The team that Gao Leng sent out to find fine books has already let the whole circle know about this. The whole circle is so big, and there are only a few big companies that buy and sell scripts, and the price he pays is high. The most important thing is that he operates independently. Ouyang naturally knows such a big movement.

"I also heard that you plan to invest in TV series, how many films?" Director Zhang took the question. He actually wanted to ask as soon as he saw Gao Leng at first, it was not that he was really interested in the boutique TV series he invested in. The director has been away from the TV circle for many years, and he is focused on the movie circle. He is not interested in TV dramas. The reason why he cares so much is only because Gao Leng agreed to invest him in the art film.

He is counting on that literary film to enter overseas and win a grand prize.

I have lived for most of my life, and I have been in the film industry for most of my life. Now I am the top veteran of the empire film industry, but I don’t have a foreign prize with amazing gold content in my hands. I am disappointed. It is possible to win prizes, which is also what investors dislike investing the most. It is clear that money will be lost. This year, investing in high-quality TV dramas is a long-term investment. Starlight Group is a new force in the film and television industry. This new force has emerged and the whole army has been wiped out.

Director Zhang was afraid that Gao Leng's loss would not vote for him, so he leaned close to him.

"Don't worry, I will keep the investment in your literary film. No matter how much you lose, you won't lose that money." Gao Leng grabbed Zhang Dao's shoulder to give him a reassurance.

"Hey, look at you, I am... I just care about this fine TV series of you." The high cold directly made Director Zhang a little embarrassed and very moved. He lit a cigarette and the big stone in his heart fell to the ground. .

"Your Star Group's roots in the film and television industry are not deep. You invest a few films at once, and you do it by yourself. It is a high-quality TV series that costs a lot and is slow to shoot. You will lose money." Ou Yang Said.

"It's true that the payback of TV shows is too slow, and boutique TV shows are even slower. I think you will invest more in the same way as President Ou, or you can cooperate with others to invest. Your family cannot afford it. At least two years are needed. Get the money back." Director Zhang echoed and persuaded.

The people around me gathered around, and some of the assistant directors around me looked at Gao Leng. This kind of major event in the industry is very concerned by my colleagues.

"Yes, I want to invest in three high-quality TV series. It will be the most important project of the Star Group in the past two years. I will invest all the funds in it." Gao Leng looked around for a week and replied unambiguously. Insert his pocket and look at Ouyang with his head slightly raised.

"You will lose for several years like this." Ou Yang frowned and shook his head. He didn't understand why the high cold in front of him was so stubborn. He made it clear that he must do things that are not easy to do. What can he do?

"Brother, you are right, I was going to lose for a few years." Gao Leng laughed: "Everyone is right, it will lose, and it will be very slow to recover the cost, but I just intend to lose. For a few years, I didn’t plan to make a profit these two years."

There are still people who do business at a loss.

"It hasn't been profitable for two years, can you Starlight Group support it?" Ou Yang sneered, he only felt naive to Gao Leng's approach.

"If I can't hold on, I will sell my other shares, such as selling green agriculture, and hold on until these TV series are released. I just made up my mind to only shoot fine products." Gao Leng reached out and shook the others. The hands of several deputy directors: "Everyone, please help me to inform those who like to make high-quality TV series. Star Group is different from other film and television companies. We must make high-quality products."

Unlike other companies, as soon as this was said, others turned their attention to Ouyang.

Gao Leng's remarks, to put it in a rough way, is: I am at a loss and I am willing to make a boutique drama, why? ! Can you control it?

A company has made up its mind to shoot a boutique, and the boss is prepared to lose two years, and even ready to sell a company if it fails. This kind of courage and perseverance makes those present want to persuade The people shut up.

Including Ouyang.


After Ou Yang left, Murong Yuyan practised once or twice. They are all familiar hands, and they will be clear after dialing.

"You try the mirror." Zhang Dao pushed Gao Leng: "Look at how you feel in the lens."

The high-cold appearance under the camera is very handsome, especially when the light is added, it is even more heroic. Wearing the National Party uniform is even more upright, quite in line with the character prototype.

"Manager Gao is so handsome."

"Well, the face value is really high, I found that this man has to be tall, he is more than 1.5 meters, right? Really tall and straight."

"I think he can enter the film and television industry, so handsome...a little package and launch, I don't know how many teenage fans are."

Several little girls whispered, and Murong Yuyan, who was standing next to Director Zhang looking at the screen, couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth slightly, and her ears blushed when she looked at Gao Leng on the screen.

"Yes, it fits the image. So, you go to that room to practice. There is a camera over there. The martial arts instructor will come in two hours. You should familiarize yourself with the camera first." Director Zhang was satisfied after watching it for a while. Nodded, and pointed to a room next to him.

