Gossip King

Chapter 1259: Lonely

They all say that spring is in full swing, and they say that everything is alive in this season. After the new year, people start the new year with good wishes. Compared with the atmosphere of other companies, Starlight Group looks a little bit It's dull.

A letter of resignation was submitted, and many of them were pulled up by Gao Leng and Jian Xiao. This is not surprising. After all, it is easy to say that you want to make a boutique movie, but it is hard to do it, especially when it will affect your personal income.

If the slogan is shouted loudly, it will really affect your year-end award, that is another matter.

"Liu Di, you were brought up by Mr. Gao with one hand. You went from being a puppy to the head of the entertainment team, the Rockets promoted, you..." Jian Xiaoshan looked at a thirty-year-old guy who handed in her resignation.

This person was called Liu Di. When Gao Leng hadn't promoted him, he had been a paparazzi for five or six years. Although there were some news, he was still tepid, but he was still a paparazzi in Gao Leng. At that time, Liu Di helped him several times, so Gao Leng rose up step by step, remembering to bring Liu Di up a little bit every time.

Jian Xiaodan didn't expect that it would be fine for others to resign, and Liu Di, who would not have the current position without being cold, would have resigned!

"Thank Mr. Gao for the promotion all the way." Liu Di's face was embarrassed, but he was overwhelmed: "You can vote for high-quality TV series, and you can vote so many, I think Mr. Gao's step is... Is it..."

Liu Di obviously felt that Gao Leng's move was too risky. He sighed: "I'm afraid that the prize money will be affected in the past two years."

"Liu Di, you can figure it out, if it weren't for Mr. Gao, you are still running paparazzi with bonuses? Now your one-month salary is three times what you used to be. You actually have a discount because the bonus for the past two years will be discounted..." Jane The little single is not angry.

"Okay, approved." Gao Leng walked in and listened to both ears. He looked at Liu Di and smiled and said, "Find someone to walk through the process."

"Gao... Mr. Gao, I..." Liu Di was a little embarrassed, Xiao Shan was right, Gao Leng really promoted him a little bit, even if his ability is not very good, but he always remembered him.

"The world is full of banquets, I wish you success." Gao sneered and stretched out his hand and shook Liu Di's hand: "I went to the new company to do it well."

After Liu Di walked out of the simple office, he breathed a sigh of relief. There was fine cold sweat on his forehead, and his ears were a little red.

"You resigned too." Several colleagues came over and touched Liu Di's shoulder.

"Well, is your process finished?" Liu Di asked.

"We have gone through several processes. Mr. Gao approved it as soon as he raised his hand. I will go to work at the new company next week."

"Me too, my new company heard that I came from the Starlight Group, and the salary is 3,000 more per month than here."

"Now that the Starlight Group can sell for money, we can jump right away. This will be thriving. After waiting for a year, if the starlight is not good, we can't sell it at this price anymore."

Several people talked about walking to their office, and they all flew to each other. The Star Group was not a disaster, but it was gradually fading and cold. Living in this imperial capital, there is nothing wrong with thinking about my own livelihood. The salary of jumping out has been doubled. Of course, jumping, is it to accompany Gao Leng?

"Of the thirty-five people in our department, ten people have offered to resign. I think, this Starlight Group is finished."

"Yes, I think Gao is always a very good reporter, but he may not be a very good boss. Is his vision possible? It's boring. What kind of boutique TV series are being produced by Starlight Group? The company that I moved to Ouyang, he invested TV dramas are all scattered cast, and last year's year-end awards were distributed for four months."


"I really want to get him stuck for two days!" When Liu Di walked out of the office, Jian Xiaoyan threw the folder aside with anger: "Other family's salary is higher than ours, not much higher, he actually... actually... ...I don't weigh a few brushes. If you didn't think he helped you before, how could he be the team leader according to his ability? Well, when the Star Group reached a low ebb, he left, it was really unjust! "

"What will he do in two days? We have to pay two more days of salary. If people want to leave, let him go. Starlight Group is now a hard brand. Of course, they are in our light when they quit, and the salary is normal." Gao Not angry at all, sat on the sofa and stretched out: "Don't talk about it, the ways are different."

Jian Xiaodan sat down at the desk and did not speak.

"The film and television department has also left. Many of them went to Ouyang's film and television companies. The three film and television companies under Ouyang have invested more than 50 films this year and are recruiting talents in Guangxi." Xiaodan said.

"People go to a high place, and the water flows to a low place. They think that Ouyang is a high place, then go. I don't think Ouyang will deliberately dig me." Gao Leng coldly said.

It's more comfortable to deliberately dig people. People don't need to dig, and their own people just rush to him to call it faceless.

