Gossip King

Chapter 1249: "Card Five" in the industry

Gao Leng quickly joined the discussion on martial arts design after making the phone call. Instead of joining the discussion, it was better to listen to the arrangements of Director Zhang and Master Hao.

"General Manager Gao, do you need to clear the field?" Master Hao said.

"Huh?" Gao Leng was a little puzzled. He had seen Lin Zhi shoot passionate underwater scenes. The kind of scene was cleared. Only the most important and indispensable staff were left on the scene. Other idlers were cleared out, but now he is Just designing martial arts moves, what field is cleared? Gao Leng instinctively shook his head.

"Okay, take it off." Master Hao pointed to the place where the lights were set.

Hearing this sentence, other people who were busy with it nearby gathered around, especially some female staff, and a few artists' agents.

"Huh?" Gao Leng was shocked, isn't it a martial arts instructor? How to undress...

"Take off, let me take a look at the camera." Director Zhang looked at Gao Leng and didn't know what he was doing. He held back a smile and said, "What's so embarrassing about you in such a good figure. Master Hao also wants to look at you. Muscle lines to design movements."

Martial arts movies are not really fighting. They pay attention to a good-looking one. To put it bluntly, it means **** and embroidering the legs. Therefore, martial arts instructors usually ask to see the actor's body structure at the beginning of the design action. If the actor has strong arms and beautiful arm muscle lines, then more punches should be designed If the actor’s leg muscles look good and the bottom plate is very stable, then more leg movements should be designed.

If the actors are very good in all aspects and have been professionally trained, then the action design will be easier and better-looking.

This is why in an action movie, actresses often have to retreat and train for a long time. Sometimes training for a month or two is for two or three close-up shots, and when they hit it, they see the actress's healthy muscle lines.

Everyone gathered around, the high-cold face was online, and the women swallowed their saliva in silence.

"Then, okay." Gao Leng was a little embarrassed. It's okay to go to the beach with only underwear. Everyone is like that, but everyone is dressed strictly here. Although there is heating in the room in winter, at least they are wearing sweaters. of. When everyone around you is dressed tightly, just when you are standing under the light wearing pants...

Gao Leng suddenly admired the work of actors and models. He only felt a little uncomfortable all over, especially when he saw two fat women not far away looking at his saliva about to flow out, and his heart trembled.

"He's in good shape!" Director Zhang laughed and patted Gao Leng's shoulder, then squeezed his arm, his eyes fell on his eight-pack abs, and he pointed to it as if he had discovered a new world: "Lao Hao, design an action in this place, it needs to be close-up, this place is very fanciful, it is imaginative."

Several girls shyly covered their faces, but they kept their fingers apart honestly and continued to feast their eyes.

"Have you practiced? Haven't practiced muscles so good-looking." Master Hao stepped forward and slammed his fist. He instinctively avoided it. He felt that Gao Leng had practiced.

"I haven't practiced." Gao Leng said frankly, "I rarely go to the gym." This muscle was given by the little witch, and it was much stronger than the one that can be obtained by eating protein powder in the gym.

"Director Zhang, his muscles are so good for me to make a fuss. Every angle is very good! I have to change it. I had to change the set of punches that I wanted to change, so that the punching method should look better." Master Hao smiled very happily. Obviously, his tall and cold figure surpassed his expectations. The tricks he had thought of before were no longer suitable for his appetite.

This is the same as the chef encounters good ingredients. The high-cold physical quality allows Master Hao to design a set of very classic fights.

"Ouyang's figure is also very good." Director Zhang nodded: "Moreover, he has received professional training. Your set of movements must become a classic among classics, and design them well."

Dao Zhang and Master Hao had a lively discussion, and the people around them looked at Gao Leng's person, asking him to go up and down three ways, leaving Gao Leng to be embarrassed.

"Then what, I...I can..." Gao Leng pointed to his clothes.

"Okay, perfect." Master Hao smiled at him so cheerfully, especially the inexplicable smile on the face of a male and female makeup artist not far away, and the coldness of goose bumps. Get up, put on clothes quickly.

"I heard he had a kick with Lin Zhi."

"I also heard that, I think Lin Zhishuang is crooked."

"Really? He has a leg with Lin Zhi?"

With the appearance of this body, the scandal between him and Lin Zhi seems to be spreading in the circle for a while. The last time Lin Zhi was in the yard made the scandal spread in the circle for a while, how about it? Can there be no waves without wind? If there is something going on in the circle, even if the artist comes out to refute the rumors later, it will probably be a little tricky.

"Mr. Gao, I have something to report to you." Director Zhang pulled Gao Leng aside. Although it was a half-joking of the word "report", he was right. The investor in this movie is Gao Leng. .

"Should we get stuck for a period of time?" Zhang Daoqi smoked a cigarette: "The money in other places can be borne by local TV stations, but Weibo is privately operated, and they have to pay for the money as a gift. I don’t know how to make it out. At most, I can use this'gift film' brand to ask them to make a discount."

