Gossip King

Chapter 1251: The appointment in puberty (2)

After the white rose was delivered, Gao Leng declined the help of the housekeeper. Instead, he cleaned it up by himself. It took at least half an hour to make it. Gao Leng, who didn’t look very much in the mirror, arranged his clothes in front of the mirror when he went out. It should be his most cautious one.

When he went out again, he made a few more phone calls and made some arrangements before going out.

After driving a Chai Zong car with some white roses on the car, and piled up some roses at the back of the car, Gao Leng drove to Yuyan's shooting location, his mouth rising all the way. Thinking of dating Yu Yan, I have been thinking about it for many years.

I used to think across the screen and imagined myself as the leading actor in the play, and love and affection with the little dragon girl in the ancient tomb, and also imagined myself as a certain rich man, and met Yu Yan in the mall or banquet of the imperial capital, and then staged it The process of overbearing Yuyan; no matter what kind of fantasy, Yuyan is finally obtained.

I have been thinking about it for many years. Now that I have this opportunity, the time and place are good, and there is still a little bit of harmony. After all, it is necessary for Yu Yan to feel too fast for her, but the time and place are good for her. , The "renhe" can also be obtained in an idea.

The car speeded up, a bit impatient.

The place where the advertisement was filmed was in a remote place in the suburbs. It was a temporary setting. Just when I arrived at the destination, I couldn’t help but sigh. It’s no wonder that Yuyan’s clothes for the little dragon girl have a very good texture before. Yuyan also said this time. It’s a **** story, and the scenes are very thick. They are better than when they were acting. As soon as I got outside the door, I felt the money spent in advertising.

This is one of the most inner yards in the film and television city. The film crew has carried out fine decoration. From the yard, there are a lot of miscellaneous cabinets. There are some sundries removed from the props. When the cold enters the yard, the yard door closes Now, some tourists who wanted to look around were turned away.

"The yard is reserved, there must be a big name."

"Yeah, you see that this RV is very lavish, and you don't know who is filming in it."

Tourists talked about leaving, but the big crew always booked the venue, and only the small crew would let tourists see the filming process. It doesn't hurt to let visitors look inside the yard when the door is opened. As soon as the door inside is pushed open, the cold heart beats.

The scene is exactly the same as on TV, the simple ancient tomb, but simple but not rough, and the details are very exquisite, even the cold jade bed is really cool to the touch, made of a large piece of white white marble. Yu Yan was sitting on the edge of Hanyu's bed. A bunch of staff members dressed up around her. Her long black hair was tied with a white coarse cloth with a bow. She was very clean and she was dressed in a white gauze. Qi and Yuyan's own coldness complement each other.

The alive little dragon girl is alive.

"You are here," Yu Yan said. The makeup artist next to her made some final fine-tuning, and even a few strands of hair were moved to the right place again before she walked a little further, and walked to the camera to take a look. Nodded with satisfaction.

Although Yu Yan was only eighteen years old when the scene was filmed, she is now 22 years old, but her appearance is still so good, even more feminine than before.

"Yeah." Gao Leng nodded. The aunt who used to be on the screen just stood in front of his eyes, and the simple "You are here" also became a bit scratchy. He secretly took a deep breath. Sat aside.

"Starting shooting." Everything was ready, Yu Yan stood in the middle of the scene, and the surrounding staff all retreated to their work posts. White smoke rose from the cold jade bed. This scene was played by Xiaolongnu alone. The scene of a person practicing exercises in the ancient tomb was cold, and others looked a little desolate, but she was happy and clean. Haven't experienced the beautiful scenery of the outside world, haven't tasted the entanglement of love, and don't feel lonely in the ancient tomb.

The little dragon girl meditated on the cold jade bed and closed her eyes quietly. Time seemed to stand still, and it seemed to go backwards, returning to the era of martial arts.

Gao Leng looked at Yu Yan, no, at Xiaolongnu, just meditating in front of him alive like this, he smiled slightly, this scene, he has been looking forward to this scene for a long time, and now he really watched it in reality. Zhuang saw Xiaolongnv's wish with his own eyes.

And to get the love of Xiaolong female actor Yu Yan, her heart and her body, is the greatest wish.

It took about two hours for the filming to end. Yang Guo’s actor has no schedule for the time being, so he won’t be able to shoot another one until a month later. If nothing happens, go back and fix the film. Yu Yan’s work is also over. Up.

"Make up a few more close-ups." The director of the small film looked at the replay and was a little worried. At this time, the night was fading. But Yuyan is difficult to ask for such a big guy. You have to shoot once, and she has to fly over in the middle. Re-shooting is not good. In addition, this short film has some cooperation from advertisers, which is even more sloppy.

Yu Yan was a little tired, but she was very professional, nodded and continued shooting.