"Yeah." Jian Xiaodan didn't speak any more. After taking a few deep breaths, she calmed down: "There will be a meeting of the film and television department in the afternoon."

After the beginning of the spring, the Film and Television Department successively held more than a dozen large conferences, and each time the high temperature was personally at the helm, now everyone who does not know the Starlight Group knows that the Starlight Group will focus on film and television in the next two years. In the film and television industry I have long heard that Gao Leng is going to make several high-quality TV series.

"The books have been found, and the screenwriters have been implemented. They are all based on your requirements and adapted from the original books. One of the books has been written long ago. If the director can implement it, filming will start soon. The other two It is estimated that it will be the second half of the year, and the book will have to be written. Although it is as fast as possible to write according to the book adapted from the original, it will take at least half a year."

"Then take this part of the book first." Gao Leng took the information and flipped through it, his eyes lit up: "Yeah, this book was written by Li Qian."

I studied with the screenwriter Li Qian at the China Europe Business School before, and I was deeply impressed by this low-key screenwriter.

"Well, this modern drama has a pink plot. Li Qian wrote about this book a long time ago. There was a film and television company who wanted to buy it, but I don’t know what happened later. This book is yellow and I didn’t buy it. This time I said it was OK. Sell ​​it to us.” Li Qian is a well-known domestic screenwriter. If any mainland screenwriter in modern idol dramas can compete with Korean screenwriters, it must be Li Qian. She has written this book and is willing to put this Selling the book to Gao Leng, this is an excellent thing, but Jian Xiao Shan sighed very depressed: "She is a big lion. There are 22 episodes of TV series. She costs 300,000 yuan per episode. Screenwriting fees."

300,000 per episode, this is a sky-high price, especially for the book adaptation of a novel, this is the sky-high price in the sky-high price.

Generally speaking, if it is not an adaptation of a novel, it is purely a book created by oneself, the price of one hundred thousand episodes of domestic first-line screenwriters is already very high, after all, one episode is only twenty thousand words. And the book adapted from the novel is cheaper. After all, the novel has already been written. You only need to create it based on the novel, which is much easier and easier. In this case, the price of 300,000 episodes will be charged. Daughter.

One episode of 20,000 words, 300,000 episodes, that is 15 yuan a word. And the money is easy to get, just change the original work into a script.

"This book is really good. There are quite a few editors and adaptations of this novel into a screenplay. We have read a dozen of these books, and Li said that it is the best one, but it is too expensive." Xiao Shan frowned, "For filming. There is a lot of money. Generally speaking, a book adapted for a novel costs one or two million. This is good, it costs six or seven million. I have never heard of this price in the industry. We bought this novel. The film and television copyrights only cost more than six hundred thousand yuan. This adaptation is more expensive than the original copyright. Li Qian is too bad, and even with your CEIBS classmates, they don’t give it any favors, and the price is required. "

Playing movies, asking for money everywhere.

When playing high-quality film and television, the collaborations are all first-line, first-line screenwriters, first-line directors, first-line production teams, and first-line actors. Since it is a first-line, there is a first-line price. Even scripts adapted from novels are very expensive.

This is similar to a big brand, that Li Qian herself is a piece of gold for the screenwriter, and her book has always been so expensive. Since you want to play well, you have to reserve money.

"The screenwriting spends so much money, the director has to spend more, plus the actors... Our money is simply not enough. Moreover, a lot of people in the film and television department are lost. I estimate that there will be more losses next month. This is today's financial magazine , Look at their assessment." Jian Xiaoshan opened several financial magazines to Gao Leng.

"Star Group Wasn't Favored by Film and Television for the First Time"

"Jianguo Diye was filmed, but Starlight Group collapsed"

"Not everyone can shoot fine works, don't paint your dreams too full"

Looking at the topic, these financial reporters are not optimistic about Gao Leng's start. The lines are full of doubts, and they also quoted data such as the staff turnover rate of the Star Group. For a while, their colleagues in the film and television industry were waiting to see Gao Leng's jokes.

"What to do, does Li Qian buy this script?" Xiao Shan asked.

Ding Dong, Gao Leng's cell phone rang, he picked it up and looked at it coldly, it was Yu Yan's text message.

"What's the matter? You..." Xiao Shan saw Gao Leng looking at the phone in a daze, with a black face and not talking, so he quickly stepped forward and sat down beside him and asked.

"It's nothing." Gao Leng put the phone in his pocket. After saying this, he stood up and walked to the window, looked out the window of tall buildings, and stopped talking.

Xiao Shan was keenly aware of Gao Leng's displeasure, she dared not speak, and sat quietly on the sofa.

One is standing by the window, the other is sitting on the sofa looking at the information, and taking a cold look from time to time, eyes full of worry.

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