Gossip King

Chapter 1257: Back road

"You..." Yu Yan's body pressed tightly against the car door, as if trying to get a little further away from Gao Leng, and her gaze fell below him again, and she took a breath of cold air with increasing shock. The high cold at this time is controlling oneself, at the critical point of losing control, the black mist emanating from his body is getting heavier, and the blood vessels are getting darker and darker. This is no better than when he vented out at any time when he was in bed, he seemed very terrifying when he was abstinent.

"What I said is true. But don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. This is my handle, you hold it." Gao Leng reached out his hand and fixed his pants and clothes and pointed to the recorder. Put the camera pan in the back seat and hand it to Yu Yan: "This is our first time when we were in the tomb and the camera next to me took it."

Yu Yan's hand gripped her clothes tightly but did not dare to reach out to take the disc in Gao Leng's hand, so Gao Leng put the disc next to the recorder.

"Don't be afraid." His voice was filled with a strong, restrained gasp. Although it was terrifying, his eyes were gentle: "I won't hurt you."

"You..." Yu Yan obviously hasn't reacted yet. She glanced at the black veins on Gao Leng's arm and then at his black eyes. She moved her gaze away and covered her eyes. Gao Leng quickly moved her sleeves. Stroke it down to block it, and moved the collar of the dress up.

"Actually, except for this time, I will be abnormal at other times. The rest of the time is normal." Gao Leng said softly, reaching out to comfort Yu Yan, but Yu Yan more and more hid in the seat, frightened.

"I want you these days, and I said I will be responsible for you. To be honest, you should know that I give up Xiaowei or Xiao cold after listening to me. I said you will be my only girlfriend. I deceived you." Gao Leng looked at Yu Yan, his words full of guilt.

He wanted Murong Yuyan, and he also got her, but even coaxing and deceiving, she was half pushing. How many women have lost this way for the first time, Gao Leng can't do not speak Yan, but also can't give up Xiao Leng or Xiao Wei. Especially Xiaowei, this is someone who has saved her life, and more than once.

After all, although getting Yu Yan is not compulsive, this party is half teasing and half temptation, and the other half pushing and half doing it, but after all, it is not particularly open and upright. However, such matters between couples cannot be completely characterized by uprightness. But at the very least, from a high-cold point of view, since I said that I should be responsible to her, I have to explain it to her.

"However, although I deceived you on this point, it does not mean that I am not sincere to you. You should have felt it these days. I have been obsessed with you for a long, long time. I only tell you this secret, it is hope Can you understand, if I really do it is you alone, can you really be with me? Can your body bear it, and your heart can accept that I am this way..." Gao Leng After a few seconds of stagnation, he sighed, "This kind of monster."

I don’t know if Yu Yan listened, Gao Leng said slowly and softly, even if the mist in his body made him anxious, he didn’t show it too much, just gritted his teeth deeply from time to time. Hold back. He has said a lot, and said all the things after his rebirth, including if he found a mature woman teasing him, he would be particularly unable to hold it, and that only Xiaowei could really feed him physically.

Yu Yan seemed to listen, but didn't seem to listen, but her eyes became more and more confused.

"Xiao Leng, doesn't she know your secret?" At the end, Yu Yan asked suddenly.

Gao Leng shook his head.

"Why didn't you tell her?"

Gao Leng thought for a while and said: "When I was tempted by Xiao Leng, there was no one in my heart. At that time, I had no love for the little witch. So I talked about it as you wish. She is my woman, I don’t Will let her go, but you..."

Yu Yan tightly grasped the hem of her skirt, the lingering over the past few days made her a little bit painful below.

"I was too anxious to get you, and you are not Xiao Leng's temperament that I can't live without me. I have already got you like this. I always want you to follow me plainly and willingly. If you I can't accept it, I don't want to..." Gao Leng didn't say anything when he said this.

Having said so much, there is nothing left to say.

The fact is that he just wanted Murong Yuyan, and Murong Yuyan would definitely ask Mu Xiaolen to ask the truth, hiding it? If you can't hide it for a while, you can't hide it for a lifetime, so simply make it clear. If Yu Yan can't accept that there are other women, Gao Leng can take it slowly and affect her slowly. If Yu Yan simply couldn't accept Gao Leng's body, that would be another matter.

Gao Leng told her this secret to allow her to retreat.

And to record this secret for her, I was afraid that she would be afraid, so that she would not be afraid if she held her own handle.