The investment in "Jianguo Diye" really took a big advantage. The "gift movie" promoted by China Guangdian Power and the director named. All local TV stations have funded money to invest, and Guangdibei TV Station has funded 200 Ten thousand, CCV TV station funded 4 million, other TV stations also followed up, linked with the word "policy", money is easy.

But the "Card Five" mentioned by Director Zhang is different. You really have to use the title of the gift film to suppress it. It's really wrong.

Kawu is a jargon, talking about the hot search on Weibo, ranking fourth, fifth, and sixth positions. Most of these positions are advertising spots, which are money spent, because they are on the top and bottom of the rankings. Over time, they are called card five, which means buying hot search and buying for a period of time.

It's not a small amount of money to buy for a period of time.

The hot search is divided into manual and machine. Few people use this machine now. The exact same reply can't deceive people. Now the audience is smart, so anyone with a little money will use manual hot search. Manual hot search means that the employees of the hot search company log in and post comments. The speed is slow, but the authenticity is high and it is easy to drive fans and traffic.

Manual hot searches are calculated by the hour. The first 12 to 31 thousand hours, the first 35 thousand one hour, of course, if you have a small discount for the time period, the discount will not be as big. . If you go to the math, the first three hot searches will cost you 50,000 in one hour. How much will you get if you pack a hot search package for a period of time? Card five, ranking fifth, between 150,000 to 200,000 per day, and one million for five days.

Even all stars such as Jianguo Diye are in the film, and the popularity has to be smashed. After all, many people reject this kind of political film. Don't underestimate this million. It would be great if you just include a hot search drama, but unfortunately not, if the hot search goes up, you have to buy publicity. So a hot search alone is not enough to brainwash.

What brainwashing? Big V marketing accounts are the most brainwashed.

Hot search and marketing account packages are both used, and it is a common method for experienced hands.

Do you not like to watch political movies? Then I will get dozens of big V marketing accounts, and add dozens of self-media to bring topics, and to bring topics is to write reviews, long reviews, and write that is called a brilliant pen, and a political movie can be written by them as an idol movie.

When the entire online media was touting the Jianguo Emperor's business overnight, the public opinion was well guided, and the public opinion was well guided, and it was natural for the hot search to go up again.

The big V marketing account sends a Weibo with a topic, not the kind of Weibo with comments, but a Weibo with a long comment written by others, it is called a Weibo with a topic, 10,000 yuan at a time, more than 60 companies How should I have it? Six hundred thousand and hundreds of thousands fell in just one day.

The price of self-media is higher. After all, the content of self-media writing is higher, 50,000 yuan a piece, how about more than 50 companies? Five or six million of a drama has been swiped on Weibo, which is the basic configuration.

"Swipe." Gao Leng nodded. People in this circle have to conform to the market. Although his is a gift film, these marketing accounts dare not write about the bad parts of this film. Can you write it well? Then you hit the head in the face. But you also need some people to praise you, this money must be spent.

"How much is it?" Director Zhang asked.

"Ten million." Gao Leng pondered for a while and exhorted: "In addition to asking those big V marketing accounts and self-media to write about these celebrities to shoot this movie, there are some scandals, etc. We need to invite some better marketing accounts and self-media, and the drafts should be more refined."

"Yes, so there are both the tidbits and scandals that the public likes to watch, but also some high-grade people like to read the comments. Ten million, you spend a lot, is the money still enough?" Director Zhang heard the amount of money loose. With a sigh of relief, he looked at Gao Leng and asked.

"Enough." Gao sneered and sighed long: "But it's really tight. Casting so many TV shows in one go, you need to use your brain to turn money."

"Why do you have to invest in so many units? One by one." Director Zhang asked.

Gao Leng didn't speak. Too many people asked him this question. He didn't explain, and he didn't bother to explain. Time will prove everything, verify his judgment, and give everyone a good answer.

Of course, the premise is that the high-cold exam is an important exam to enter the film and television industry.

The next day, Gao Leng was busy in the office all day and night. He did his best to do as much work as possible so that he would not be disturbed for the next five days. He went to Lao Hang’s place to visit him several times. Xiao Leng and Xiao Wei helped the sister-in-law run up and down at home, so Gao Leng didn't have to worry about it.

The day when Yu Yan agreed to shoot commercials together has finally arrived.

Gao Leng hardly tidied himself up, went to cut his hair, put on new comfortable and high-quality clothes, he even went to the bookstore to buy the CD and original novel of the Little Dragon Girl TV series that year. Put it into the bag that he carried with him, and brought the official seal of the Starlight Group to himself.

On the table was a bunch of white roses that Yang Guanguan had ordered.

"Where are you going?" Jian Xiaodan walked into his office, and saw that he was wearing a long black trench coat with a plaid shirt underneath. At first glance, he had dressed up carefully, and was surprised. You must know that even if Gao Leng came to the big cooperation, he would just dress casually and go out.

Looking at the white roses that are standing, I am even more curious.

"A dream come true." Gao coldly smiled, picked up the bag, stood up, and walked out the door.

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