Gossip King

Chapter 1285: Hole guide

"Why is Mr. Su doing this again? What do you say she gazes at Mr. Gao's staying for? It will be very embarrassing." The little butler of Su Mansion whispered.

"Be careful." The old butler smiled slightly.

"Yes, be careful, why is President Su becoming more and more careful these days, she was not like this before. If you want to kill a company, just kill it, why bother to be so sarcasm."

The old housekeeper ignored it, but frowned: "Noisy."

The little butler quickly shut up.

If Su Su really wants to kill the Starlight Group, it is indeed an easy task. It will not be too difficult even to directly pressure the merger and acquisition. She did not do this, but repeatedly provoke Gao Leng.

Su Su has always said that shopping malls are like battlefields, and the spring breeze will regenerate. Once she gets on the bar, she always directly annexes or shuts down the other party, which will quickly end the war and replace all the other's middle and high-level staff.

Quick annexation and exchange of blood are Su Su's signature method. This is how the spring breeze blows and regenerates. As for the Starlight Group, she didn't adopt a quick fight, and instead seemed a little bit grinning.

It seems that it is more of a provocation and a stumbling block for you.

Things that didn't fit her character had appeared in Gao Leng many times, which made the old housekeeper seem very happy.

Gao Leng looked inside the venue, and the best position was the top domestic directors. Almost all the top box offices were there, and Director Zhang was also there.

The latter ones are the directors in the domestic establishment, who are specially employed at the various David TV stations. The directors who play with politics can live better than the directors outside, one by one.

In the future, there will be some directors who have not shown up for a long time, or have made award-winning films in the previous years, but later films are generally well-known but not many directors.

The last one is the director of the Internet TV series, all young faces looking at Su Su in admiration.

Although they are all good directors, good directors can be divided into different categories. From this position, you can see the advantages and disadvantages. That ranked first, either by Huantai or by the other three major film and television companies. If Gao Leng's film were not for the Jianguo Emperor's career, Zhang Dao would never find Gao Leng to film.

The first row is covered by those big companies. Even if the top three teachers are out of play, Gao Leng can only choose from the bottom nine.

Gao Leng's eyes wandered repeatedly on the directors, and the relevant information that had been consulted in the past few days appeared in his mind. The information of each director appeared in his mind as if it were printed. In an instant, fifty people were eliminated, and finally nine were locked. Personal body.

Tonight is the best time for him to find a director.

The director in the establishment is not in a hurry, there are already people like Director Lin. However, the director of "Lang Bang" is imminent. He must find it tonight and try to get a relationship in order to win.

"I hope that the directors who join me in Huantai can make good films, and hope that the directors who cooperate with us in Huantai in the future can sell at the box office." Su Su briefly said a few words and raised his feet. Wine glass: "Dried."

With that, he threw up his neck and drank a full glass of wine.

This woman is eager to drink. There is a woman on the table drinking, the atmosphere can be much more active, and Su Su drank a glass so domineeringly on the stage, and the applause was thunderous from below.

"Everyone, eat and drink well." Su Su smiled lightly, shook the empty wine glass, and stepped off the stage with praises.


After the meal, there was a banquet, and the hall was crowded with people. This director's event was even more a communication meeting. Directors from all walks of life shared their own information and asked for new information from others.

There was a large group of people next to the general manager of Huantai Film and Television Company of Huantai Group. Fifty films were to be shot. Some of these directors were directed at these films, and some of them had good books and wanted Huantai Film and Television to invest. In short, three Surrounded by three layers outside.

"Boss, good directors are all interested in Huantai. They invested more than 50 films. This guy, which director are we looking for?" The fat man looked around with a sad look on his wine glass. The capitals around Huantai They are top-notch ones, but others are not top-notch ones.

"Dare to wait for Huantai to pick it up, let's pick it up? Pick up what they have left?!" The fat man drank a bit depressed.

The upper three teachings were taken up by the big brother company, isn't it left with the lower ranks?

Gao Leng didn't speak, his eyes fixed on a few people, but he didn't walk over, just watched from a distance.

"No hurry, let's talk first." Gao Leng patted the fat man on the shoulder, and pointed to the directors sitting in the second position.

"These directors are fine. They are also second-line directors." The fat man raised his spirits.

"Most of this group of directors have a fixed system, so naturally they are not allowed to come out to take the scene without authorization. They are just to join in, and it is impossible to come to our filming." Gao Leng said.


