Gossip King

Chapter 1261: Layout again

This is a photo taken under a big sweet-scented osmanthus tree. This sweet-scented osmanthus tree should be an old tree. It is very beautiful to cover the sky and the sun. It is cold and leaning against the sweet-scented osmanthus tree with a young man standing beside him, laughing It's brilliant.

"Is this boy your brother?" Gao Leng asked.

"Ah, yes." Jian Xiaodan ran over to look at the desktop, and said generously: "It was taken near the orphanage after the New Year."

"Ouyang knows you very well, I haven't seen your brother yet." Gao Leng said.

"Isn't it easy to see my brother? He goes to school there every day." Xiao Shan said with a smile, returned to the sofa again and sat and looked at the information. It seemed that he felt very common and natural for Ouyang's photos as a desktop. . Jian Xiaodan is natural, Gao Leng feels a little uncomfortable, and can't say what's uncomfortable, he feels panicked.

Watching the video again, Ou Yang put his hand on her brother's shoulder, looking very intimate.

My heart became more and more congested.

"Go to see your brother on the weekend, you can arrange it." Gao Leng left this sentence and stood up: "I went to work in my own office."

Originally working in Xiaodan's office made him feel a little more comfortable, but now he feels even more uncomfortable, so he simply leaves.

The following days have been busy with these three TV series. After Li Qian’s book was bought, Xiaodan was promoted in Fengxing and Xingsheng magazines in accordance with Gao Leng’s requirements. There are two well-known domestic entertainments in his hand. The major publications are still very powerful in terms of publicity. The people may not pay much attention to this news. After all, Starlight Group did not go to other portals to buy the front page. Li Qian is not very familiar with the public, so he wants to promote the drama. , The best way is to hype up the heroine.

However, there are two blessings from Fengxing and Xingsheng. Everyone in the film and television industry knows that: Xingguang Group bought Li Qian's book at a high price, setting a new high for the screenwriter fees for adapting the original novel.

I heard that Gao from Starlight Group is always determined to enter the boutique drama. The script written by Li gave a high price of 300,000 episodes, and a book that changed the original novel was so high.

He really worked hard to play this boutique drama. Li Qian's literary skills are reliable, and her book adaptation is not unpopular. I think he will find a director to film the drama. This is so popular!

At first, I thought he was a gimmick for playing boutique dramas. Although Starlight Group has some financial resources, it is not enough to make all the boutiques. This shows that there is no profit for at least two or three years. I did not expect this high cold to be really scary. , The screenwriter spent so much money on this.

The director, deputy director, producer and others in the circle talked about it.

In fact, any circle, when it reaches the top, is that big, with dozens of people. Let's just talk about the screenwriting circle. The first-line screenwriters can count ten fingers, and the same is true for the first-line directors.

For a time, there were more than fifty screenwriter assistants who contacted Starlight Group, and all the first-line and second-line players came. Cooperation or non-cooperation means that first let the assistant add a contact information, and when you have a good book, you will have one more choice, no loss. Which screenwriter does not want his book to be crafted into a boutique drama?

"Li Qian's book is officially designated as "Weiwei". Now the film and television rights have been bought, and the screenwriter has been set. Next, a director will be appointed to take over. We have received more than a dozen director assistants. But there are only two first-line big-name directors. Look at it." Jian Xiaodan handed over the information and frowned: "The big-name TV drama directors of this line are hard to find. Several of them are shooting on the big screen."

Nowadays, directors are fighting the big screen, that is, movies.

You look at the authors, actors, and singers. As long as you say you are a director, who will be a TV drama director? Both are film directors. why? There are two most important reasons.

First, it takes a long time to make a TV series. It takes only one or two years to make a TV series. It takes at least eight or nine months for the few episodes. Do you think those who have cross-line directors really have a dream of director? It's just circling money. In order to circulate the money, it takes a year or two to make a movie. It won't be worth it. You can take the show yourself when you have this time.

Second, film directors sound like a face, just like reporter circles. When you hear that you are a reporter from a TV station, journalists in print media often feel that you are superior to others. Although ordinary people think this TV is better than newspapers and magazines, it is a circle of reporters. I don't think so, but the unanimous view is: Those who play in the TV circle have real skills, and those who don't play in the paper circle have real skills. This is true, except for the top hosts who have real skills. As far as the average TV station reporter is concerned, the manuscripts they write are simply unreadable. Let’s talk about entertainment news. Listen carefully to what the TV station’s entertainment news broadcasts. thing? XX star is here! She walked over wearing an XX breast-exposed outfit, looking at XX from the top down is really pretty...Can this be compared with the meticulous care of the magazine interview? In addition, when reporters from TV stations and newspapers and magazines participate in an event together, basically 99% of TV station reporters will copy the manuscripts of paper media reporters and copy them. This has become a common practice: hey buddy, copy it for me , My TV station...