Gao Leng nodded and walked over to the room. Murong Yuyan looked at him blankly, and wanted to follow him, but so many people watched...

If you follow along, you will be rumored to have a scandal, right? Yu Yan thought. Yu Yan was not afraid of rumoring a scandal, but worried that Gao Leng had a girlfriend. Once such a scandal was rumored, she would be a junior. From Sister Qing Leng Shenxian to Xiao San, if this person collapses too badly, she will kill her acting career.

"Murong, let's play together, you teach me." Unlike Yu Yan's twitching, Gao Leng generously invited Yu Yan in front of everyone.

"Uh..." Yu Yan was taken aback by Gao Leng's public invitation. She looked at the room. The door was open, and there was a camera inside. As soon as she entered, both of them made her face a ghost in her heart. It's red.

"Why, don't you give me this face?" Gao Leng's face sank slightly: "Look, just now I was playing against you, and I was called out from behind, please help."

What teach him? Obviously there are other ideas, you acting, actor-level, Yu Yan thought.

"Good, good, good." The agent next to Murong Yuyan pushed Yuyan: "Go and teach President Gao." He winked at her: "What are you doing? You have left such a good game, what's wrong with him? So ignorant!"


Murong Yuyan was speechless and a little excited, nodded quickly and followed Gao Leng.

"Excuse me, don't you delay your business?" Gao Leng pretended to be.

"No delay, it should be. Anyway, we also have opponents." Yu Yan also cooperated. People around them didn't see what was between them, but looked at Gao Leng very enviously. She could give the fairy sister a separate counseling. People are jealous.

"What? I'll adjust the camera for you." A staff member followed Gao Leng and Yu Yan.

Yes, try the shot, of course someone needs to adjust the shot...

Gao Leng turned and looked at the man. Yu Guang saw Yu Yan pouting her mouth in dissatisfaction. Naturally, this little Nizi knew that Gao Leng would give me a good time in the room, and it had been a long time since I saw her. That's great, a light bulb of this size.

"No, I'm more professional than you." Gao Leng smiled slightly.

The man stopped and patted his head: "Yes, that's what you did. Look at my memory. Okay, I'll go there and work."

Yu Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, bit her lip and followed behind him and entered the door. This is a not-so-small studio. Someone seems to have used it just now and put it in a disposable cup on a table beside it. The tea is still hot.

Gao Leng bent over to adjust the lens, and then adjusted the lighting. Murong Yuyan stood there a little at a loss.

Is he really playing against me? No matter how...Ignore me... Yu Yan thought to herself, feeling a little depressed, originally thinking that Gao Leng would pester herself as soon as she came in, but it turned out that she would debug the equipment as soon as she came in.

"Our scene was just a line, should you remember it?" Gao Leng turned and looked at Yu Yan, with no trace of intimacy between lovers on his face.

"Uh, yes, I remember." Murong Yuyan couldn't help himself, the man in front of him was completely different from the man who was salivating at him in the car that night, suddenly became like a stranger.

This feeling made Yu Yan a little unhappy, more disappointed.

The disappointment of losing confidence in my own charm suddenly.

"In fact, we don't need to practice in this part of our scene. You should practice more with Ou Yang. Just the part of you dancing and hugging. By the way, you have to get closer to him, right?" Gao Leng sullen face and put his hands down. She looked at Yuyan coldly in her pants pocket.

This person... is still jealous and dizzy. Yu Yan thought to herself that the loss in her heart disappeared. A man being jealous of himself would make a woman extremely happy, and her confidence instantly returned.

"This is work, what's so jealous." Yu Yan pouted: "Besides, it's not an intimate scene, it's just a dance."

"Well, very good." Gao Leng nodded coldly and turned around: "Then you can hold it tightly."


Yu Yan felt speechless for a while, she even felt funny looking at Gao Leng's back. She was so angry and funny, and the feeling of being valued by a man was indescribable. She turned around and closed the door.

"Okay, this is work. I have never filmed intimate scenes or kissing **** scenes. As an actor, it is normal to film dancing scenes with people. Don't be angry." A word came from behind. Yan's gentle voice: "Don't be angry, okay?"

The cold Adam's apple moved up and down.

Yu Yan felt so good to coax the man, her voice was soft, and her bones were crisp.

No, Yuyan feels good about coaxing herself.

"How do I think you look at Ou Yang's eyes? Do you like him?" Gao Leng deliberately turned his face to look at Murong Yuyan, feeling unclear.

"How is it possible, I don't like her, I like you." Seeing Gao Leng's growing seriousness, Yu Yan quickly said, "It's you in my heart."

"You are me in your heart?"

"Well, I am you in my heart."

Gao Leng nodded and stretched out his hand: "Then let me touch your heart."

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