The fat man looked at Gao Leng speechlessly, and he stopped talking several times.

"What do you want to say?" Gao Leng glanced at the fat man: "Let it go."


It's not fart, what to put...

"We can't even account for the second-line directors? Really look for the next best directors!" The fat man widened his eyes and lowered his voice.

"Look at what you said, how bad can those who can come here to attend the dinner party be so bad? That's also the top ranking in China."

"The director you picked is really down-to-earth. People Huantai picks big names." The fat man murmured angrily.

"Yes, Mr. Gao is grounded." A female voice that sounded very sympathetic came from behind. Turning her head, she saw Su Su holding up a wine glass and walking over with a smile. She raised her glass to Gao Leng. Take a sip of wine: "President Gao, welcome."

"I wish Xinglong." Gao Leng clinked his glasses and took a sip with a smile. The fat man was blowing his beard and staring at the side, but he didn't dare to have a face-to-face attack. Gao Leng gave him a vicious look, and he drank a full glass and stood aside.

"Which director did you look at?" Su Su naturally didn't put the fat man in his eyes, but approached Gao Leng to look at the director's area: "The two rows behind, a row of web drama directors and some who have not signed with me Yes, or you can dig and shoot your fine film."


Network TV drama directors are not popular, and this irony is really tolerable.

The fat man started grinning again, but Gao Leng gave him another look, so he didn't dare to rush forward. Su Su was very familiar with this state of being itchy and unable to get rid of her. The fat man glanced.

Gao sneered and said nothing.

"Look at you, are you careful? Just kidding." Su Su approached Gao Leng and raised his brows and smiled, and said in a low voice, "Well, the director in the second-to-last row, um, just those few. I have won awards and made good films before, but in the past few years, the directors who have been making worse and worse, you can choose whatever you want. If they rush to our Huantai, I will not accept them. Are we friends."


The fat man blushed and was about to explode.

"Why don't you speak? Too depressed?" Su Su was a little proud, took a sip of wine, and someone in the distance wanted to come over to toast. She smiled and raised a toast, suggesting that the other party should not come, and the other party quickly stopped.

Gao Leng looked at Su Su, and saw that her evening dress outlined her figure very well, and her eyes moved down. As Su Su was very close to Gao Leng, after all, what she said was a bit provocative, and it was not good for others to listen. Gao Leng is tall and tall, looking at it from this angle...

"Your **** are really good-looking, I was fascinated for a while." Gao Leng stared at her breasts: "The ditch is so deep..."


Su Su stepped back and blushed instantly. If it weren't for her business experience these years, she would really like to take a cold kick.

"It's almost like a gangster." Su Su cursed in a low voice, and the voice could be heard by the cold.

"Are you talking about the last time I played hooligans to you?" Gao Leng asked loudly, taking the conversation.


The people around looked over at once, and the connection between the hooligans and Su Su was really surprising and eye-catching.

"Who, who has been tricked by a hooligan, I haven't, I don't, I don't say anything!" Su Su lowered his voice more and more, and wanted to refute Gao Leng a few words in his heart, but he was afraid that the more he refuted, the higher the cold would become stronger.

The smart Su Su quickly shut up, raised her head proudly, twisted her waist, and turned away.

Obviously she ran away, her small steps were so breathtaking, as if she was flying away.

"Boss, which director are we looking for?" The fat man was frustrated. Although Su Su spoke provocatively, he still fits the current situation. There are indeed few good directors left for them, not to mention the Starlight Group can't afford to pay.

"Looking to Su Su, sitting in the second-to-last row." Gao Leng pointed out that direction lightly: a little better than the director of an online TV drama, the direction of the director in the second-to-last row.

It's really inferior...

Even the directors who come here are good directors, but others choose the rest of the good directors...

How do others choose the remaining directors to make quality films? The fat man didn't understand, he followed Gao Leng's behind and walked towards them with more frustration.

Fatty is in the heart of picking up leaks, maybe he can hit a good one?

Gao Leng seemed to have a clear goal. He quickly locked on a few people, walked in the direction of those people, stopped when he walked nearby, drank slowly, and listened to them chatting.

"The production of domestic dramas is getting worse now." As soon as it passed, I heard a director say indignantly. The director's voice was particularly loud and undaunted: "The group of people in the establishment will shoot anti-Japanese war films, holding the country's good policies. Now, what did this anti-Japanese film look like? After a "Latent" was released, a lot of undercover films appeared. Last year, there were 30 undercover films, and I felt like vomiting."