The same goes for movies and TV drama circles. First, it is a movie, um, tall, a story is to be made in just two hours, and it is still ready to go overseas. What if you didn't win a prize? A lot of them didn't even mention their names, and they still feel tall.

And TV? The TV was filmed for ordinary people to watch. As soon as this tall person has a relationship with ordinary people, it's over. It doesn't sound good to say, but that's the truth, and that's how it feels in this circle.

Therefore, more and more directors are making movies, instead of making TV shows that are painful and tiring for a long time and slow to return.

"That’s what really good directors are. Several of them are making movies. There are many levels of TV drama directors, and many idol movies have already cooperated with TV stations. They can’t spare their hands. The asking price for them is high. It's easy to find." Xiao Shan pointed to the two directors who had submitted it: "Fortunately, you bought Li Qian's book at a high price. These two directors came for Li Qian's book, but the asking price is very high."

After spending the screenwriter's money, it's time to spend the director's money. You buy the script of the screenwriter at a high price, but you can't buy the director at a low price, right? You are cheap, and no one wants to pick you up.

"How much do they want?" Gao Leng asked.

"I talked to them about the total split, which means that the final split can add 5 more points." Xiao Shan said the method Gao Leng said before. The director's money is calculated according to the final split. If you shoot well, you can return to the high cost. , You will earn more, without capping.

"Five more points is a lot." Gao Leng nodded.

"But they don't do it." Xiao Shan shook and sighed: "The current market is a one-off deal. The director is unwilling to take this risk. It is calculated based on the amount of money per episode, which is the end of the year. It’s the same with awards. You don’t want year-end awards anymore. You give me more points every month and it’s done. So for your set, these two directors are veterans of the connoisseurs, don’t eat."

Gao Leng looked at the names of the two directors. They were indeed the most famous directors in the TV circle, and they were the ones with higher prices.

"These two directors have both made anti-Japanese war films, and they have a hard relationship on the TV station. They will definitely not eat your set. If you pay a high price for the screenwriter, the director must also have a high price. A high-quality film is difficult to shoot. You are not expensive yet, who will come? In addition, these famous directors have been cooperating with major film and television companies for many years. They are veterans. In their eyes, Starlight Group is a novice. This veteran and novice will cooperate. Take a loss."

Listening to Xiao Shan's words, Gao Leng thought about it.

More than ten days have passed. The fact that Starlight Group invested heavily in Li Qian’s book has long been left in the circle. I have been in contact with various directors for a long time, as long as they are experienced, The skilled directors at hand are not cheap.

But if the director is also expensive, then the subsequent actors and productions should be even more expensive. It's okay to vote for one, but for three, the money won't hold.

"Why don't we shoot two less, first make a fine product." Xiao Shan proposed again.

"No, you need at least three." Gao Leng shook his head.

"Then, how about our director please ask the second line?"

"The second-line director can't make the first-line director's feeling, and their team can't." Gao Leng shook his head again.

The director is not just a person, the director is to lead the team and lead the team, no matter how good the director, the team can't make a good drama, this team will go into details, including lighting, makeup, photography, props, etc. On a larger scale, it is the director’s hands and eyes that are specific to what he does.

There is only a good leader, and there are no good employees, so things can't be done well.

Therefore, the director has to hire the front line.

"Post-production, and the invited actors, can't save money in this respect, what should I do?" Xiao Shan scratched her hair and was very depressed. During these days, she contacted the director and contacted a circle. There is nothing cheap and good for this art work. In fact, the director itself is the hardest job, so naturally you have to get the highest salary.

"I think about it." Gao Leng put his hands on the table and beat.

咚咚咚, again and again.

"So let me see the list of directors and works we can see." Gao Leng stretched out his hand, Xiao Shan quickly handed a piece of information to him, and he took a closer look.

"These are directors who have made good plays in Inland these years. These are their ratings." Xiao Shan handed over another piece of information.

"This is the current price in the director circle, and the asking price after I contacted these ten assistant directors."

"You have enough information." Gao Leng glanced at Xiao Shan with satisfaction.

"It should be." Xiao Shan sighed: "It really costs money to play film and television. I didn't know if I didn't enter this business before. I found out that the money came out when I went in. Although many of these directors wanted to shoot Li Qian's works, they were asking for real money. It’s very high. Boutique dramas are expensive and risky, so it’s no wonder that few people vote."

"Less the director's money, we must give the director less money, and put the big head in the later stage." Gao Leng looked at the materials carefully and said slowly, holding the materials in one hand, and tapping on the table with the other, thinking carefully.着Layout.

They are all famous guides, how can they reduce their money?

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