Gossip King

Chapter 1264: Own director team

After the plane landed in Hong Kong, people from Fengxing Magazine and Xingsheng Magazine in Hong Kong came to pick up the plane, and the East Gang also went to pick up the plane. When leaving the VIP channel, an artist happened to come out. A group of fans picked up the plane. A bunch of people also picked up the plane. As a result, a few passers-by thought Gao Leng was also an artist. They followed the yelling and took pictures. After walking about a hundred steps, there were more people surrounding Gao Leng than the artist.

The artist is embarrassing enough.

Yes, even if the people from Fengxing and Xingsheng pick up the airport, at most there are a few more people, but the group of people from the East Gang picks up the airport differently. There is a big bald scoop with water, and another with water. Black suit, that posture.

"I really like what you filmed!"

"I really like singing songs, look here."

"Ahhhhh, big star, are you playing that XX star..."

Anyway, these women are all vain, one by one took out their phones and took pictures and posted them to Moments in seconds. Whether Gao Leng was a star or not, anyway, this posture, let me talk about it.

"They are really." Gao Leng smiled helplessly.

"When you take a picture of Jianguo Diye, it is estimated that someone will pick you up in the future." Xiaodan joked: "Playing with Ouyang opponents, those Ouyang fans will focus on watching. You look good in the first place. My little pink fan."

"By the way, when will Ouyang's scenes be filmed?" Gao Leng has been busy with company affairs these days, and took time to practice the movements with his martial arts teacher. The movements are memorized once, and Gao Leng didn't fix it. Practice in the sky, he is sure of this action, and almost forgot about it as the days are long.

"It will be filmed next month. Ouyang's scenes are all pressed together. He has a tight schedule, so he will follow his schedule in terms of time." Xiao Shan said.

Ouyang, a big name like Ouyang, has made a lot of scenes for other actors in Jianguo Diye, but it's not a protagonist's scene for him. Whenever he has time, he will shoot the scenes he wants to do. Taking pictures together is a common method.

Even though the people who played against him were all wrists, they were lucky to be able to play against Ouyang. After all, this elbow is not as thick as Ouyang, and they would not have any opinions on these arrangements. As long as Ouyang has time, they Immediately flew over to play. Gao Leng is only one of the actors, and Ouyang is justified in time.

Gao Leng didn't speak, and nodded.

The night view of Hong Kong is very beautiful, and the high-rise living in the hotel looks out, and can't help but sigh the colorfulness of this bustling city. After taking a shower, Jian Xiaoshan quietly admired the night scene, and fell asleep after a while. Gao Leng had no intention of admiring the night scene. He kept looking up the information, and called a few insiders who did TV dramas in Hong Kong about drinking at night. It was only 11 o’clock in the evening, and the night life had just begun. Gao Leng changed a set. The clothes went out.

"President Gao, whoops, I didn't expect you to come to Hong Kong tonight, come, please sit down."

"This is Gao Leng, President Gao of the Star Group. Jianguo Diye was shot by him. The three artists under my hand are all performing in this scene."

"President Gao, I know Brother Biao from the East Bang, hello, hello."

A few Hong Kong TV guys booked a private room in a bar, and it was lively as soon as the high temperature came. Now Hong Kong movies have declined. Except for a few familiar faces in Hong Kong movies, they have come to the mainland to expand, and the expansion is not bad. Besides, other Hong Kong stars don’t make much money. Not to mention the decline of Hong Kong Star, even most of the people who used to be in the Hong Kong TV circle have also gone downhill, and some old TV stations have also shut down.

This group of people was naturally extremely enthusiastic when they saw Gao Leng. Everyone knew that after the founding of the emperor, there was a party founding emperor, and there was oil and water.

"Lao Zhao, you are still the same, you still care about beautiful women." Gao sneered and sat down, pointed at a man in his fifties opposite, and then looked at a charming young man in his early twenties. The beauty quipped.

"I'm just like this. Luoluo, I'll give you a toast to Mr. Gao. This is the newly emerging tycoon of the mainland film and television industry." Lao Zhao has been in this business for so many years, and his flattery is very natural. To say that Gao Leng is a big man in the film and television industry is naturally talking a little bit higher, but it gives people a bit of face and has multiple backs.

"Old teacher, I heard that you have been hospitalized recently, and your body looks good." Gao Leng raised his glasses and went down for a round of entertainment. After drinking for three rounds, he told the beauties who accompanied him to go out and turn off the music. Light up, chatted with them about business.

"Do you want to go to the mainland to shoot boutiques?" Gao Leng asked.

"Of course." The eyes of a few people lit up. The news that Gao Leng wanted to make a boutique has spread in the circle. Many of these Hong Kong film directors were squeezed out of the TV drama stage by mainland directors. They can spend most of the night. I didn’t come to drink for Gao Leng’s appointment because it tasted good. I was holding Xiao Jiujiu in my heart. As soon as I heard Gao Leng finally talked about the topic, he was refreshed, and looked at Gao Leng together, The wine glass in his hand was put down.

"Are you interested in filming the scenes I invested in? Shooting boutiques." Gao Leng asked again.