Gao Leng watched for so long and was satisfied, so he stood up and stretched out his hand: "Mr. Yang, take a step to speak." When he came, he had already chatted a few words. It was nothing more than an exchange of business cards. You come and I will talk about it. Gao Leng looked serious and wanted to take a step to speak. The person in charge of the filming hurriedly followed Gao Leng to a deserted place in the yard.

Gao Leng whispered in his ear for a while, and then Mr. Yang looked embarrassed.

Gao Leng whispered a few words in his ear, then Mr. Yang nodded thoughtfully.

Gao Leng took out his cell phone, then Mr. Yang also took out his cell phone. After sending something, he shook hands and smiled.

After waiting for another half an hour, the work was finished. The staff left the scene one after another. The person in charge Yang Yang walked up to Yu Yan and stretched out his hand enthusiastically: "Thanks, we have arranged a dinner, Murong Teacher, you must be hungry too, let's go eat together."

It was already eight or nine o'clock at this time. In order to ensure that his face was not swollen, I didn't even drink my saliva. I was really hungry.

"That..." Yu Yan looked around looking for her cosmetic bag. She would remove her makeup no matter whether she went to a banquet or not, so she said, "I'm going to the hotel to remove makeup first. As for eating..."

She glanced at Gao Leng.

"I don't need to eat. She and I have another business to do, business." Gao Leng took the conversation and shook the hand of the person in charge: "I invite you to dinner another day."

Yu Yan's face blushed slightly. Although she didn't say that she wanted to be with Gao Leng, she thought in her heart. It is normal for this young girl to be clingy at the beginning. Although she feels a little lumpy about his girlfriend, but Gao Leng always She can't help but like it once, and I don't know why.

Put it in his hands, Yu Yan thought.

Really fell into my hands, but I still missed the door, Gao Leng thought.

"You don't need to remove makeup, just wear this." Gao Leng took Yu Yan into his car and took her cosmetic bag from the assistant and put it in the trunk. Then, she sat in the driver's seat and turned her head to look at the passenger. She driving.

"It smells so good." Yu Yan looked around, and saw a bunch of white roses on the back seat: "It's white roses again."

Gao Leng smiled lightly, took the white rose and handed it to her: "I give it to you."

"It's so romantic." Yu Yan pursed her lips and was very happy. Why is it that a woman is unhappy when she receives flowers? Especially when she was given flowers by a man she likes, she took it and closed her eyes and smelled it and then recovered. She looked at Gao Leng puzzledly: "It’s too weird for me to wear this little dragon girl’s clothes to eat. I will change my clothes when I arrive at the hotel..."

"Don't go to the hotel." Gao Leng shook his head and stretched out his hand to touch the bow in her hair, his mouth twitched upwards: "I will take you to another place."

"Huh?" Yu Yan tilted her head and blocked the white rose in front of her face. If it wasn't for the evening, she would really not dare to take the co-pilot. It would be troublesome if people saw it accidentally. Fortunately, this place in the northwest. No paparazzi, but she still looked carefully in the rearview mirror, for fear that someone would follow.

"Don't worry, I do this by myself. I don't know if there are any paparazzi? Sit with peace of mind. Let's eat first." Gao Leng reached out again and held Yu Yan's hand to the palm of his hand, driving the car with one hand and holding the other. Her hand.

I have held her hand more than once, but this time it was exceptionally surging.

Yu Guang looked at Yu Yan next to him, she looked like a little dragon girl in his memory, smelling the fragrance of flowers shyly, her red lips showed the shyness of a girl.

"Where is this going?" Yu Yan panicked as she saw the car driving farther and farther. She blocked the white rose from her face more and more, "Why did you drive to a crowded place?"

I saw that Gao Leng was driving towards the downtown area. When I was parking, I saw pedestrians coming and going. Yu Yan was a little nervous and hid behind White Rose. Gao Leng held her hand tightly and pointed at herself. 'S face: "Kiss me."

Before, I thought that if Yu Yan was her girlfriend and drove a luxury car by herself, she leaned over to kiss her while waiting for the red light.

Yu Yan shyly hid herself behind the white rose and shook her head: "No, so many people are walking, what should I do if I see it?" A big star has the aura of a big star and also has the concerns of a big star, Yu Yan He is a well-known star in the empire. If this is seen, it is a trivial matter to start a commotion.

The red light changed to green light, and the cold car started moving again.

"I will be seen." Yu Yan pursed her mouth and put the rose down.

Gao Cooling did not respond, but drove the car coldly.

After dozens of seconds, Yu Yan turned her head to see Gao Leng's frosty face, so she froze her face in dissatisfaction: "What are you doing, you will be seen that way."

Gao Leng still did not respond, but quietly waited for a few more traffic lights and drove the car with a cold face.

About ten minutes later, Yu Yan couldn't hold back her breath, she bit her lip and looked at Gao Leng.

I haven't taken the initiative to kiss anyone, and so many people... Yu Yan jumped up flustered, she lowered her head to play with the hem of her veil, and looked at Gao Leng again.

Frosty face.

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