Gossip King

Chapter 1267: Completely different direction

Boom, boom, boom, Su Su’s hand was tapping quietly on the desktop, she took the information and turned over, looked down, watching for half an hour, her fingers stopped tapping and lifted up Over.


A glass of water was gently placed in front of her. Unlike the whole room full of people who looked nervous and serious, the old housekeeper who served Su Su tea was obviously used to this scene. He watched Su Su frowning and holding his hand. Passed the medicine: "Take the medicine."

"Mr. Su, are you sick?" The general manager of the film and television company quickly asked with concern.

Su Su picked up the cup, put the medicine in his mouth and drank it, then continued to look at the information. He picked up a pen and wrote a few words, his red lips slightly opened and said disapprovingly: "Small illness."

The old butler standing by frowned.

The illness is really not a serious illness. It is just a normal influenza. It is only a fever of 39 degrees in the morning, and a high fever of 39 degrees was measured in the car before the meeting. Fever is uncomfortable, but Su Su can't see the slightest sickness on his face at this time.

As long as she worked, she would be like a chicken blood. She patched up her makeup on the car, and still personally came to steer the newly established film and television company.

"Oh, President Su, you have to take care of your body."

"It's easy to catch a cold this spring. Have you caught a cold, President Su?"


The concerns in the conference room kept coming.

"Okay." Su Su waved his hand impatiently: "Just talk about the meeting at the meeting."


This woman is not easy to coax.

President Su is very beautiful, but no matter how beautiful, I dare not think about this woman, it is so scary.

Everyone who slapped the flattering crookedly shut their mouths quickly, drumming in their hearts.

Su Su stood up and paced back and forth a few times before red lips opened slightly: "Change the investment ratio."

Everyone hurriedly put their hands on the notebook, ready to record.

"Changed to invest in nine TV series, 30 movies, and 48 online dramas."

Hey, a group of keyboards knocked over.

"You are all veterans in this industry, and I agree with you. Increase investment in movies. In other directions, I just take it away, but I voted for nine TV series..."

Su Su hesitated.

The cost of recovery of TV series is slow. It is already a lot to order nine TV series this year. After all, TV series production is also slow. The movie is a fast-paced, quick-acting project with fast results. The scoring of 30 movies will basically allow Huantai Film and Television to account for a large proportion of the mainland movie circle. The production of Huantai will naturally seize the peak time period. Valentine's Day , National Day, Spring Festival, etc., there are so many films competing for hegemony every year. Thirty are enough to seize the opportunity in number. The investment cost of online dramas is low, and forty-eight movies add up to a small amount of money, but this amount is enough to squeeze out some small online TV drama companies that have just emerged and successfully seize the online TV drama market.

In the three directions, in addition to the TV series, the film and the Internet are all the directions that Huantai Films is pushing.

"Are there too few TV series?" Su Su frowned, thinking that he even cast three films in one breath.

His capital has invested in three games, and I only voted in nine games in this direction... Su Su thought.

"Many of the TV series are customized by major TV stations. It is difficult for us to absolutely dominate the market here. We have just started Huantai Film and Television. It is more appropriate to focus on the film industry. If there are a few that can reach overseas film circles, they will be listed directly overseas. , Financing is also easy." An executive said.

Others also agree with this view.

It can be said that the general direction of the newly opened Huantai Film and Television Company within five years after its launch is to focus on film and other supplements, and fully capture online film and television.

For TV dramas, the domestic TV stations occupy half of the country. People are official media with political characters, so there is no need to go shopping. To be entrenched is also a future thing.

After hearing this, Su Su nodded, and Gao Leng's direction reappeared in his mind. Looking at it this way, Gao Leng's direction happened to be the opposite of her.

He focused on fine products, and Su Su thought about it.

"There are two fine pieces in the TV series, and five fine pieces in the film." Su Su said, reaching out and pressing her temples. The high fever made her very tired. After such a long meeting, it was even worse. She had just been engaged in work. I feel that now the meeting is coming to an end, and the exhaustion is coming up.

"Since we have entered the film and television industry, we must produce high-quality products. I know that it is not easy to make a high-quality product, but at least we have to see the high-quality dramas produced by our Huantai Film and Television Company in the TV and movie theaters. We want to occupy."

Su Su turned his head to face the director of Huantai Film and Television Company, with a serious expression: "Mr. Xiao, we must occupy the boutique drama market, and we must occupy a certain percentage of the films invested every year."

The director hurriedly nodded: "That's natural, Huantai Film and Television will definitely not just cast junk films. We have already started to build the team to build a boutique drama."

"How many people are on the boutique drama team?" Su Su asked.

"Thirty people, all veterans in the industry, are responsible for finding good books, and have maintained good relationships with major directors, and some have some relationships with radio and television." The director replied.

For the film and television companies that create quality drama teams, there is no such thing as a director. The film and television company will maintain a friendly relationship with the director for a long time. This is subject to change for the director of any drama.

"A 30-person team is enough. Find some good notebooks." Su Su nodded, just looking for notebooks and maintaining the relationship between all parties. The 30-person team is indeed very large. After all, after finding the director of the TV series, the team during filming was brought by the director.

"By the way, the post-production team should find a good one, try to find a foreign one, and it is better to do special effects abroad." Su Su added.

Nowadays action movies need special effects, and the movies shown in movie theaters are mainly 3D. In these days, if you don't make 3D, you are in the movie industry.

In this world, the imperial people are the most obsessed with 3D movies.

Huantai Film and Television Company mainly enters the film industry, so the chance of cooperation with special effects companies is very high. It can be said that the money spent on special effects for a blockbuster film may account for half of the entire investment.

The special effects are still the best abroad. Once the special effects are good, the show is half as good.

"Of course, we produced by Huantai Film and Television, and the special effects must be foreign." Mr. Xiao smiled and nodded again and again.

Overseas special effects companies must have money, and Huantai is not short of money.

This Gao Leng's entry into the TV drama circle is also excusable. He doesn't have the financial resources to enter the movie circle. The special effects can drag him down. Su Su thought with some triumph, and she frowned when she thought of this.

Why do I keep thinking about his direction? My advance in Huantai and his advance are two orders of magnitude, really. As he thought about it, Su Su subconsciously stretched out his hand and waved it, as if he could wave away his thoughts with a single wave.

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