"Yours? You are the flagship boutique. So many directors in mainland China probably want to visit you. How many of us would you like?"

"Yes, the mainland directors are very good now, we don't have much to do. Besides, our brother is a few years old, and the stalls are all gone."

"Yeah, our stall is broken up. When we went to the mainland to film, we said it was good, big scenes, big investment, the scenes are all real, much better than we used to shoot in the green shed, but it's a pity, our stalls have long since broken up. "

A few people, look at me and I look at you. The excitement in their eyes tells their thoughts, but the step back on their lips also tells their current situation: these people have long been far away from the rivers and lakes, and some are following the port. The decline of the film had to withdraw from the arena. Some were a little afraid of the rise of the menacing mainland film and television circle, and they closed it when they saw it. And the crazy rise of the mainland film and television industry in recent years has made people jealous.

Really jealous.

In the past, it was said that Hong Kong Star was so popular? The four heavenly kings and various records, as long as Hong Kong films are brought over and released on the mainland, they are the kings of proper ratings. And now? The mainland’s counterattacks over the years have made people frightening. The top stars are basically from the mainland. Few Hong Kong stars have also squeezed up. They are also popular when they are filmed in mainland China. Hong Kong TV series have been crowded. There is no shadow.

If you can go to the mainland to shoot fine dramas, that would be the best.

"To be honest, there are indeed many directors in mainland China, they are very good, their team is very good, they need experience and experience, technology and technology, and mature operation." Gao Leng looked at these people and said something to his heart. The words: "I just want to make high-quality dramas. You also know what prices are in the industry now. I, a Star Group, want to invest in several high-quality films at the same time. I can't afford it in terms of money, so..."

This is indeed true.

Several veterans were stunned by the sudden truthfulness for a while and were speechless.

"Let’s put it this way, brothers all know that as long as it is a high-quality drama, we can make money if we build it well, but I can’t give that much money to the major directors in mainland China right away, so I am thinking about going to Hong Kong. Look for a wave of veterans who have been very good in filming before, and they are specifically included in our Starlight Group's filming. That is to say, if Lao Zhao is so willing to help me with this one, then you will cover the Starlight Group's movies in the future, not to mention all-inclusive, after all There are a lot of shots, and you can’t cover it all, at least there is always work.”

Several old brands looked at each other again, but didn't react.

"Let’s put it this way, doesn’t the country have a group of directors within the system? They are organized, get a fixed salary, generous bonuses, and the rest are outside the organization. I now want our Star Group to also raise some in the organization The director of Xingguang Group, we have a contract with Starlight Group. It is very long-term. You are in the 70s and 80s, and you can’t do it anymore. I will pay you retirement salary.

This is new. I have heard that the film and television group has opened several entertainment companies to train and raise artists, but I have never heard of the film and television group owning directors. Several people's eyes brightened slightly.

"Of course, the salary of the brothers is a bit too small. As long as it is your film, I will give 10% of the net profit to the director. You directors will divide it, and the team's money will be calculated separately. Add up to 30%. The profit is for you." Gao Leng raised the cup in his hand and raised it towards everyone: "What do you think?"

Several people thought slightly, and smiles appeared on their faces.

"A total of 30% of the profit, you are 10% higher than the 20% profit in the market."

"10% goes to the director, and the other 20% goes to the team. It's a good deal."

"Does Starlight Group want to raise its own director? I have never heard of this gameplay before."

A few people say something to me, the abacus in their hearts rattles, and they can't help raising their wine glasses. Needless to say, such a good thing is of course burdened. If this is the case when Hong Kong movies were prosperous in the past, it might not be the case of high coldness, but now that Hong Kong movies have declined, these few have long since retired. What about the itch? There are so many new directors competing in the mainland market that they no longer have their share.

Now I can direct high-quality dramas and my income is guaranteed, which is pretty good. Although it is not as good as the income of directors who sell on a single pole in mainland China, the current share is enough to satisfy these veterans.

"But a few of us are all subordinates, and our teams are scattered. It is difficult to build, but although it is difficult, it is not impossible to recruit and rebuild in the mainland. The question is who is the chief director?"

"Yes, Lao Zhao, you have a good question. Who is the chief director? This chief director is very important. Our filming method is a bit unique. It is necessary to capture the soul of the play, which is different from those in the mainland. If the chief director has a different idea from ours, then we won't be able to play."

A few people raised the key question.

After all, the professionalism of the team is very important, and the most important thing is who the chief director is.

"Lin Yu." As soon as Gao Leng said this, several people put down their wine glasses.

"Sister Lin?!"


"Mr. Gao, I heard that right? Sister Lin? She, she, she just turned 64 last month, she was 65 years old."

The assistant director is a veteran. These veterans are also in their 40s and 50s. This man is in his 40s and 50s. He is still in his prime, and the assistant director does need some experience, but the chief director is so tiring and laborious. A 65-year-old female director came to carry...

Several people looked at Gao Leng with amazement. They didn’t understand what chess he was playing. Subconsciously, they found it impossible. It can be seen that Gao Leng was very serious, not just talking, obviously he had played early. It's decided.

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