"Director Kong, keep your voice down..." The assistant next to this person tugged at him, and apologetically bowed to the former directors who turned their heads: "He drank too much, too much, so I want to throw up."

"What makes me want to vomit because I drank too much? It's the current junk film that makes me want to vomit!" The director's voice grew louder.

This director was the first batch of directors in China to break away from the national establishment, and he was also the worst group among the national establishment directors.

Originally, the country compiled the most popular and spicy ones, and the films they made have also won a lot of awards. The kung fu foundation is very good, and the salary and bonuses are also quite high. They want money, money, status and status.

He is a talented and capable director.

But all talented and capable masters also have their own ideas. Most of the directors in the national establishment are the books that each satellite TV bought this year, and then the directors in the establishment are divided into books and scattered for shooting.

This means that the director in the production has no big choice in the book, and you can shoot whatever you give you. Originally, people with no big ideas would have been filming like this for a lifetime, but this hole led to the insecurities of the name, and the establishment of the internal light asked him to film the parents, or it would be a red movie, and I was tired of filming.

This Kong director wanted to come out and shoot by himself, and shoot some films he wanted to shoot.

It was just that the art master came out boldly, but when it came out, it didn't matter so much. Later, although many films were shot one after another, none of them were popular.

Huo’s book, I won’t look for this guide, because this guide can be regarded as a director who started from the grassroots in the national system. He first worked in magazines, and after a few years as a reporter, he entered the national system as a cameraman and followed the crew. After a few years of filming and working as an assistant director for a few years, this counts as a director.

This is a non-professional-born director, and a director who has been filming for so long in the production line, once the production line is out, he is not used to it.

Either no one invests money to make his film, or no one buys it, so I bought it but the ratings are not high. Had it not been for a film made during the production and won a grand prize, it would be impossible to be invited here today.

Compared with the directors surrounding the Huantai Group and the three big-name companies, this director Kong is really a low-level director.

"Be quiet..." The assistant on one side was very anxious, and repeatedly lowered his voice to remind Kong Dao.

"Look at the directors around Huantai. They can be considered as directors?!" Dao Kong stretched out his finger and pointed with disdain. Fortunately, his voice was lower, otherwise the assistant would have to take him out. Not possible.

"A writer, a host, can this be considered a director? Although I was born in a non-professional class, at any rate, I was a grandson on the crew and became a grandson for more than ten years before I started filming by myself. These days, directors have so little threshold. Now?!" Director Kong took a sip of wine. This Shandong guy is too early to get drunk. He has always had such a personality that he is not afraid of heaven and earth, and naturally he is not afraid to say a few words.

"Guide Kong speaks too much, right." The fat man tutted twice.

"He knows it." Gao Cooling shook his head: "Don't look at his loud voice and harsh words, but the two directors he jokes about are a writer and a host. In this director circle, he really counts as his offspring. , One of his old predecessors said that it's okay to be born later."

"Lao Kong, what you said is wrong." A director next to him came over and patted him on the shoulder. He seemed to be an old friend of Dao Kong. He sighed and shook his head: "Now it's a market economy. At that time, it was different. Don’t look at those two young people who were not professional, and the things they took were... er, they weren’t very good-looking, but the box office was high! The box office was often hundreds of millions! This one!"

The director gave a thumbs up.

These days, the highest box office is the master.

"Hey." Director Kong sighed deeply and looked to Gao Leng's side. Gao Leng hurriedly lifted his glass towards him, but Director Kong just nodded faintly, then turned his head to follow. Others chatted.

After a few moments, I saw this guide Kong walking towards the director of Huantai Film and Television, with a full glass of wine in his hand.

"This director... can't it?" The fat man looked at Kong Dao's back and shook his head: "Except for the film he won during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the other films are not bad. I saw him going to Huantai to touch a nail. "

The four thousand-word chapter, it’s one o'clock in the morning, don’t be upset about your friends who are chasing the updates. My books are often boring to follow the updates. When I read them in one breath, they shout very cool and beautiful. It has always been like this. That’s because of me. The routine is different. It is not the kind of Xiaobai Shuang essay. This commercial war will be very interesting and realistic. If you like to read Shuangwen and hope to rise at a very fast pace, you can first look at other novels. There are many novels like this. muah.

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