"Let me think about it." Yu Yan took the stubbornness, and said nothing more.

"Take these." Gao Leng handed over the recorder and the disk, and Yu Yan reached out and took it. Her finger touched Gao Leng's, and it was cold.

"I have to digest and digest, I... I..." Yu Yan said as she pushed the car door and wanted to go straight to the elevator, but she didn't know if she was physically weak or her legs were frightened. She suddenly softened her legs and almost fell. Leng immediately got out of the car and rushed to her at the fastest speed with a little special energy. He looked around quickly, but luckily there was no one.

"I will help you up." Gao Leng said softly.

"No, no need." After walking to the elevator, Yu Yan raised her head and looked at Gao Leng and quickly looked away: "Your eyes...it is not convenient to send me up now, others will find you... will find you It's different from..." At this point, she pushed one hand into her hair and tugged: "I'm going up first. I can't react to it now. Give me some time."

After returning to the car again, Gao Leng stayed in the car for about two or three hours before driving away. Fortunately, he stopped Yuyan when he was about to enter the critical point of losing control, otherwise he would not be able to press him for two or three hours. Desire whizzing out of my heart.

After returning to the manor, Gao Leng did not eat dinner, but sat quietly on the bed that was still talking to Yan Yunyu. The bed was very messy and exuded a faint fragrance of women. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the photos. In the local photos, Yu Yan may be smiling or shy, or lying under her in pain, and there are scenes of Xiaolong Girl on TV, Gao Leng's heart is mixed.

There is finally Yu Yan's happiness, more of anxious.

I don't know whether Yu Yan can accept it. It is obviously difficult for a modern woman to accept polygamy, and even more difficult is how terrible it is to accept her man once she goes crazy. Gao Leng asked her for a few days, but also wanted to tell her through his body that if there were no other women, you would have such a life in the future. Once Gao Leng went crazy, it would become A woman's unbearable suffering, you see if you can accept it.

Until Gao Leng returned to the imperial capital, Yu Yan never called again. Gao Leng didn't call her or send her a message. She said everything that should be said. Now she only needs to give her time and wait for her choice.


The door of Yu Yan's boudoir was closed tightly. She was sitting on the bed in her pajamas. She had been home for many days, and some of the pain in her body disappeared completely. Women who have experienced personnel, especially those who have tasted the wave of the highest joy Happy woman, will miss that feeling after so many days.

These days, Yuyan has been thinking about the things Gao Leng said. Sometimes I feel that these are true, and sometimes I feel that they are false. He has listened to the recordings many times, but the first time I got together with the camera. , She didn't watch it.

Very shy, I feel too shy to see myself and a man like this.

But for many days, Yu Yan only felt that the bottom was empty, and she seemed to want something to fill in to feel full. She blushed and wiped the inverted hard drive on the laptop, put on the headphones, and repeatedly checked the boudoir door. After locking it, I fell into the bed and clicked on the video.

Within ten minutes, she was blushing.

"Wait." Yu Yan suddenly pressed the pause, adjusted the picture closer and then closer, only to see that she seemed to have died in the clouds, closed her eyes and completely unaware of her surroundings, and the high-cold body in the lens was very scary with dark veins. .

Yu Yan closed her notebook instantly, covering her chest in shock.

"It seems that what he said is true. He is like that, that way..." Yu Yan's hands trembled slightly, and she opened the notebook again and looked at it again. The high-cold muscles in the lens are very well-proportioned and beautiful. Very handsome, looking at himself in the camera, his eyes are also very addictive, just looking at this gaze knows that this man is indeed very, very obsessed with this woman.


His arms, neck, legs and even back are filled with black mist from time to time. Fortunately, it will be lighter with each impact, especially at high speed. When he is crazy, the black mist is almost invisible, but as long as He was in a state of not enjoying himself, and the black mist filled up.

Pa, Yu Yan closed the notebook again, with fear, confusion and deep resentment in her eyes.

"He is such a person, I..."

"He will definitely not give up that little tail, I don't think he will give up that Xiao Leng."

"Even if he gives up and only loves me, can I feed him enough?"

"Why did he want me like that! But I left him, other men...other men..."

Yu Yan picked up the notebook abruptly and threw it to the ground, only to hear a slap, she hid in the quilt with a sad face, destined to be another sleepless night.

Gao Leng left her a way out. If she didn't want to, then the love would end here.

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